Why is Tom Hardy playing Venom?
Why is Tom Hardy playing Venom?
He's a big guy
venom is straight edge.
mmmm parker
for you
I like Tom but I agree
I don't think he can do a good venom
Are the story spoilers out yet? is he gonna be crazy evil venom? or pussy Venom?
my guess is pussy venom vs watered down carnage
he got jipped by Sony because that lying dirtbag amy pascal was saying it was part of the MCU continuity.
I promise, this is not tom hardy typing
Anti hero story or A villain protagonist fighting an eviler villain?
He's a big star
he's a great actor
Who would be a good carnage?
Idris Elba
He's not a bad actor, but I don't understand how he became a 'name' actor being so forgettable on screen.
the fuck are you smoking? he owns every scene he's in
Unironically jared leto. He basically played cletus kassady in suicide squad.
Walton Goggins
forgot the pic
Tom Hardy actually acts. Revenant was a perfect example. When I was watching Hardy he felt like a real mountain man. When I was watching Leo it felt like I was seeing Leo with a funny mustache
Tom Hardy is one of the best actors in Hollywood right now.
jackie earle haley
I think you meant "Tom HARLDY actually acts."
That may actually be it.
He never registers for me as "Tom Hardy" on the screen. DDL is the same come to think of it.
Brock's a big guy
Jim Carrey
but he actually isn't
Willem dafoe