What are your favorite period films? Any based on classical literature? Any obscure recs...

What are your favorite period films? Any based on classical literature? Any obscure recs? Personally I'm particularly interested in films that take place in Europe from 1000-1850, but anything goes.

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pirates of the carribean

This the highest form of Period-Kino

>Europe between 1000 - 1850
You've named 90% of period dramas


it's like Barry Lyndon but not

>Europe from 1000-1850

So the whole history of Europe?


Room With A View

War and peace was classic

>So the whole history of Europe?
Except for... the other 2k of reasonably well-recorded history, and the 20k or so of fairly-continuous archaeological record, sure. And also the 167 years of history following 1850. But sure, I doubt anything interesting happened during those times.