/stg/-Stranger (but based) Things General


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Best girl incoming

Eleven truly was great, her and Mike are the best duo.

She still looks like a kindergartener

*breaths in*

Who’s in the wrong here?

Who is it?

Bruce Jenner

*saves your season*

>you will never be 13 again and hold hands with that cool girl you like




>all five kids get $30K per episode


my feels exactly

>those bug eyes
>that nose
Is he gonna be the Bran stark of Stranger Things?


>tfw I'll never experience teenage love

No, Finn's already fulfilled that role. Noah's gonna grow up to look like Bill Skarsgard.


Finn is gonna be the Kit Harrington of Stranger Things, except not be a menlet

please delete this

>It’s reported the fivesome earn around $30,000 (£23,000) each per episode.


who here /max/?



So will Millie release an album while in between projects?

Yes, lad. Wish they had developed her and Billy more though.

If anything they should pay Millie more. Also this sounds like her father will take over and demand more money. He's going to ruin her career.

One of them deserves less

No but Finn with his band Calpurnia is gonna release an album at the end of this year, he already signed a deal with a record company.
Finn and Millie collab when?

were't they supposedly dirt poor before all of this?

how much did Finn get for IT?

Goddamn it! How can she be such a cutie lads?


Jesus christ what's with the makeup she literally looks like the first girl that I kissed and fondled when I was 14, she was spaniard too.

I don't know about poor, but they went bankrupt trying to jump start Millie's career. It's actually part of the reason why she was crying in her audition tapes for ST, she had just got rejected for some other project or they just flew back to England. One of those.

Probably not much since the whole budget for the film is like 300k and they were all no body, he got the role before he got famous with ST
But they probably get a bonus after the film become a bit and they’ll get paid more for the sequel

Nah, that's Finn. Noah is cute and good actor.

Would I look weird if I buy this at a bookstore?

>the sequel
Sequel to IT? I haven't seen the movie, does it end like the original special like how it's two parts?

> Harrington
> good


how the fuck does she have such a god tier voice?

Useless, pointless character.

Literally shit tier character.

The only way you could come up with worse was with Nancy/Jonathan.

100 per cent best girl user.

>How was the pullout?
What did he mean by this?


>non-Eminem white people trying to rap

Truly a terrible sight.

Who is better, Steve or Billy?


Are they /ourguys/?

Billy was bad. Only memers like him.

The sofa, obviously.

Do you think the kids understood the joke?

both are /ourchads/

>Finn doesn't answer her phone calls
Truly the biggest Chad in the cast.

Millie already sucks dick going by the constant cold sores she has on her lip. I'm sure everyone on the cast understood the joke.



Hopper is /ourguy/. Steve /ourking/

>Talking smack on Millie

Millie is not for lewd. Get out. Delet.

Does the fact that the girl who plays Eleven is without a doubt getting molested effect how people view this show?

I like the show but everytime shes on screen I think of all the sick fucks and what goes down behind the scenes and it just makes me sick



what the fuck was with that ending? why didn't they cut the last seconds off, it would have been fine, why is there going to be a 3rd season

He meant how white people racistly pulled out of Detroit when their institutional bias was uncovered during the riots emblematic of his artiste and humour work

>it's a black ops authority figure is actually a good person episode
Best trope.

There's going to be a 4th season as well, user.

Potentially five even.

Objective Character ranking:
Dr. Owens

Rest are meh tier

>why didn't they cut the last seconds off
Because the two main characters weren't even in the season that much. Gotta milk /mileven/ till it dies.

the movie was just the kids and the sequel has to end the story with the kids as adults 27 years later.
(the book develops both stories at the same time)
The public loves the kids and they are going to keep them for the sequel.
I really don't know what they are going to do to not retell the story of the first movie.

Unless they are unlocking other memories like a certain time they got lost in the sewers...


>Implying secret government workers wouldn't be the most patriotic individuals ever employed by the government

You better hope they're the good guys. Those scientists wanting to kill Will by roasting the tunnel are a little too trigger happy for civilians.

>Unless they are unlocking other memories like a certain time they got lost in the sewers...

There will be 11 seasons. In the 11th season, my doorbell is going to ring with Eleven cutely calling my name.


So THAT'S why they call me 'big Ben'

Is that her hymen blood on his face?

there's going to be a sequel to It? Probably going to be a more true representation of the book, with the adult story intervening with the past. Nice to learn.

pretty accurate

+ spin offs.
They can explore other 80s movie genres.
e.g. Steve's Animal house.


god tier

good tier
>s1 mike

okay tier
>s1 nancy
>dr. owens

bad tier

dog shit tier
>s2 mike
>s2 nancy
>that indian bitch and all her goth friends
>max (why is she even in the show she doesn't fucking do anything)

>wake up
>don't recognize where you are
>look in the mirror, see Finn
>unlock your phone with Touch ID
>there is no trace of your old body, it's like you were never born
what do you do?

>tfw you will never hear, "user..... It's me, your..r.. Eleven"


Dayummm, who's this zoomer?!
Fucking hated those zoomer lines. Absolutely cringeworthy.

What is a zoomer?

Why do you torment me so?

a D&D character class whose abilities consist of doing nothing while being pretty

Jesus Christ who wrote Eleven's storyline it is complete trash

Was anybody else bothered how a demigorgon spawn just randomly was INSIDE ONE OF THE MAIN CHARACTER'S TRASHCAN?!

Has a character ever made a more complete transition from /theirguy/ to /ourguy/?

Prince Vegeta...
King Steve

It's like pottery

I rearely have the occasion of using some of my images.

This movie I caught on reruns when I was about 16-17 and it stuck with me.


Or how Will throws up the little slug at the end of season 1. Then over a full year it progresses from a slug to a newt. Then in like 3 days it grows to the size of a dog.

Make some dank meme on twitter

He was always /ourguy/

Patrician taste my friend.

>that coat

I thought the little slugs became the other demo-dogs only they just hadn't been seen yet and one of their babbies ended up on Dustin's trash since they probably ate out of the trash cans in the town.
Maybe since the Mind Flayer didn't have a sentient creature for his hive mind to use as a conduit in the real world they weren't programmed into the Mind Flayer's intentions and were just running on survival instincts of hide in teh dark and eat when possible.

Learn Finn's lifestyle and then try asking Millie out. If that doesn't work then I just sit around on Sup Forums all day.

Oh maybe the little slugs burrowed underground and started the vine mines so they were different creatures from the demo-dogs. I think that's more possible since they had a scene were they talked about something similar

it also deals with romance...goddamn, at that point in my life I was so into teenage romances, like the stereotype of teenage girl, but in reality I was drawn by the teenage romance in movies like Say Anything and The Karate Kid