A thread where people discuss their favorites/new movies? People actually follow each other and like each other’s reviews? WHAAAA?
Letterboxd General
Why is the letterboxd Android app still shit? What the hell is so hard about porting the iPhone one to android?
BEep boOp Android
>not adding all the movies you've seen
Or have you really only seen 106?
The iPhone app is also shit
The mobile website is perfectly functional and good for 99% of use
completely new to the platform pls post profiles so i can add some people from Sup Forums for suggestions
my profile: letterboxd.com
also why is Xer and Ze an option for a pronoun????
How do we stop him?
A man with this much taste can only go on living for so long in a world of genelets
How was your October?
Seen Suspiria and loved it.
It was better than yours
Watched some good shit