If this isn't your favorite movie then you're wrong

If this isn't your favorite movie then you're wrong

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>Kevin Spacey

no thanks

That is one awful poster

Stop supporting that rapist Kevin Spacey.

Baby Rider

Good idea executed poorly

Spacey is sketchy

Way to reddit for my tastes.

Do you think Spacey raped the twink?

Spacey was the one driving Baby.


*climbs on top of you*

Separate the art from the artist

wait the main character is a male? from looking at the posters I assumed it was a mexican woman. jesus christ

it is honestly a very shit movie.

by all acounts it was enjoyable, and fun. 15 minutes into it i was thinking, "wow, this movie is actually really watchable. nothing amazing but im pleasantly surprised."
by the end of it i honestly couldnt believe i was still watching it.

2/10 very bad movie

1/10 made me reply bad post

I'll admit the story was nothing spectacular, but the editing is fUcKinG aMaZiNg

>Take the time to write good main character
>Fuck it just make him dance

its not just the story, its the progression of the story itself. the editing really grabbed me at the beginning but it wore off pretty quickly. its stupid when the group turns against him and gets his girl involved, it just seemed like things were happening for no reason. it is really the epitome of mediocre.

Why are we supposed to think the protaginist is cool? He acts like a tit.
Also, who the fuck is that actor and yet again why are we supposed to want him in the film or the focus of the film?

Some of the driving stunts were cool but overall it felt like a basic-bitch version of Drive. I'm actually surprised Refn hasn't said something about the many parallels, since he seems autistic enough.


Why is a Dodge Challenger on all the promotional media when it was used for literally less than 2 minutes at the end of the movie, and nothing cool was even done with it. I guess to lure in the normie crowd that is more impressed with a muscle car than a hawkeye WRX?


>a basic-bitch version of Drive.
This is what it seems like to me.
Is there any reason that it isn't?

super special redditfag protagonist