>11 days
anyone else excited for more Peaky Kino?
>11 days
anyone else excited for more Peaky Kino?
Brumfag here
Is this shit actually good? All I see is that top hat meme around here
you're thinking of Taboo you spastic, this is Peaky Blinders
yes it's good
Ahhhhhhh, okay. thanks.
They're called pikeys you dumb fucking Yank
nah it's just good enough to waste time with
it's like fourth-rate guy ritchie with a little nouveau-nazi homoeroticism thrown in
>nouveau-nazi homoeroticism
Check out that projection
Well, about cracking time for that, innit?
Are they supposed to be irish travellers in the show?
>redditors that are obsessed with working class english accents
I guess I'll suffer through another season for Cillian.
>Aidan Gillen, star of Queer as Folk, Quantum Break, The Wire and, of course, Game of Thrones as the slippy-accented Littlefinger, has been confirmed for series five by Empire magazine.
>Gillen is joining the show in the upcoming series as Aberama Gold, a hard-nut gypsy who is said to be an 'uneasy' ally of Cillian Murphy's Tommy Shelby.
Pure kino s pure
God I hope we see more of him. Great character when used sparingly.
>promises she'll never have to be a whore again
>let's her get raped as a distraction
Why didn't you save Lizzie, guys?
The countdown has begun, were almost there.
more like
Meme show. Fuck off with your shitty hats and attempts at a brummie accent.