Are we living in the cyberpunk genre and too blind to realize it?
Are we living in the cyberpunk genre and too blind to realize it?
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I actually live in LA and I chuckle at how wrong Blade Runner predicted the demographic and cultural trajectory of this city.
Elysium was a shit movie, but it was entirely accurate with it's vision of the future for California.
but blade runner isnt cyberpunk
then what is it?
We going the other way, things will get more naturey
For cyberpunk head east
there is nothing cyber about blade runner, not even thematically.
to be fair it's a 1982 vision of the future of la
then give me an example of cyberpunk
In the east, they are
The west still regulates building/planning to some degree
Its a bio punk story with neo-noir aesthetics. The original was the same.
>sprawling waterless concrete desert
Johnny mnemonic.
Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049. "High tech, low life." Both fit the bill.
well we have artificial wombs and genetic editing now, we're almost making replicants of our own.
I find it funny that of everything that sci-fi got right and wrong, none of them predicted the internet. Instant communication could be a sci-fi concept in the 60s and they wouldn't even think of the hive mind levels we are now.
High tech low life isnt cyberpunk. Thats just punk.
We live in the worst cyberpunk future. Disney's a megacorp as far as I'm concerned.
Go home and take a shower you crazy drunkard
American sci-fi always promoted individualism. Hive minds are nearly always the enemy.
What is cyber about blade runner? Where's the cyber?
The photo enhancing machine.
the creators of the internet couldn't predict the impact of their invention. our timeline seemed improbable
cyber=cyberspace or cybernetics There is nothing cyber about blade runner
nigga everything. br and br2049 are peak cyberpunk
No, it is peak biopunk.
>Biopunk (science fiction) is a subgenre closely related to cyberpunk that focuses on the near-future (most often unintended) consequences of the biotechnology revolution following the discovery of recombinant DNA. Biopunk stories explore the struggles of individuals or groups, often the product of human experimentation, against a typically dystopian backdrop of totalitarian governments and megacorporations which misuse biotechnologies as means of social control and profiteering. Unlike cyberpunk, it builds not on information technology, but on synthetic biology.
don't bother user, nowadays anything "future" is cyberpunk
If the movie it's made from Deckard point of view and he's a replicant, stuff like the dream sequences are actually cyber space.
They have computer networks in both movies. Besides, this is an argument over semantics when the "high tech, low life" descriptor is the most important part and both movies fit the bill.
oh i get it. almost like the word is meaningless and people are just attaching it to blade runner to feel like they understand the film better when they say it to their friends.
>totalitarian governments and megacorporations which misuse [technology] as means of social control and profiteering
We're LITERALLY living in sci-fi
>They have computer networks in both movies.
When was this the focus of the plot? When was any of this shown?
It's not trying to predict the future, it's creating a world that bears similarities to the way the world was heading towards in the 1980's, but adapted to suit the story themes. 2049 is a continuation of that world imagined in the 1982 movie, but even further into that bleak future.
Almost, right not we're in a technological thriller akin to a movie like Eagle Eye or a Bourn film. Slowly but surely the world is becoming Blade Runner or Minority Report. I'd guess at most in 10 years we'll be in full cyber punk mode.
It doesn't need to be the focus of the plot. You could set a romcom in a cyberpunk environment.
cyberpunk is the umbrella term
learn to live with it analfags
is Her cyberpunk then?
Ghost in the Shell
>I have to share a board with """"""""""people""""""""" who think like this
that world isn't dystopian. it's utopian.
I only saw about the first 15 minutes of it like 2 years ago, but maybe.
future is going to fucking suck
we're at like the plateau before the huge drop, when people finally get replaced with machines for all low wage low skill jobs and society will tank at that point
Some people are.
life right now is just a big game of musical chairs, better hope you don't get left without a spot once the music stops.
ehh shut up
>Cyberpunk is a subgenre of science fiction in a future setting that tends to focus on "a combination of low life and high tech"[1] featuring advanced technological and scientific achievements, such as artificial intelligence and cybernetics, juxtaposed with a degree of breakdown or radical change in the social order.[2]
>Early films in the genre include Ridley Scott’s 1982 film Blade Runner, one of several of Philip K. Dick's works that have been adapted into films. The films Johnny Mnemonic[3] and New Rose Hotel,[4][5] both based upon short stories by William Gibson, flopped commercially and critically. More recent additions to this genre of filmmaking include the 2017 release of Blade Runner 2049, the sequel to the original 1982 film, and the 2013 film Snowpiercer.
Anyone who says br isn't cyberpunk is autistic.
What did he mean by this?
they never could have predicted parking podiums
Unfortunately we didn't get the aesthetic, just the shitty corporate dystopia.
>greentext in the bottom is literally unreadable
stock up them credits chummer
If you can't understand that post, bad news, you've got the 'tism.
The moment smartphones stopped being a luxury and started being a necessity marked the downfall of the post World-War Earth.
Christ that looks ugly as fuck.
Grow up
Aren't I supposed to hoard bullets and silver instead of money?
Metal Gear Solid 3
Star Wars
Final Fantasy
Yes this is bait.
unfortunately they are a big thing in cities all over the country the last decade because it is cheaper than having parking underground.
How far away are we from structures that can hold 200,000+ people?
FFVII actually is cyberpunk
And I'd consider MGS4 and to an extent Revengeance to be cyberpunk, but if you haven't played MGS2 you seriously can't have a discussion about post-modernist media
Why don't humans build big Pyramids anymore?
its cyber but its not punk, the punk aesthetic has been gone from sci fi for a while now
It's not a matter of "how far away", it's a matter of "that would be expensive"
If you're rich, you can jet off to safety when SHTF. Otherwise your best bet is to live in a major city and make lots of friends. According to people who lived through collapses in South America, go-it-alone individualists were quickly picked off by gangs. No matter how much you hoard, you won't beat whoever ends up in control of the military armoury (likely a breakaway faction of the army itself).
Agreed. We don't build anything cool anymore. mean a parking garage?
literally what the cyberpunk genre is
White man took our pyramids
>Snake Eater is about a VR mission to train another Snake
Seems ok.
Yeah without doubt have you been to Watford?
>artificial intelligence and cybernetics
Where are these in blade runner?
Almost, lots of money is being poured into ai because it has been dreamed possible to replace most workers. I cant see a positive outcome for gentiles in the future.
To be fair, 1982 was a different time. That was smack-dab in the middle of the whole "japan is going to take over the world" because of their meteoric rise in that time and before their economy crashed. It was also before we had this open borders bullshit in full-swing and Reagan Amnesty and all that.
Overall, I'd say Blade Runner got it right. The future is endless urban sprawl where we all live as atomized bugmen in places that have been completely "diversified" to the point where the original culture/people is gone and hardly anyone even speaks english.
Read Neuromancer and Snow Crash.
Where was Joi in blade runner 1?
Are you fucking retarded? The entire aesthetic of cyberpunk basically boils down to and stems back from Blade Runner.
The podium occupies usually the first 5-10 floors of a skyscraper. They are truly awful looking.
Lotta people who have never consumed the big fiction titles of the genre labels they are throwing around ITT.
Wrong. Cyberpunk aesthetic was created in The Shockwave Rider. Hacking, cyberspace, computer viruses. Blade runner has none of this.
neuromancer, blade runner, ghost in the shell.
what am i missing?
Noir/Neo-Noir was created long before Bladerunner.
How about you give us a list? Would help with the whole "what is cyberpunk" argument.
no one who can actually pay rent will get an apartment with no windows, i lived in a basement room with no windows when i was NEET, and it honestly made me crazy and suicidal
Neuromancer, GITS, Snow crash, The Shockwave Rider. Blade runner is the odd man out, it has no hacking, nothing is cyber about it.
Neo Noir=/=cyberpunk
>he believes GAY theory
this movie is actually more cyberpunk than BR
Neuromancer is greatly inspired by BR. You can read William Gibson's quotes on it and how when he went to the theater to see BR, he was shocked because it was the spitting image of exactly what he wanted to envision.
>as far as I'm concerned.
As far as anyone who has been paying even the slightest attention.
Shit's monolithic right now.
>giant holograms dance through the streets
>all your memories could be artificial implants
>you walk down a dark alley, past a shady artificial body part dealer
>anyone on the street could be an artificial human being
>you finally make it home and wank one out to your qt AI gf
Totally not cyberpunk though
>2049 is a continuation of that world imagined in the 1982 movie
Yes, there was a PamAm advertisement and the holographic ballerina said CCCP, so the Soviet Union still exists in the world of the new Blade Runner.
I thought that was an interesting choice.
satan give it up already. cyberpunk is ever-encompassing like the sprawl.
oh yeah forgot about that.
Perfect Dark