Why do jews pretend to like baseball?

Why do jews pretend to like baseball?

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That's supposed to be a thing? Jews hating baseball? I can't keep up with all this stupid racist inconsistent rhetoric.

They actually do love baseball as statistics stimulate the sheckel/talmudic sectors of their brains.

They need to blend in with the whites.

it's a running stereotype that jews aren't at all athletic, but I've never heard anything baseball-related specifically

>jews aren't white meme
Jews are whiter than most of your family and friends, Cletus.

>yfw Jews were good at sports when they were poor

>yfw you look this up and it's actually true

So that Americans trust them

All my Jewish friends say it is not okay to be white, therefore they are not white.

Are you suggesting you have to be athletic to like sports? Have you seen american sports fans?