I'm going to hear the voices of all of these people whom I hate with a passion if I watch this
Luis Clark
> John Oliver as Zazu What the ever loving fuck? They kept James Earl Jones why not use Rowan again?
Sebastian Hall
Rowan's above it, and I say that with full awareness of some of his career's lowest ebbs Alternatively, Disney may not think kids will know him now and [current year] man is more famous to Yanks
James Campbell
I hate that piece of shit John Oliver so fucking much. He's an authoritarian leftist shitstain and compulsively lies.
Why are they putting him in this?
Jaxson Perry
Uh, can she even fucking act? I mean, I don't really have anything against Beyonce, but really? That's who they're going to get? Out of all the numerous actresses and starlets to be who want their big shot, they get Beyonce? I mean, that's great for the singing parts and all, but they couldn't get someone new and talented who could use a chance at stardom? Fuck, if you want a black actress, get one who deserves recognition and who can act and sing amazingly, yet remain undiscovered. I mean, they definitely exist, right? Then why the fuck don't we have a real actress?
If it has something to do with "star-power" to attract more audiences, remember -- THIS IS THE LION KING. PEOPLE WILL SEE IT. It just baffles me that out of all of their options, they chose a pop artist who probably can't act. That to me smells of this movie not "truly" wanting to be as great as the original, but as a cash grab. It's shameless, really.
This is absolutely moronic, and I am sickened that people on this board will probably see it and thus reward such a lazy effort.
Christian Ross
Are you familiar with the life of Rowan Atkinson who he is replacing?
Nolan Hughes
get her Oscar ready.
Blake Rogers
William Perez
A black in my kids movie?!?! LITERALLY WHITE GENOCIDE
Jose Robinson
I'm more pissed about John Oliver honestly
Brayden Thomas
Shut the fuck up you whiny faggot. She's doing a voice.
These live-action remakes are utterly pointless cash-grabs anyway. It would not be "good" or worth watching no matter who they cast. There's no point in getting butthurt over this, just watch the animated version again
Glover isn't a bad pick for Simba though
Evan Allen
also they are replacing all the elton john music with beyonce slay queen
Ethan Peterson
Luke Diaz
Disney is in the billion dollar making industry son. If you want something that's not a lazy effort, maybe you should try ditching Hollywood for a while.