>Don't mind me, i'm just 'streaming' this handbag
This is what Sup Forums actually believes
>Don't mind me, i'm just 'streaming' this handbag
This is what Sup Forums actually believes
>she doesnt get to keep the handbag
but at the same time taking someones item, streaming wouldnt take item away, it would copy it.
The weak should fear the stronk.
Don't you have some coins to clip?
nice trolling OP, but we on Sup Forums are smarter than that, i think youll find
What if you had the ability to make copies of everything you touched.
So you grab this woman's purse, she sees you have it, but she also has hers.
What happens?
The goal is to get their bank account money, so whether there are two debit/credit cares or one doesn't really matter, they're linked to a single account.
>mfw I just torrented 4th season of star trak tng
>Dude fuck paying for movies
>Dude why is the cgi so bad in my movie why don't they use more money to make it look better reeeeeeeee