First three weeks, holocaust

First three weeks, holocaust

Then sex-ed, with live demonstrations.

>mfw burger history class is literally muh holocaust and muh white guilt
I thought it was just a meme but it's actually real. You burgers are so fucked. lol

Are MDE really racist or is it just part of their schtick?

>really racist
da fucc do that even mean tho??

are they legit racists or are they just being ironic

Is it really "racist" to stick up for your own race, and recognise that there are problems facing it?

Blacks, Asians and Hispanics do it, so are they racist too?

ayo fa real doe wut separate a legit racist from a ironic one?


Are the MDE comedians who aren't Sam Hyde mad that he fucked it up for them by IRL shitposting?