ITT - Celebs who have done nothing wrong


Didn't he kill his wife


poor kid looks like him

Oh sweet Jesus that poor child looks like him.

He murdered his wife is a mental retard.





nope butthurt conservative meme because he says dumb liberal shit.


He's a retard, but the "murder his wife"-thing is a stupid alt-right conspiracy theory because they got mad at some tweets

You can hate/like whatever politician but c'mon man don't use your kid like that. You look like a bitch.

why is that larger retard holding that smaller retard?

no way, the alt right would never get butt blasted over something like tweets

yea unless his wife was pumping herself full of coke and heroin at the same time

>Dyke haircut
>Problematic glasses

That poor, ugly kid

Being ugly doesn't stop someone from being successful. Maybe in entertainment, sure, but plenty of jobs outside of entertainment.

Don't gotta be pretty to be an accountant.

She's almost as tall as him

She looks like she has down syndrome

>child with a vote sticker
No fraud here.

her mom was smart and her dad is ugly, so i'm not surprised if she's ugly and chubby and smart.

>wife investigating his dad
>his wife dies in his sleep later, drug OD from 3 different suppliers
>he wakes up and avoids even checking on her for 12 hours
>when he calls an ambulance she's been dead for hours
>a week later he's cheerful and normal at events

yeah, he murdered his wife

So does he

it was from a heart issue she and he didn't know about so how did he know she would od off that combo or amount?

answer is no one knew

he was working in his office and she was sleeping in because she had been up the day before writing a new book for long hours so it was supposed to be a heavy day of sleep aka her heavy sleep was planned by both of them.

So dose your kid oh wait

what exactly did he do wrong?
murder his unstable wife for the sake of his child? thats just common sense
being a FAS child? not his fault really
being kinda left leaning and bashing Trump? he need to make a living


looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome. no wonder patton murdered his wife though she was probably hitting the bottle because of him

t. Patton

friendly reminder Dan Schneider is innocent.

he killed his wife after he heard she voted for trump when she got back from voting. he gave her sticker to his daughter. she just didnt get the big picture.... his daughter was NOT living in a fucked up circus version of America

i wouldve said that hes just a happy person and hes not a pedo but its hard to explain the foot tweets...

That's what happens when your parents are drug addicts.


You didn't dispute any of that, just repeated his recent claims which contradict the original story.

jolly, when it's a fat person they're called jolly