Why did they drop this plot line...

Why did they drop this plot line? They were obviously going for the ''villain is acting clumsy/nice to get close to good guys'' thing that in afew other shows.

Why else would the gunguns actually exile him? You don't exile the village idiot. Clumsiness isn't being bad on purpose. They obviously found out his dark ways and exiled him.


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George Lucas has already spoke about this, Basically backlash against him in the first film led him to take away the twist

Did anybody else just fucking love that Wizard of Oz tribute scene in Ep IX where Jar Jar walks out from behind his giant fake Snoke hologram?
it was sort of like poetry, it rhymed, it worked

>villain is acting clumsy
>in afew other shows
Like what? Ive never seen this

Not tv but in naruto one of the main villains pretends to be a cutesy clumsy idiot at one point (Tobi?)

meant for

darth jar jar isnt even a thing, it was never supposed to be and lucas confirmed this because he hated the idea.

I remember the actor of jar jar saying the theory is ''almost right'' or something. Jar jar was supposed to be the truth apprentice of palpatine but they scrapped it because of the jar jar backlash/hate from the phantom menace then downplayed the character in attack of the clones/revenge of the sith since no one liked him.