I most likely this one too.
Injustice 2: The Green Edition
except for Red Tornado, it's not a bad list. WOuld need a Ted Kord skin for dialogue with Green Lantern
What's the general Sup Forumssensus on this then? Are you Anons gonna preorder? Buy Day One? I was thinking of preordering but when I saw the price I said fuck that.
Do you think they have a decent roster so far? Whi's your favourite character? Not for maining, but in general
Mine is probably WW
We're getting the wings so I'm sure we're getting the horns
She was my main last game, i hope she hasn't been screwed too much (I barely used the sword stance, so I probably am)
>implying boon will cater to comic fans
The dlc will be :
>red hood
>sub zero
And your gonna like it
Anyone think he kinda looks like Atrocitus?
Whats wrong with Red Tornado? If anything, it would be good practice for Fujin for MK11
Why everyone wants Red Hood?
Why no one outside Sup Forums wants Plastic Man?
So what if Scarecrow is just an alternative skin for the Joker? Change his knife to that needle-glove, keep the gases. Scythe to crowbar somehow. And does Crane uses guns at all? That the only problem I can see