Steve deserves his own show. Not the diversity quota
Obvious shill
The only one of them outside 8 who had any semblence of personality was the mohawk guy.
There's no characters to want to see more of.
I really don't understand how someone like Jack can even be real. It's like he goes out of his way to be the worst person he can.
Won't watch season 2. What's special about episode 7?
Jack "Got a spot on the panel to fill and can't miss a shill" Packard strikes again, boys.
Jay needs to have a word with him.
Season 2 is good with the exception of episode 7, which can literally be skipped with nothing of value being lost
Based Jay
It's like god decided that on any situation there always must be someone on the wrong, but couldn't bear to spread the burden to many souls.So he created Jack Packard.
Insufferable cunt.
Reminder that Rich cited episode 7 as one of the highlights of the season.
It's an episode where that follows a random group off in Chicago out to get the government for being evil. It takes place during episode 6's events where everyone else back in Hawkins deals with the actual plot of the season.
Personally, I feel it does allow for some important plot notes to be set up, but they could have done those in a more natural way with a bit more effort on writing. Essentially it comes across as a shameless set up for a spin off or extreme shift in S3 and kind of takes you out of the main story just as it starts to get dire.
Also it's a bunch of weirdos and outcasts lead by some British Indian girl so naturally you get easy complaints from the internet.
>Jay gets more likes and retweets from his criticism of Jack's comment than Jack gets for his initial comment
It was unironically the best episode of the series
the anti-sjw crowd on Sup Forums sperged about it because of the actors then the rest of you sheep followed
>ignoring all the legitimate criticisms against the episode and simplifying it down to "muh anti-sjws!"
Fuck off.
It's a very cliche and boring episode with a bunch of shitty new characters and has basically nothing to do with the rest of the season. Eleven's entire story this season really kinda sucked but this was the pinnacle of shit since it's basically a total waste of an hour that does nothing except tease a possible plot of season 3 and it comes after an actually interesting cliffhanger on the previous episode. Season 2 is still pretty good overall, you should watch it.
>the low common denominator didn't like it
>this somehow disproving his point
Fuck that, that's not the reason why people hated it. Most people hated it because it was cheesy as fuck, from the way they dressed to how they talked to the way way they even moved. That episode felt genuinely juvenile, like something out of nick junior. I felt like watching skins in its goofy parts combined with a shitty ripoff of xmen set in the 80s. I had to actually rewatch ep 6 and then skip to ep 8.
A show where he hunts different monsters and basically turns into Ash from Evil Dead over the course of it would become an instant classic
he was right until "but it's fucking great"