Why the fuck aren't you dummies watching this shit? Under the veil of TLC reality horseshit is an exploration of the human condition that rivals some of the greatest works of art.
>turbo autismo goes to Brazil to wife some jungle monkey, insists on wearing a mosquito net at all times, spergs the fuck out and abandons his girl because he confessed that he was an arsonist, girl and camera crew end up getting robbed by a guy with a machete
>Dutch ultra mega super Chad decides he's into fat American alcoholic pigs and brings over a fat American alcoholic pig and all his friends and family trash her to her face
>betaboi goes to wife up his Filipino internet girlfriend, finds the hut that she's living in with her extended family, they spend their life savings on a pig to roast for betaboi, and he refuses to even take a bite without gagging because "I'm a picky eater"
>dumb American bitch goes to Spain to get with a Spanish playboi who literally gets paid to rank and judge hot sexy Spanish female asses, gets mad when she gets memed on by him every three seconds
>broken, horrifically depressed shell of a man decides he's gonna marry a Haitian, gets to Haiti and discovers she's fucking some alpha old man Chad that gives her scabies
>literal monkey-tier black guy goes to Paris to marry his sexy Muslim gf, only for her to tell him that she's got a boyfriend and that he's firmly and permanently gonna be in the friend zone, no matter how many faggy backflips he does
So there's the base series, "90 day fiance" - and then there's this spin-off, which is 90 day fiance - before the 90 days?
Parker Harris
Dominic Johnson
Almost all of them are an act/not real. But it is good.
Landon Ortiz
It was really good. I hope he and the Filipina come back for 90 Day Fiance. The Dutch guy was a fucking nut and he got boring after a while. He went into autistic rage because she drank some wine.
Justin Russell
The show literally makes no sense.
Caleb Ramirez
Where can I watch this? I got addicted to the youtube clips.
Hunter Campbell
Its all scripted which takes any enjoyment out of watching the show.
I swear they hire people based off instagram or being one of them.
Christopher Hernandez
Download the TLC app and get your parents' internet provider password
Hunter Young
>Spanish playboi Is this the one where she was bitching about his apartment being too warm and she was all dressed up eating breakfast while he was in his underwear giving her the "you're so dumb" look?
Ryan Baker
can we log into TLC online?
where are the mega links?
Leo Sullivan
Its bitch bitch bitch, and there is literally no reason for it.
Parker White
A bitch, bitches.
Really activated my almonds
Andrew Stewart
Bitch got lopsided eyes
Aiden Richardson
>Dutch ultra mega super Chad decides he's into fat American alcoholic pigs and brings over a fat American alcoholic pig and all his friends and family trash her to her face
I despise the Dutch but I enjoy watching them display their undue arrogance
Dominic Sanders
Jonathan Russell
Post some good cringe I can find on Youtube
Ayden Ortiz
Dylan Gutierrez
>that guy who brought like 5 crates of bullshit to Brazil
Chase Gray
need mah horder fix
Jason Garcia
Asher Lewis
Yeah. The first series was about these weirdos coming to America. This one is better because it's about the fucked up Americans going to these third world shit holes.
Jordan Peterson
>baaaaaaaybe the ac isn't working and it's hot in Spain what the hellllll >:paco just abandons her goes to his mom's air conditioned house for the night while she drinks herself retarded: >ey why chu mayd bayby, iss okay, iss no bad, no more wine