Daryl kills Morales 10 minutes into next episode Carl is stabbed and killed in the midseason finale Michonne puts down Walker Carl Rick goes down a violent dark path similar to Morgan Morgan dies near the end of the season, getting slashed with a knife covered in walker guts In the season finale, Rick almost kills Negan with Lucille but decides to "let his mercy prevail" and puts him in the cell Morgan built
Kino season incoming?
Easton Stewart
Is this true? If so that is seriously ballsy to change the source material that much. I have a hard time believing they will kill Carl. Where is the evidence of these claims?
Nathaniel Hall
Well fuck.
It's gonna be good season then.
Dylan Jackson
>puts him in the cell Morgan built I don't watch the show anymore but this is a living room in a suburban house with a mattress and a chain on the wall, right?
Leo Hall
good kill'em all. Might as well kill rick then show a flash back to Shane and Andrea actually leaving the group and start fresh with them
Chase Edwards
Joseph Nelson
Wasn't Carl poppa in the flash forward post war? That doesn't add up. However, Chandler is pursuing college. So it would be sensible to kill off his character if he's done with acting for a bit. If this true it'll change things drastically in the future. I just don't see Kirkman giving to green light on killing off such an important character.
Kayden Peterson
It's probably a dream sequence then, like with the negan scene
Jayden Scott
>Carl killed such a pointless story for a series length character
Xavier Long
I believe that the actor is starting college/university and will have less time anyway. That's the only thing that makes me believe this.