D-despite jewish gun control in our city...a nigger still shot me, Peter...
>"It was the Man of Sand, Peter, h-he did this"
>mfw it's true
jews did 9/11
>th-the dune coons hit me with their truck of peace, Peter...
>*looks straight into camera*
I love this shit
911 was inside job
>"t-t-thirteen percent of the population... but commit fifty percent of the crime, Peter....."
>with great power comes...great responsibility. The responsibility to seize back our nations from parasitic jews like the Osbergs. We must secure a homeland for our people and a future for white children. The day of the rope is coming and every gene trash piece of shit is gonna swing in the wind, get shot to pieces, or burn.
>i saw thinkgs you wouldn’t believe peter
>napalm glistening in the darkness
>gooks on fire off the shoulder the nam
What did he mean by this?
>all these memories will be lost, like children's screams in the roar of a flamethrower. time to fry
What did Raimi mean by this scene?
>Peter I've looked into the past of that girlfriend of yours, Mary Jane... it's not pretty Peter... Her great grandmother on her mother's side was named Goldberg... Goldberg Peter, do you know what that means? ...I'm sorry Peter, but she has to go... You know, the one drop rule, we've talked about this... Anyway in the footage I got from the spy cam I hid in her bathroom I found out she has a very decent pair of breasts (a very Semite trait by the way)... Have you ever seen her naked Peter? I imagine you have, you must be engaged by now... Well if you haven't there's plenty of footage on that in my closet... Just don't touch the lower drawers, or better yet just burn the whole closet down when May isn't looking... Goodbye, Peter
"Peter, shit is about to hit the fan in Hollywood, delete my hard drive and all destroy all my USB sticks hidden under my desk. Don't tell Aunt May"
What did Raimi mean by this?
>not knowing about Raimi and Mel speech at Oscars in 98'