Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
Isaac Russell
Other urls found in this thread:
Thomas Jackson
Evan Collins
>disagree with me? Youre just a LOSER
Will women ever learn?
Camden Nguyen
>when the basement dwelling Sup Forumsack slapped your shit in and you STILL have to fuck him later
Jordan Cook
He's never going to fuck them though.
Owen Wright
>the absolute state of American television
Tyler Murphy
if he didn't slap her, would he have gotten that handjob?
Mason Gomez
Best Emma?
Parker Cook
This season is unironically pretty good though, best since Asylum.
Yeah they make fun of the 4channers and the alt right, but they make fun of the left a LOT more, especially in the first few episodes.
Austin Hill
>slapping a fictional character is bad
>Roberts beating the shit out of him irl is ok