>‘Lord of the Rings’: Amazon, Warner Bros. in Talks for Series Adaptation (EXCLUSIVE)
This is it, it's all over guys.
>‘Lord of the Rings’: Amazon, Warner Bros. in Talks for Series Adaptation (EXCLUSIVE)
This is it, it's all over guys.
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Idris as Aragon
Godfrey Gao as Legolas
This is it, it's time to die.
Wouldn't this be in direct competition to Game of Thrones?
Cant wait for them to showcase the current European diversity
Why? LoTR kino is only just over a decade old. Nothing coming out so soon will top it.
Please god no.
>yfw they address the eagle plothole
How? It ends next year, even if this goes through by god lets hope it doesn't it wont be on air before 2020 or something
please no
Cool I hope they bring back all the original actors for their respective roles.
Especially Saruman, he was my favorite.
So Bezos wants his own game of thrones. He goes to the most picked over fantasy book series?
Who wants to watch lord of the rings again but in TV format? Too Soon. Unless they show what happens after the ring is destroyed. Or way way before.
Should have just made a starship troopers TV show. Or buy TV rights to a popular independent comic book.
But HBO has discussed making multiple spinoffs of Game of Thrones.
Make it about Galadriel's daily life pooping and walking around barefoot.
Ends and gets 5 spin-off shows.
oh right fair enough i forgot, fantasy is hot I guess. WB owns tolkien related stuff isn't HBO also owned by WB? If that's the case they will plan so it wont overlap i guess maybe. This whole lotr series thing is just depressing as fuck.
>this time round, frodo and sam are explicitly gay
How does Hollywood contain all this creativity?
>inb4 they adapt shadow of mordor games.
why? theres already a perfect adaption of it why waste the fucking time. they should make a series based in middle earth but a new complete story kinda like how they did with shadows of mordor
well chris tolkien isn't selling any additional rights any time soon, so they're still limited to what's in the hobbit and lord of the rings
maybe we'll get a decent version of the hobbit, but unfortunately all we'll probably get is BLACKED
at least we're getting vanilla wow servers
Why didn't they just do something original?
>directly adapts the Shadow of Mordor series and not the films
That's a better idea to be honest.
Gives them room to be origin.
Because the old adaptation is HELLA WHITE
That would take time away from all the kiddyfiddling.
of course they're coming after lotr next because it's one of the last good IPs that haven't been niggerfied or turning into hamfisted political commentary
Jesus christ, liberals will ruin EVERYTHING.
We're not allowed to have original fantasy.
Every fantasy on screen has to be an adaptation of a book or fairy tale.
You'll never see the fantasy version of Star Trek or Avatar or whatever, where they make up their own setting and races and magic system.
im gonna kill myself
>that thread the other day about how if lotr was cast today itd be all women and minorities
>mfw seeing this thread
Get ready for strong black woman Aragorn
Why must everything good in life go to shit?
>there will be a plot between an orc finding love with a human (white) female
News like this can bring me to tears. I have such fond memories of the LotR trilogy watching it in cold winter. Before smartphones and retarded social media. Those appendices were absolute kino as well.
Just thinking about the quality those movies have, but also just the actors. How in the fuck, IN THE FUCK. Are they gonna replace Viggo as Aragon or someone like that as a lead. TV budget and TV actors are horrendous
Lotr was never a good story.
They should do a Similarion adaptation. Tales from Middle-Earth or something.
>in talking
BASED Chrisy Tolkien will never give those filthy kikes the rights, there won't be a POC filled LoTR adaptation until after we're all dead thank god
Frodo and sam will be gay
Saruman will be a WHITE MALE
Gandalf will be mixed african european, after his reincarnation he will be Gandalf the coal a 100% pure African specimen
user, I...
not even fucking joking, pic related is my exact reaction. what the literal fuck man? the trilogy is already perfect, in what way do they think they could ever expand or improve on that?
Finally. Hopefully they start with the Hobbit and each season is a book.
Also, hopefully Harry Potter's next
>Also, hopefully Harry Potter's next
That wouldn't be bad honestly, but lotr is just wrong
Oh, is he retired? I suppose 95 is a good as any age to kick back and finally relax.
Copyright only lasts 100 years. Its going to happen in your lifetime.
They could start by fixing the deus ex machina where the invincible ghost army wins the war for the humans in the third film.
And they could tone down Legolas' complete Gary-Stu-ness. And all the tonally fucked banter between him and Gimli in the middle of war.
Oh, and they can actually populate Middle-Earth instead of implying it's just 2 cities surrounded by mountains and fields and nothing else.
Have (((they))) completely run out of new ideas?
I genuinely didn't believe they'd do it. This was just some dumb joke we were making, it was never supposed to be real.
I'll decide how long I live
Too bad Chris will be dead of old age in a few years and the last vanguard against the hollywood hordes will no longer be around to protect us.
minor quibbles considering the butchering that's likely to come out of this
>The hobbits wander around Lothlórien
>Epic fantasy 2 steps from hell edition track #2 is playing in the background
>"Wow this place looks amazing" Frodo remarks
>"Yeah, if you like trees, trees, and oh! more trees! Besides, these elves are booooooriiiiing" Pippin says sarcastically
>merry falls down the stairs, looks up and sees a beautiful elf woman with a hot piece of ass and giant fucking tits smiling at him, which will be his love interest that will also prove to be a badass warrior later down the line
>Sam can't talk to Frodo without any gay undertones to cash in on tumblr
Nothing is sacred.
What do you mean? there were niggers in it
Orcs will be white males
>hating the gimly-legolas banter
dude, I'll give you the others but what the fuck? it was genuinely sympathetic. I don't see how the other things justify a tv show though. hell, if they actually do the three books, you just watch how all the marketing will go toward the diversity quota
they COULD do the silmarillion though.... just go all out apeshit with it. fanboys have been asking for it for ages and most people haven't read it anyway so it would be a nice expansion of the already existing film universe
>black elves
>"fairest skin of all"
>Every LotR thread will now be polluted with shitflinging because of a select few super autists defending it no matter how shit it is and racial crime statistics
It's been a pleasure posting with you friends, but I think the time has come for me to leave.
I seriously hope they get JJ Abrams to make this.
I want history books to remember the demon who ruined everything,
That's not how you spell elf
Some of you guys are alright, don't go to Warner bros HQ tomorrow.
please no not lotr
please stop
Tolkien addresses the eagle plothole. They fucking address the Bombadil plothole at the Council.
>Frodo isn't able to carry the ring to the top of Mt. Doom
>Black Samwise appears
>"Niggah, I ain't lettin' u down Mr. Frohduh! I'm always whichu mayne!"
>Carries him up the mountain
Just give me my shadow of mordor / war movie
I want to see shit talking Orcs in Cinema
To be fair, black Sam would be kind of funny if the adaptation was gonna be shit anyway.
That’s already happening with The Force Awakens, Beyond Darkness sullied his armor and TFA killed his reputation.
Sad that this is the best they can come up with after Bezos said "Bring me Game of Thrones"
you did this Sup Forums
you've been memeing about this for months and now its here
its your fault
you made this happen
Put aside the nog, become who you were born to be.
Shadow of War showed us how they’re going to give black characters.
Oh, they’re Harad orphans adopted by Gondorians.
Fuck, even Shadow of War, for all its carelessness towards canon, had the decency to explain away the black Gondorian as a Haradrim hostage turned state employee.
The game tries to be internally consistent, no matter how retarded everything sounds.
The only truly shit thing they use is sexy Shelob, explaining it as hurr shapeshifting when shapeshifters are stuck to very specific forms.
Didn't even have a mild chuckle. Wtf was that.
im going to fucking kill myself
>waah waah leave my cloakshit alone >:(((
>they make an episode about harad refugees fleeing to gondor during one of their civil wars between those under sauron's grasp and those who aren't
Can't wait to see Eowyn crowned queen of Gondor and blanda up with some bix nood Aragorn
You see it happening with games that are barely 5 years old getting remastered. Games like Skyrim and The last of us
One season for the Hobbit, two seasons per LOTR book would be ideal. Tbqh there's no way in hell they'd do a Hobbit one first, they would maybe consider it later as a prequel series.
Videogame writing is cancer
>everyone sperging the fuck out
>turns out they are making a parody with each season being one book
>high-cost sets
>fantasy as fuck but with actual R rated jokes
I'd be fucking down with that
>Samwise the Black
>Hobbits are all Jews
>Legolas is a Tranny
>Gollum is an poo the loo
the writers could do diversity fucking right
>Galadriel will be a lesbian
I hope they turn Mary and Pippin into girls
If it ain't broke, don't fix it
Why would you ever need to make Lord of the Rings again?
not if I kill myself tomorrow.
Check and mate.
its about time we need more diversity in fantasy
Who's ready for the abortion that will be black Legolas. I'm ready.
Despite the fake cast, Eddie Redmayne, Jonah Hill, and Ellen Page trigger me more than the black cast.
Frodo is going to be a nigger
Morgan Freeman is going to be Gandalf
The Orcs will be Aryan men