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Television and Film
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Television and Film #899
Television and Film
This is fate!
The Man, The Myth, The Legend
Have a movie ever made you cry?
God tier alien species concept is wasted in a bad/meh movie
Next on the chopping block
So, did he really kill all those people, or not? Let's discuss this theory itt
What's his name again?
How does this character make you feel?
Whats a good flick to watch with your brain turned off
Can we agree that she was a way better Lois Lane than Amy Adams?
Can we settle this shit once and for all?
DC or Marvel fan, which one are you?
/stg/ - Stranger Things General
/South Park General/
Justice League "As Bad as Suicide Squad"
21st Century Fox is planning to sell their capeshit to Disney. This is the end of anything good about capeshit
Is the Highlander TV series any good?
Sopranos General
What's the next step of his master plan?
Look at my dubs Dick!
This could have very well been Snyder's original vision
Why is it so bad?
Why have none of Craig's Bond movies been nearly as good as Casino Royale was?
Middle aged 40something man who was killed long before home video game systems became a thing
Movies you've dropped, and why
Emma Dumont (born Emma Noelle Roberts; November 15, 1994)
What did they mean by this?
Qhat the fuck are we going to do once this man dies ? only movies worth actually waiting for and wanting the leaks for...
Red Sparrow
You're my present this year
Who was in the wrong here?
What are some movies about extra terrestrials disguised as human beings?
I'm going to a chicks house tomorrow and I have to pick the movie, what the fuck do I pick...
Is she a good actress?
What did he say to her?
J.J. Abrams
Hey umm their making a "Wheel of Time" TV Show
Despite being portrayed as badasses in The Sopranos, the real Jersey Mob was a bunch of incredible fuck ups...
Cara delevigne
ITT: times retarded fans went too far
Any other movies that feel like you're having a fever nightmare...
ITT: Anya
Doctor Who General /who/
What's the point of sex scenes in film?
Where did you rent your movies?
What are some good movies to watch with my dog?
Kevin Spacey sexually assaulted me!
Browsing through netflix
What's their best episode?
Black Panther Is ‘A Scientist And A King’
What did he mean by this?
"You look like a fucking pig in heat, and if you get raped by a pack of niggers, it will be your fault."
It's okay to be white
This is the most tryhard shit I've ever seen
What was the point of this character?
What do you think Mel said to her?
What THE FUCK is his problem?
If Citizen Kane was made today what would his last words be?
This is the best show on television right now. Prove me wrong
Who will win?
Should one drunk mistake made 40 years ago define a man?
If the Amazon LOTR gets off the ground and doesn't go full KANGZ what would you actually like to see...
Why does Sup Forums keep getting away with it?
Star Wars
It's time to decide Sup Forums
Well, Sup Forums, what was he looking at?
What did taylor mean by this?
What a great film. You didn't tell me this was kino
54 year old actor engaged to 31 year old woman
The horror... Kevin Spacey-type predator
"A story of the ages." ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
What is some quintessential trapped behind enemy lines kino?
He died and not a word was said
Is this Sup Forums related?
Get ready lads, next year's Oscars will be one for the history books...
Villain is a female
Why does Hollywood love Polanski but loathe him?
Who was in the wrong here?
Is he permanently ostracized from Hollywood now?
Dora the explorer looks like THAT now!?
WTF is wrong with French people?
Broad City once again proves its revolutionary writing/direction
Who was in the wrong here?
Thoughts on this?
Emmy Rossum can't act
Do Americans really do this?
Post height and favorite movie
Lets quote full house
Where's the fucking Southpark thread?
What was the worst movie you were forced to watch?
Arnold Palmer Alert!
Character has to go to work
Why do the bad guys keep winning?
How fucking mad is this hack when he found out that the President the United States would rather eat a $10 hamburger...
What did they call him?
What does Sup Forums think about Broad City
Band of Brothers was released 16 years ago
Leave capeshit to me
The Man in The High Castle
Mariah Carey Accused of Sexual Harassment
Didn't see a thread up
What are some good arthouse films from India?
The writers should get tested for killing their main villain three movies in
Is this Sup Forums related?
Frasier was one of my favourite TV shows from the 90s, and was also one of my Dad’s favourites shows too...
Variety: 'Metal Gear Solid' Film Being Written by Jurassic World Screenwriter
Pyramid scheme of sex slaves
mfw there will never be another show like Prime O & A with Patrice and Louis in studio
27 years old
So it turns out she liked the kiss after all
She got raped 6 times in the vagina. ...thats a warrior
So, what do you consider to be these hackfraud's best material?
Comfiest 90's films. I'd say Truman Show and Groundhog Day are the best ones in this category
Who's your favorite American Idol winner? For me it's Kelly Clarkson
Justin Trudeau plays Canadian war hero, Talbot Papineau in "The Great War"
BR2049 Final Cut
/Riverdale/ General
KONY 2012
/stg/ - Stranger Things General
This show is legitimately good. Why did it get cancelled?
Draw a scene from a movie in Paint. Others will try to guess the scene
So what exactly were these? Some kind of Facetime service?
I've watched all of Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, and Halloween. What are some fun slasher movies...
"The Immigrant Song" plays while a black woman slaughters an army of undead...
Portia De Rossi Describes Casting Couch Sexual Harassment From Steven Seagal
Killed millions
Plot is ramping up
Damn...they hit this one out of the park
How Harvey Weinstein Used Mossad Agents to Try and Shut Down His Rape Accusers
Dannyboy Schneider still not accused of any sexual harrassment
Comy Peep Show Thread
*blocks your path*
What did she do wrong?
ITT: Post a film character with the same hair as you, and others have to guess the film
So, you guys liking the 3rd season?
*Accidentally creates the best movie of all time*
Former TV anchor says Kevin Spacey sexually assaulted her son in 2016
How did the parody turn out better than the real McCoy?
What’s the best frontal nude scene in film?
Fassbender: "I would never consider myself British."
Why doesn't Sup Forums talk about The Deuce?
Mr Robot Season 3 Episode 5 SOON
What was the point of this?
After the success of transformers, does Isabella Moner have a future in Hollywood?
Mr. Reese, we have a new number
Why is Goose box office poison?
Comfy Simpsons thread
What was the point of it?
Broad City is a masterpiece
There will be no more BR2049 screenings
Times you saw a film solely because the lead was the cutest thing you have ever seen in your life
HAPPENING: Former Israeli PM introduced Harvey Weinstein to the Mossad spies
Theater attendance at a two-decade low and profits dwindling
Justice league pre-screening
Replace one word of any movie with "jew" and post results
What Chinese movies are actually worth sitting through?
He Was A Console Of Rome!
Man arrested for stealing Maserati he drove to see 'Blade Runner 2049
Why the fuck is everyone hating on gays all of a sudden?
The Holy Mountain
Get laid! I'm Rich Evans, I've gotten laid, you can do it!
Bill Nye explains the Science behind Stranger Things Upside Down
What did she mean by that ?
Why is Cowboy Bebop So Good?
meanwhile at Sup Forums's film school class
What's his endgame?
Why isn't there a thread about this? RIP
Did she do it?
Characters without a clear motive
I'm so hyped for Season 2 of Search Party later this month. This show is so good
ITT: we cast new Amazon Lord of The Rings TV Series
Do you think Ariel is working out so hard because people like you call her fat?
How many more are going to get called out for sexual assault? I want this to stop, this is getting ridiculous...
She LOVED the kiss
Apprentice Thread #2
Robert Knepper brutally anally raped woman
Sup Forums Films you've recently seen
Who WOULDN'T want to get buttfucked by a young, pre-aids Charlie. I don't see what the big deal is
This wasn't supposed to be a documentary
Why the shoulder pad?
How long until Disney buys Games Workshop and makes a Warhammer 40k movie?
Jeffrey Tambor Sexually Harassed His Trans Assistant
Was it really that bad?
Truly, they were an Aqua Teen Hunger Force™
Based italians
ITT: Scenes women will never understand
The Apprentice UK
My gf and I are about to see Thor in an half hour. What should I expect?
I don't give a shit about athletics. FUCK, SPORTS!
You told me brave new world/idiocracy/1984 was science-fiction
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Hello you
10/10 actresses in their prime
The Believer (2001)
What is the official Sup Forums opinion
Hollywood abuse scandal
Two days until Justice League OST. GET HYPE
What are some kinos about men willingly becoming slaves of a goddess?
Seth Rogan to helm The Boys adaptation
Ay yo Pavel
Abigail Breslin is fat now? What the fuck? When did this happen...
Recommend me a good anime movie. I already watched Ghost in the shell and I liked it
How come they don’t air this episode anymore?
Good soldiers dying for nothing. All because they couldn't see the future. Sad!
Watch first episode of season 2
Why did they drop this plot line...
What would you like to see in the Spidey sequel?
Is Tyrese going to be okay?
Does Hayley's career actually have a future...
Are we hype?
It's okay to be white
Your popcorn & soda, sir. Anything else i can get you this evening?
ITT what were they thinking moments
Legends of Tomorrow
Remake after remake. Cape shit after cape shit. How do we save Hollywood?
Movie/tv show features real life news anchors
Would he have been a better boss than Tony?
Mel Gibson can't direct
With the death of the Dark Universe, post your favorite Monster movie
What are some movies where the villains use hilariously complex ways to kill people?
He should be allowed to come back to America. It's already been 40 years, let bygones be bygones
Hey faggot turn around, I'm the guy with red hair
What is the best depiction of Satan in film?
Holy shit
Does Johnny Depp have a Californian accent from LA ?
We will never know what happens to Lenny after the ending of season 1
There is a new discord server for discussion of arthouse and experimental cinema, please join in you are interested
How did he get out of this situation?
$300 million not including marketing
How come most depictions of Batman stay away from adding Robin? Isn’t he just as important as Batman?
You lied to me Sup Forums, you said nobody cares if you go to the theaters by yourself
Webm Thread
Is Farscape, dare I say, the GOAT sci-fi TV show?
How will he escape from this one Sup Forums?
The 2 people who cared about the dark universe are devastated
Tfw unable to attract a mate
What truth did kubrik drop to nicole kidman?
"Hey, have you watched the new Mummy movie?"
Universal ABANDONS Dark Universe
Is The Wall musical kino?
Post best kevin smith movie?
The Winds of Winter
Why does Sup Forums pretend to like the prequels?
Whats your cinema gimmick?
Morning baby! *kiss* so what movie are we going to watch tonight...
What happens in the womb to produce this face?
Mr Robot Season 3 Ep.5
14 women have come forward charging the late night host with sexual harassment going back to 1992
January Jones can't fucking act
Charlie Sheen raped 13-year-old Corey Haim on the set of the movie "Lucas" (1986)
What the fuck happened to her?
Is it any good?
NARNIA NEWS: Joe Johnston will direct the next Chronicles of Narnia movie–The Silver Chair
What are some of the best alternative history movies/shows that aren't the Man in the High Castle?
Why didn't mde make it?
The absolute state of Hollywood
Palpatine is a Sith Lord. If you spare me and give me a fair trial I can provide more information to proove it
I-is he gonna make it bros?
Well congratulations, you got yourself caught! What is the next step in your master plan?!
Ladies and gentlemen, your new Aragorn
Hi, I'm here to destroy your franchise
Gonna Drop in about 5 hrs he sexually assaulted a sous chef after offering her cocaine and then 3 other will come out...
IGN's pics for a X-Men movie
Diamond Dogs
Qui Gon was cool
What went wrong?
Im on a Casey Affleck binge-watch right now.Already watched The Assassination of Jesse James...
What does Sup Forums think of Jenny Slate?
We did it, Sup Forums!
I am going to meet Ian McKellen tonight
Does Lucas regret selling Star Wars to the jewish Mafia?
Do you respect Tony Soprano?
Mfw brainlets near me prefer Stranger Things over Twin Peaks
Game of Thrones
Is this kino?
Find a flaw
"A Triumph." ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Yo y didn beardy jack sum eagles
Weinsteingate continues: Mariah Carey sued for sexual harrassment
Star Wars : The Last Jedi
Did anyone else see this powerful film about one of the most tragic days in American history?
Star Trek /Discovery/ General
1,135 days until user so dumb, knows nothing like a child
We all know it's going to be shit. What RT score does Sup Forums predict? Can't be higher than 50%
Woow what twist. This movie sucks
Cars 3
Chloe Moretz
Why Hollywood can't into good female protags?
Forgotten films critics pretended to love
/stg/ - Stranger Things General
Johnny Depp is officially a box office poison
Has there ever been a more powerful nude scene in cinema?
Why do no cyberpunk TV series exist?
Finish watching a movie
So it was all in her mind right?
American Psycho General
Imagine being Chris Hemsworth in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Cate Blanchett, you fuckin' evil...
Spielberg's next film is about the Washington Post
Could Netflix finally be destroyed?
Vice Principals
/who/ - Doctor Who General
What am i in for?
Yes. Holy shit do I not like the Nolan movies, or Nolan in General...
Talking like that to a guy when his sister is right there
Post your favorite movie and what other boards you browse and let anons judge you and make fun of you
ITT: Your favourite celebrity Twitter breakdowns
So the gungan were the niggers of naboo, right?
So we get another Snow Kino
Did the weinstein scandal change your view on starlets?
Joe Rogan will die in your lifetime
As popular as Berserk is how come it has yet to have a live-action?
Riddle me this /t/v - if Hulk's powerlevel is practically incalculable why is in every movie and cartoon he gets his...
Why did Dr Grant shit his pants upon seeing the dinosaurs?
I watched Star Wars for the first time
Where does he stand on the political compass ? To me he seems like an autoritarist communist
There's an actual pepe in the movie
Best South Park episodes?
Bring back Futurama
Why is this movie so comfy? Is it just nostalgia or something else?
Black Panther
Kiernan Shipka is turning 18 years old. What's next for her career?
Larry is correct. why are women like this? why can't they stand men having good time?
This didnt make any sense
How is this allowed?
Literally not a single bad season
Aragorn's going to be brown isn't he
Why didn't God simply kill Sauron?
Any more documentary kino?
Just bought this, what am i in for?
Why isn’t Cena a big movie star like the Rock yet?
We need Christopher Nolan but we're out of budget
Is this Puppet kino?
When Hauer performed the scene, the film crew applauded and some even cried
/stg/ - Stranger Things General
World's strongest "actor"
The Walking Dead
How come some actors have new wifes now? Does this affect their careers?
Chris Hemsworth Vacation
So either im a full blown plebian or this movie just wasnt that good
What's it like to be this good at acting but limited to very specific supporting character roles because you're a 6'9...
DAMN Cleopatra looks like THAT?!?!
I like Villeneuve but I think he's really going to fuck up this adaption
Is there a better tv trope than bad guys becoming good guys?
If Hugh Jackman doesn't win the academy award for best actor it's not even worth watching the academy awards after this
Is McBride Sup Forums approved? He’s a funny guy...
What are some Sup Forums approved comedies that are actual "haha funny"? I want to be like pic related
How does his trilogy measure up against those of Captain America and Iron Man?
Who are your favorite African American actresses?
This is just like that time I fought Majin Buu
/ausg/ Aussie Film & TV general
TFW youve finally found your old ree yees figure
Jesus Christ... how did The Goose get away with this??
Probably the worst show of all time, that or angela anaconda
AHS Gender war Edition
The Orville
Flash e04e05
Have you ever worked on any films Sup Forums?
What are some powerful movie lines?
Is he too pure for this world? Or is he [spoiler]next?[/spoiler]
Who's excited?
Post people who are by all means talented but always pick shit roles...
Name one film
What other interests do you have besides movies, user?
I saw... some ships on fire once.. and... Man you had to be there it's hard to explain
ITT: lines that trigger nu-males
Unironically had a woman tell me after this movie that he most likely DID do something inappropriate to kids...
Uhh guys
Rooney Mara
Character on phone
ITT: GOAT tv show opening theme
He's over 22 and still posts on Sup Forums
How did an old blind man make such an organized rape dungeon?
What are some movies about subhumans?
The internet has rendered this show irrelevant
Just saw this. Is this the first movie that someone can actually say is too smart for the average viewer...
Seth was the good guy all along
Not one fucking joke. My girlfriend didn't want to see Bladerunner or Thor. No...
FMA Live Action Movie
Galaxy Quest came out almost 20 years ago
What do you think critics' opinions on this will be?
/stg/ - Stranger Things General
Why didn't you tell me how good these old bond movies were?
Just marathoned this and enjoyed it. What are some other /NumaleCore/ films?
You're given $150 million to make your dream movie. What do you create Sup Forums?
Is it worth seeing?
HAHA the STATE of the DCEU!!!
And your other gun
Just admit you didn't "get" it
What are some other good documentaries that analyze different classic films?
Let's do the alphabet
What are some good movies to watch with your dog
Wonder Woman is the Highest Rated Superhero Movie on RT
What's his name again? Sup Forums
Hug Marry Kiss
What went so horribly wrong?
Reminder that Spain translated Die Hard as "The Crystal Jungle"
Well, Sup Forums?
Is this really that bad?
Need movies that will connect me closer with black culture
Find me a more punchable face. I dare you
I wanna fuck Kirsten Dunst really badly, whats a good movie of hers? Already seen Marie Antoinette and Virgin Suicides
Thirteen years old
It's a Sup Forums pretends to not like family guy episode
I need something really depressing to set me over the edge. More depressing than threads or lilya4ever
Is the Evil Queen the hottest on Once Upon a Time?
How do we from this
I work hard all day
How do we fix this?
Favorite parodies GO!
Let's talk about terminator
Hey Peter, I killed your mom, wanna join up with me?
Films No Woman Could Ever Understand
AHS: American Horror Story Cult
Just found out my dad wasn't my real dad and my biological father is in prison for 4 gang/drug related murders
ITT: actors you KNOW haven't raped or molested anyone
This is the best MCU movie and it's not even close
This dude back where I worked at the ahh styrofoam peanut factory like he converted the toilet into like a bong and you...
Why didnt Ross just hire someone to move the couch up?
Hey Sup Forums, Mike "The Corporate Hoe" Rowe here with another "dirty job" for you
The #1 movie in America
Takes over friend's channel
But really
Sophia Lillis' career appreciation thread
Dr Pavel, I'm ______
Can we have a movie poster thread? got this one hanging on my wall
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Who should they cast as Nightwing in the upcoming movie? What would the plot be? Who would be the supporting characters?
25lb is just 11kg - is that babby's shit supposed to be impressive?
Do we all agree a calzone is the best food item to sneak into a theater?
What the fuck is this?
Do you agree with this Sup Forums
Just marathoned the first episode. What did I think of it?
Sophie Turner Tells 'Stranger Things' Fans to Leave Finn Wolfhard ALONE
Why aren't horror movie scary anymore? Why are directors so obsessed with making atmospheric garbage?
Jeepers creepers where'd you get those 56%
He didn't fly so good
HACKsaw ridge
Sup Forums related tattoos
What's the point of these guys...
Rose McGowan
Pixar did it again!
yells in puerto rican
Blade Runner
Janny puts a ban request on me for BRRRAPPPposting in a troll thread
You guys should fuck and I'll just... do my thing upstairs... be as loud as you want
*blocks your slaughter of unarmed men*
Based trump
ITT: Man-core
Late night drive
/stg/ - Stranger Things General
"we want the femdom audience"
ITT: Underrated actors who are impossible to hate and improve every movie they are in
What TV do you have? 1080p? 4K?
Best superhero movie in a while. Prove me wrong without using "Le", "Muh"...
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
Kneel before me and put your head between my legs
What are some kino with this aesthetic?
Holy shit
Do you agree, Sup Forums?
Times where critics were wrong
WebM thread
What am I in for?
Do you watch movies alone at the cinema sometimes?
ITT: Books that are impossible to properly adapt into film
I think she's cute. And I like that there's an Asian person, I'm tired of diversity just meaning blacks
Really makes you think, don't it?
Yfw 1x1 = 2
What are some kinos (movies) in which the good guy wins in the end?
Now that the dust has settled...who was in the wrong here?
Would she be a SJW these days?
C'mon Sup Forums, what's your schtoyle?
We had characters yelling yesterday, now ITT: Post characters laughing/chuckling/howling
This is the best film of 2017
NEW Kevin Spacey Film: ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD - Official Trailer (HD)
A smart, sexy Bostonian juggles work, romance and raising her mixed race son
Americans will defend this
End of movie shows healing robot things fly down to Earth
Did 2 podcasts today
What should we expect?
Good facial features
Is Ben going to be okay?
ITT: Underrated actors
Joe Rogan Experience #1036 - Ari Shaffir, Bert Kreischer & Tom Segura
Why would you watch movies at 1x when you have the option to save precious time by speeding it up?
"Nymphomaniac" is not porn, it's art!
Killing of a Sacred Deer
Anyone here seen this? Just binged all the episodes and it was amazing
The Once-Fearless South Park Shies Away From the Biggest Target of Our Age by Lara Zarum
How do you feel about the generation defining HBO hit comedy Sex and the City?
BR 2049
Budget: $100 million
ITT: Immortal Actors
Is it engaging?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Your DICK is bullshit
Which one was /Our Guy/ ?
Was season 3 a dream?
Remember this:
We will never get a family sitcom that's anywhere as good as malcolm in the middle ever again
Was he sh
Past a certain age a man without family can be a bad thing
Who thought this was a good idea?
What are some truly iconic movie scenes?
Why is DW Griffith not the greatest director besides "muh subhumans"
If you played modern music to pre-modern people (I.e. before 20th Century), how do you think they would respond?
Will Smith donates $5 million to the bitch-nigga-tyrese foundation
A national treasure!
Letterboxd thread: post profiles and discuss what you have recently watched
What are some films buzzfeed """journalists""" will never understand?
566 minutes runtime
This movie opened my eyes. I'm never eating at McDonald's again
Itt: Movie characters and what board they would post on
What does Sup Forums think of Winona Ryder?
Trying to come up with some story ideas for a 20-40 minute horror short. What scares you, Sup Forums?
Will Luke turn to the dark side as implied by this poster?
What are some films that soyboys love, Sup Forums?
This is Jodelle Ferland, She's in a new series called Darken
I did not invade Asgard, it's not true! It's bullshit! I did not invade Asgard! I did naaawwt!
Wuh happen?
Top this casting. Hard mode: no Best Emma
What kind of psychological trauma would someone need to experience to act the way this guy does?
How are they going to potray the Haradrim and Easterlings in LOTR TV show?
W..h..y w..a...s t..h..e p..a..c..e i..n.. B..l..a..d..e R..u..n..n..e..r 2..0..4..9 s..o f..u..c..k..i..n..g s..l...o...
What the hell were they thinking?
Could he do it?
Legolas, son of Thranduil
Time is a disk
Do anyone here have any webms of Tom Cruise doing absolutely kino performances in action movies?
Why are there so few movies about school shootings?
ITT we post our favourite pleb filter films
What went so right for her?
How did they miss the point of Apocalypse Now so completely?
Name one thing he did wrong
Why aren't you embracing 60fps film, it's clearly the superior format
TV shows that ruled your childhood
Jon Hamm is putting his 1,000 square apartment up for rent for a whopping $14,995 a month on December 1
What was her fucking problem?
You will never take nighttime walks by the river in freezing February weather together before coming home and drinking...
/stg/ - Stranger Things General
*blocks your free market*
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie...
Where was this battle?
What TV do you have? 1080p? 4K?
Is The Shining the greatest movie ever made?
Best Emma episode
Androgyny in film and TV
This was a good Warcraft movie and it's a shame we'll never a get a sequel
Which Blade Runner soundtrack do you prefer Sup Forums...
Justice League
When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. Well Ray, life gave me grapes, and I made wine. I made pinot noir, Ray...
Where the 90s the golden era of action movies?
Based Colbert trending on youtube again. He's so great
No, seriously guys, you need to get into the guest room and fuck IMMEDIATELY. Don't worry about the sheets, I'll...
Green room
Napoleon Dynamite
Movie of the year
Vince Vaughn beats up blacks, chinese, mexicans, koreans, euroshits and fat people for 2 hours
ITT: Dogshit movies by otherwise impeccable directors
Just look at that smug little face. What a fucking bitch. That expression saying "I'm better than you"...
BOMBSHELL: Harvey Weinstein hired Mossad to spy on and track actresses and journalists
What's the shittiest TV show you still keep up with?
Could Mike and Jay be the only youtubers boycott Disney and not review TLJ?
Did anyone watch the World Peace rerun? Did [as] say anything?
Why the fuck would you call a replicant "Roy Batty"?
Movies for Men
Hiya Georgie
Sorry sir, it's couples night only
JUSTICE LEAGUE Cast Weighs In On The Possibility Of A Crossover With THE AVENGERS
What is your opinion on Joe Rogan?
The action and music was good but the script was pretty confusing
Why did she care so much for Mikes approval for literally the entire season?
Is this, dare i say it, a perfect movie?
Sad emo scene
Daily reminder that Chad always wins
They were right again
Most Comfy film of 2017: Valerian
Why has this show become so laughably bad?
Was eddy a jew?
'Gossip Girl' Actor Ed Westwick Accused of Raping Actress Kristina Cohen
Disney is Garbage
It's a Buffy's boyfriend cheats on her so she murders sex workers episode
How long until Wes Anderson joins the list of Weinsteins and Spaceys?
ITT: Awkward behind the scenes shots for special effects
Scavenges the whole earth for life
New Sono flick came out recently on torrents, anyone seen it?
Questionable digital recreations
Say something nice about this chain
Was it yellow fever?
Will these movies be amazing, or just great?
Is Blade Runner sexist?
Write a better twin peaks season 3 in exactly 10 words
House of Cards is saved!
I uh.. dreamt about my dad
"TV critics"
Write a synopsis for this cast
Was this the most overrated show of the decade?
Show's that everyone knows about but no one has actually watched
Okay Sup Forums, give me hard evidence that he's guilty of what you say he is
Who was in the wrong here?
Alright guys. Time to draw some movie scenes with MS paint. Others guess what the movie is
What went wrong?
This is the worst race in the galaxy
Stranger Things General - /stg/
I love all the liberals getting butt hurt over larry this season, only because of trump
How should Marvel handle the Fantastic Four, and more importantly, Doom?
I left with the best man's number
How do tit sucking scenes even work?
It's a Ross gets hit on by someone WAY out of his league but that would be a fit 10 times better than Rachel
What went wrong?
Pitch me a movie starring Walton Goggins and Steven Ogg
After he does his counselling, etc... what's next for Kevin Spacey's career?
ITT - dishonesty in motion
Why did it fail?
Why do Japs have shit tastes in films?
That episode with Abby's mom just made me realize how shit the women today are
What are some good philosophical movies, Sup Forums?
I think they'll forgive him
Name one thing he did wrong
It's over, Morgan. I have the moral high ground
Mirror Mirror (2012)
60 Minutes
How do i understand filmmaking better without having to listen to reddit-core film reviewers?
If you prefer bottom, you don't understand film
Your opinion on this film?
Why did'nt she show up in Thor: Ragnarok?
Better Call Saul
You don't support them r-right?
1,137 days until Avatar 2
Female """"""""humor""""""""
Thor Director gets angry on twitter over Rottan Score
Actress in stranger things did not want to kiss the black kid
What are some films with this aesthetic?
What will replace pop culture?
The insurance company won't cover my cancer treatment
I'm done having anonymous dirty sex with strange men night in and night out
You have ten seconds to convince me that this is not the greatest image in the history of Sup Forums
What will she do once Game of Thrones ends?
"You don't know crazy pussy when you see it?" - Rust
Take a moment to appreciate that they haven't botched this show yet
ITT: Elder God tier critics
Wel, Sup Forums, are you smart enough to appreciate this list???
Murder on the Orient Express
Was she miscast in mother!?
Episode 1
330 pounds
Whoah... society is shit
Kills strongest spawn of Sauron
Who was in the wrong here?
I dreamed with her again guys
Are the rumors true?
Why do white guys do this Sup Forums?
Why did no one tell me Refn made non-pretentious kino?
I need to know who it was
Nobody ever messes up what they were trying to say
Star Trek /Discovery/ General
Miss me yet?
Movies that millennials will never understand
Weinstein used Mossad agents to spy on his victims and journalists
Producers hire unqualified black woman because of SJW criticisms
/stg/ - Stranger Things General
He's too much of a manchild to go see the movie of the year
Justice league
What are some films that feature realistic, non-glamorous fighting?
Sup Forums is laughing at us again
Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet eating her curds and whey
Kiernan Shipka will play a deaf girl in an upcoming horror movie called The Silence. Will it be good?
Which actress has the best booty
List all God-Tier Superhero Movies
M'axe u sumthin
What's the most depressing movie you know?
Why did this guy hate america?
Holy shit this movie is good
I miss him lads
Just fucking kill me already
Probably seeing this tomorrow, what should i expect?
How does he literally and unironically got away with this?
What did mad mel mean by this?
Dean stop being a better hunter than me
Now that the dust has settled can we agree that the new writers brought in slowed production...
Are you expecting a satisfying ending for this television series? Also what do you expect will happen?
Would you be a good guy or bad guy?
She makes a good point, you know
Did any of you actually watch the mcdonalds movie 'The Founder? What did you think of it?
Do you think the public conscious is becoming more and more comfortable to incest...
What ever happened to that kid from terminator?
/our boy/ Mel is back
Saw Blade Runner 2049 while chilling in one of the bean bags in front
Defend this
Yeaaaah, I did a background check on that "user" guy, just like you asked. Wanna know what I found ?
Rock said he won’t hire women anymore because he would need a crew of witnesses around him at all times so he...
What did the LotR films do better than the books?
/DIS/ - Star Trek Discovery
This is the best character in The Simpsons. Prove me wrong
Black user thread
ITT Characters that are literally you
Are the rumours true?
Write a movie with this cast
How is this piece of shit opening in a week and a half and no one knows yet if its gonna be piece of shit or not?
Which seasons of spongebob are essential?
*grabs shaft*
Who will play him?
Would you let her catch your chicken Sup Forums?
What are some good movies that you can also fap to?
Thoughts on this tushy?
Stranger Things General - /stg/
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...
Sup Forums
Television and Film
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