Don't mind me, just pirating you

don't mind me, just pirating you


where in the body is the soul exactly?

Left big toe

between the mojo and courage organs

The soul isn't an organ as much as it is your consciousness, though despite not being physical it weighs 21 grams

next to sentience.

If the "soul" is just your brain and it doesn't transcend your body when you die, it's not a soul
souls don't exist, they're superstitious mumbo jumbo that somehow became ingrained in culture

but how can u explain emotions and personality? how does your precious science explain that?

I'd feel a lot worse about pirating if Hollywood wasn't completely run by dirty Jewish rapists.

t. no rhythm

Ever heard of determinism?
Your decision process is just a combination of biological proclivity and other inputs you've received over your life that shaped your perception of the world (eg if your parents brought you up in a religion, if you've done something before and know the outcome, your natural proclivity to take risks, etc)

good luck proving that

intestinal lining

I don't need to, it's already inherently proven

FUCK (((Hollywood))).

Streaming is a civic duty to stop the degeneracy.

>Inherently proven

LMAO, and this guy claims he's a scientist. I can tell you the soul is inherently proven as well and you can't do dick about it.

funny that for determinism, nothing is inherently proven.

This is the only response you could have made to me at this current time. There's no situation in which the outcome was different. It's not like you roll a dice to get a random number and use that to guide your decisions, there's a thought process and logic that is entirely based on your brain's natural proclivity and past inputs you've received

Can you prove any of this wrong?

Soul is the entity that experiences your experience of life. Brain is what enables that experience. Brain is the hardware on which the experience of life is run, the experience of life is the software and "soul" is the player.

No I can't because it's a hypothesis that can't be falsified. Just like you can't disprove god, or allah, or a teapot floating through space. That doesn't make it true though. If what you are saying is wrong, there would be no way to prove it because we only have one reality which is unfolding. There are no alternate universes we can observe. Your argument is bad.

You can see it in the eyes. Which is why people with black eyes act without morals

Lombroso pls leave

Link 1 (one) scientific article that supports this theory

Neurons fire sending signals to other neurons which in turn send fire to other neurons and to various organs. This takes place at roughly the speed of sound. If you made an exact replica of a human out of modern electronics his consciousness would have ridiculous reflexes while thinking and processing information at incomprehensible speeds.

There is no way to prove that hypothesis in a controlled enviroment over and over to get enough results as to make a reasonable statistic.
So you don't get to use it as proof for anything, because that's what it is. A hypothesis. A scientific "maybe"

The soul is in the ballsac
Proof; my subjective experience

Quantum randomness is a thing. Radiation affected genes are a thing.

There are no proofs in philosophy, I may very well be wrong. It seems self-evident to me that as long as the experience of life exists, there will be "the one who experiences the experience of life". And it can't be the brain itself, the brain is the one running the whole experience. It could be a construct within the brain, but I think that's exactly what people call a "soul". And you have to ask the big question, if a brain can generate a "soul", why can't AI? What's the simplest system that can not only have an experience, but also have the one who experiences the experience? If you leave GTA5 running, you have the hardware, you have the experience, but do you have the one who experiences it a human player isn't there? I don't know. I don't know how to generate a soul that experiences an experience.

your body is what experiences the experience, that's literally the purpose of all your different senses and shit
the brain is what combines all those senses together

Please stop being stupid. Let's go back to the GTA5 comparison. Your PC provides you with the visual and audio senses from the world of GTA5. Your PC combines all those senses together, it analyses them and creates the experience. Is your PC the entity that experiences GTA5? Or is your PC incapable of generating that entity? If you create an AI that plays GTA5, is that AI an entity that experiences GTA5 the way we experience life? I don't know the answer, to be honest. But I think that's the soul, the entity that experiences. Just creating an experience isn't enough to create the entity that experiences it.

your body is the computer, your brain is the entity
it's not difficult, user

Right now your brains natural proclivity should steer you towards the nearest open window, preferably 5 stories up