
I don't care what Sup Forums says, it's a fun show!

Other urls found in this thread:

yes, it is

(the three first seasons at least)

I like the start of 5. The rest of 5 and 6 are also alright, even though chevy and donald were the strongest actors with the most charisma

Remember the whole arch with troy learning to be a plumber?

helloooooooooooooooooo reddit

it is good to watch one episode per month. Other than that you will quickly see how formulaic this is


user just because something isn't cynical it can still be good. I never use reddit.
the truest repairman will repair men

on reflection I might have been less tolerant of 5 and 6 if they weren't preceded by 4, 1-3 really has a way higher density of great scenes

To me this show was magic. But it had everything against it, the budget was clearly absurdly bad in the last seasons, some night scenes were clearly there just so they didn't have to do proper lighting. And the best cast left

It was a good show. Especially when it still had Chevy Chase.

Donald glover was better

That DnD episode where they make fun of the fat guy was pretty funny.

Just gave this show a chance. Halfway thru season 3 now and it is surprisingly fun, charming, and comfy. And it makes me feel better about getting older desu.

Its literally trash sucking fumes on the success of STD riding their bandwagon to stay above water since STD is the smash hit of 2017 everyone is talking about.


It goes downhill from there FAST. But you still have another Dungeons and Dragons episode to look forward to.

Seems to be everyone's favorite. I personally like the one where they make the Greendale commercial and Jeff plays the dean as super flaming and the dean loves it



Community season ranking

1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 6
6. 5

Community hot tail ranking

1. Annie Kim
2. Rachel
3. Britta
4. Annie
5. Frankie
6. Prof. Slater

>4. 4
What the fuck kind of world do you live in

Oh now I know you're baiting

>4. 4
actual kill yourself

Well I'm a peanut bar and I'm here to say

I like the one with the dice and different timelines.

>choosing the disgusting kike over the all-American white blonde
kill yourself

I like the criminal yam investigation one

Went to complete shit without chev, and the fucking religious nigress is so goddamn annoying.

>4. 4
>5. 6
>6. 5
i was gonna ask what the fuck was wrong with you but then i saw you use the phrase "hot tail" unironically and realized you were probably 12

I've never watched this show, but a house mate of mine I lived with for a couple years listened to some jazz elevator song he found through this show and I haven't been able to get it out of my head for years now. Is the show any good?

>first 3

you mean first 2. 3 is when it went to shit.

do do do doo do, do do do do, do do do doooo do do do do deledooo

yes it's good

>3. Britta
>4. Annie
annie is leagues above britta

Only about half of this thread is shitting on it.
Which, by Sup Forums standards, means 100% A-plus certified kino.


Yeah it's a generally very good show.

The pilot isn't particularly representative but the first two seasons are great, as is most of season 3. Season 4 they fired the showrunner and viewed in isolation you'd probably think it was a pretty okay sitcom but there's a clear drop in quality. Season 5 and 6 have a diminished cast and have some great bits but aren't nearly as consistent as the first 3 seasons.

Alison Brie has massive baps I like watching them bounce on screen

I'd say 3 has more good episodes than 1, very slow start