Better Intro than the Real Show Edition
Better Intro than the Real Show Edition
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Curly haired El is cute. CUTE!
>Better Intro than the Real Show
I disagree, but I'm taking it and thank you
I didn't know el Billy wore a wig! It looked so real
If Finn and Millie actually got along in real life, this set photo would've looked like something from the show.
was surprised to learn that as well. the costume design for the whole show was very impressive
please reply if you find it at any point
would be interested to hear cast members or staff talk about stuff like that - directing, writing, cinematography, even costume design, color grading/sfx/post-processing etc.
OP here. I guess it's because I get a raging boner at this moment every time.
True that. Set play speed to 1.25x
Based finn
Based froggo
i'm happy as fuck they used c418's remix as the OP music
i know him irl, so dope they used his mix (well, a modified version of it that he did)
>I disagree
I agree with OP on That matrix art of the characters looks cash money, especially with Punk El. But S1 has the best actual intro, it's an instant classic.
it's almost 6 am bucko
s1 and s2 have the same intro, no?
it's almost 8 am fucko
yeah no fucking shit
didn't you hear how he got turned away at the US border because he had (trace amounts of) cocaine on him?
it is weird to hear his real voice after only hearing his "american accent" in the show though
Has a show ever had such a large change of allegiance in the fanbase as the Jonathan S1 × Steve S2 switch?
No. There's a big silly "2" in season two.
Thanks for making my point friendo
Link to those who haven't seen it yet:
Netflix has a monthlong free trial family
it's 2pm?
LOL is that why he's cocaine boi? Fuck I need to lurk more.
No I had no idea he was British, his accent is completely not what I expected him to sound like.
it's 99% the same. same for all intents and purposes
>in the US
She’s aging faster than sour milk
do you think the cast is aware of the attention they get on shady sites such as Sup Forums tv?
Oh, that's good. Really good.
yeah, Millie a shit irl. sour milk is the perfect way to describe it. El is cute in the show
Best part of Beyond was Gelman dropping the eggs and saying "oops" being completely improvised
>That matrix art of the characters looks cash money
well yeah, but the show opening is ethereal
Seems like you need to have a substance abuse problem if you want to play a character of the Byers household. I'm wondering how long until Noah Schnapp develops a Vicodin addiction or some shit?
based user
>shady sites such as Sup Forums
it's just another internet forum
do you guys know what makeup is
yes. she looks better without makeup. my point was her personality is beyond shit irl.
holy shit, i can't believe that
"are we actually in Will's map?!" was also improv
Based Finn
I just started watching BST, Millie looks thirsty for Finn and one of the Duffers looks pissed
>her personality is beyond shit
Not really. She's a sheltered homeschooled girl who just so happens to be a huge extrovert. She's weird but she's far from bad. Or maybe you know her more than I do.
nah, they don't like each other irl. Millie and Noah are good friends though.
duffers didn't seem mad to me, just a lil awkward in general.
she's not weird at all, she's just way too into her """fame""" and obviously thinks she's all that. plus watches the Kardashians and totally embraces the cesspool that is Hollywood culture even at such a young age. it's bad.
>nah, they don't like each other irl.
She’s just awkward around Finn senpai and Noah is her gay best friend
it's a pretty well-known thing. I'm on mobile and have to go now, lurk more or search it online, or maybe someone else will answer
if anyone's gay it's Finn, not Noah. though who knows (or cares)
Who said that line?
>forgetting about based bob
dont do this user
Did anyone else think the kissing at the end was weird?
I don't remember anyone kissing at my school at like 12yrs old
Maybe we were just all awkward
Not him, but it might be this.
I remember a question about the Pixar guy directing and them talking about how it felt for them having different directors.
12-13yo is a normal age for a first kiss when you're in a "relationship"
thanks, will check it out tonight
>light peck on the lips
it's normal desu, it's not like they are tonguing each other
do you think there's any hope for Steve and Nancy or is it over
>it's not like they are tonguing each other
>he doesn't know about the makeout scene planned for S3.
If you're a Milevenfag you'll have a field day.
Do you think Finn sneaked in a cheeky tongue in that kiss?
That’s the reason he said “I’m coming in”
we can only hope
though him as babysitter is funny too
Steve is too good for Nancy.
>this reply with this gif
my sides are in the upside down
>he daydreams about a scene where 2 tween kids french kiss each other
go away dude
bigass tongue
*looks at you like this*
worst character coming through
at least she's a qt
To anyone uploading or linking the real Finn hurthard video (the one with the Johnny Cash song) I have to say this, and this comes from both David and I, you don't have to buy my book.
>go away dude
The Duffers already mention a makeout scene and Finn brings it up in BST.
It's gonna happen.
She's not, though.
Are you just attracted to even the homeliest children?
Sadie seems disgusted when they start talking about the kiss scenes and shipping, based.
>plus watches the Kardashians
like all girls though, it is really comfy though
enh, she sorta is in some scenes. not on the same level as El obviously
People like you remind me of Murray, if Murray was absolutely wrong in everything he said
she has a cute butt
>12-13yo is a normal age for a first kiss
She's kinda cute, but she's no Millie.
Also Eleven >>> Max in literally every way.
good shit
Who are David and M Frost?
>To anyone uploading or linking the real Finn hurthard video
>it's not like they are tonguing each other
why, what would be wrong with that?
This tbqh
California tight jeans doing God's work right there
Millie isn't cute, El is
>"Ah, Mike. You put your tongue in my mouth."
>"Uh, y-yeah. It's called a French kiss."
>"French kiss?"
>"Yeah, y-you put your tongue in each others mouth. Here, like this."
>they think female pedophiles don't exist
>they think female pedophiles aren't at least as common as male pedophiles
I was molested by women multiple times throughout my childhood (aunt, babysitter, some lady who visited us at school (most likely put up to it by one of the teachers)), and when I was very young (younger than Finn is now) I had my first relationship with a 17 year old.
The schooling system is CRAWLING with women who are there just for little boys (or girls, too). When I was with that 17 year old I thought it was the coolest shit in the world of course. That she actively tried to make me feel like shit all day long and psychologically abused me just seemed like the price I had to pay. Someone that age who wants to have sex with someone younger than her (even more so with a 27/14 relationship) has severe issues and is out to hurt and control someone. /ss/ might seem like fun (and ironically I'm almost exclusively attracted to older women), but it's a horrible psychological event that only hurts the boy. Don't fall for this shit just because it makes your cock hard.
>b-but it's just lust on their part and I think it's cool to fuck an older girl/woman!
I know you think it's cool. So did I. However, a woman who wants such a thing is inherently a horrible person who gets off on immaturity and the ability to hurt someone like that. STAY FAR AWAY
If there are any 13/14/15/whatever year olds reading this, please take my advice. Don't do it. Not worth it. Even telling the story to anyone IRL will hurt. There's a reason EVERYONE who experiences this kind of thing says it fucked them up.
fucking tragic tbqh
pic reated is cuter
post a pic
whats with calling people who are attracted to people with developed primary and secondary sexual characteristics (post-adolescents) pedophiles?
Is it really something as literal as law coming to inform morality and not the other way around?
based Finn
Only plebs liked Jonathan.
Steve always been a chad since season 1.
>caked in all that makeup
>retard pose
never, ever
people use it to mean anyone under 18 because they're retards
>we're pretending the reason so many of Finn's instagram frans lost their shit was because they were concerned for his safety and not because they were jealous that this literally who model lady had a better shot at getting his attention
>"My will to live!"
>I was molested by women multiple times throughout my childhood (aunt, babysitter, some lady who visited us at school (most likely put up to it by one of the teachers)), and when I was very young (younger than Finn is now) I had my first relationship with a 17 year old.
I envy your life
teach me your ways
I’m sure whoever made this video loves Finn in the purest way and see him as an inspiration
it's copypasta
>it's a people who carve Finn Wolfhard's name into their wrist get salty when someone makes a joke about Finn Wolfhard being good looking episode
Steve deserves better. Nancy is a slut
what's /ss/?small and sexy?
the question is how to screen cap on Netflix without getting a black screen as a result
same, she didn't even seem like she hated it that much, it's just fun to meme
nothing wrong with a woman who enjoys sex or whatever, but yes. he's a better babysitter/bro than boyfriend
>me on the right
>what is google
straight shota
what? works fine for me on Mac. try an external program like sharex, greenshot, etc. that lets you crop an area
or give me a timestamp so I can find it myself :^)
I've just posted it a couple times to raise awareness.
Circumstances, really. I never sought any of them out. Maybe little me was cute?
By the way, has anyone here ever been molested by a man? It's quite a common thing and despite all the stuff that gets posted here I've never seen anyone confess to being molested by a dude.