How do we stop this, Sup Forums?

How do we stop this, Sup Forums?


I have yet to see Snyder fags actually defend Cyborg's design, even though he was 100% responsible for that. Unless Snyder is only an auteur for the parts of his films that are good.

I also notice how they immediately deflect these criticisms by spamming MCU or Civil War green screen webms, as if that's somehow an argument.

>shit indie movie foxusing on one character
>android negro no ones cares about when there are six other major superhero and villain cgi to worry about
fuck off back to marvel quipverse faggot

>as if that's somehow an argument.
It’s an argument which shows that bad CG isn’t exclusive to Snyder or the DC film franchise.

Wow, speak of the devil. I guess this isn't the whole movie, but his design is atrocious. No matter how shitty Marvel is, this is just as shitty if not more so.

>Snyderfag Argument Tactic #43
Whenever someone mocks or criticizes a DC film, you must immediately accuse the critic of being a Marvel fanboy without any evidence.

>implying marvelfags don’t do the same thing

Stop hiring Indians.

Literally. I'm not joking. Stop giving CG jobs to the third world and you wont get third world results.