Catch an all new STD this Sunday, dont miss out on the all new smash hit SciFi phenomenon giving power geeks everywhere a nerdgasm!


Actual old: >can't even keep a general for "best show ever" going for two days

Your saying the show is so popular its a victim of its own success?

Being that STD is setting a new standard by revolutionizing home kino, people are probably just in shock from how it breaks the 4th wall changing everything people thought they knew about Trek, but were too dumb to know the truth until they watched STD.

So you are saying breaking the 4th wall is a good thing?

They call it DISCO in the show, DIS for short. Now F off.

I watch the new eps when they come out, but it was a struggle to finish the last two episodes. I understand that they can't just make another TNG-style show, but I almost feel like they should've gone full-on dark and gritty mode instead of this weird hybrid. It's a show about a traitor that started an intergalactic war, serving on an experimental starship powered by nipple-clamping living creatures spearheaded by a 'the ends justify the means'-broken man of a captain. When they shove in Dwight with wacky bug armor and awkward Klingon love scenes it just breaks the whole thing.

And it's not like they do the gritty part that great too. The scene where that one officer gets mauled by the tardigrade was downright comical. The sedation clearly didn't work and then she lowers the shield and attempts to shoot the nigh-indestructible monster with weapons that were shown to not even work in the previous episode was so retarded.

In the mirror universe anything goes. Look at how dead shows like Orville or GoT are compared to STD which has the biggest audience in the last 5 years of telekino my friend. Take a look at the numbers because science doesnt lie. Then again if you dont understand science you wont be able to get into STD.

>understand that they can't just make another TNG-style show

Why not?

>>understand that they can't just make another TNG-style show
How would they do that? The creators of STD already said it would be impossible to make the show retro since their too busy to worry about designing a show to look like that. At SDCC the creators said they were too busy making the show to worry about canon and other things which they couldnt anyways since they dont have a Prime timeline license and are using the Kelvin license.

This image shows how STD is ahead of the times when compared to the old Trek show. Even the cast talk about how the new star trek is better because its newer and more high tech than any trek ever made which is what makes them brave enough to go boldly where noone has gone before.