BOMBSHELL: Harvey Weinstein hired Mossad to spy on and track actresses and journalists
>mossad operating within the us spying on us citizens
how is this not the top news story today?
>Ex-Mossad is now Mossad
because it's fake news from Sup Forums
really, dude?
Those same spies are probably working to suppress it.
We need to spread it.
Who he piss off that spies are being revealed?
Because it wasn't mossad, it was Black Cube, a private intelligance company, founded by ex-mossad people.
Jewish business men using Israeli government spies.
i.e. Israelis spying on US citizens within our own borders
There is no such thing as 'EX Mossad'
Assuming these people left Mossad while still being young and operational? Obviously Mossad has a huge spy network over the US and they also provide private services for those who can pay. The retired thing is BS
I'm not an expert, maybe there are different legal framework for a private company to spy than one owned by a foreign goverment.
Don't believe it goy
>Rich jews don't control the United Stat-
YOu guys there is only one guy in the world who can stop those hollywood jews right?
Why did OP leave out the "ex" part and that they were working as legal private investigators?
Movie about it when?
Oy gevalt I feel like I'm being holocausted again
Because a dude hiring private investigators to spy on mistresses isn't a big deal, shit happens all the time.
Private investigators often come from intelligence community. If this was anything but Israel pol wouldn't care, but the shitskins over there get triggered by this
Do you think they have their fucking memories reset when they leave and forget all their training? Yeah, as long as they aren't on active duty none of those skills are transferable to the private sector for big paychecks. Retard.
you mean the guy who profusely apologized to them for speaking out of turn?
Do you understand the difference between working as a private contractor and working on behest of the government? Retard.
IDF shills already on the author's twitter timeline trying to downplay the israeli part
People stating facts that trigger you are now shills? Neo-nazis = 60 IQ average
1.end dual citizenship with Israel
2.stop sending Israel money
3.ship them all back to their promised land from every nation
>Ex-Mossad means they're no longer Jewish and no longer have ties with Israel
Typical tricks, rabbi
Are you clinically retarded? Your own articles state that he hired private investigators -- some of whom are ex-Mossad -- not Mossad.
>Sup Forums intelligence
You're right, nothing suspicious about a Jew hiring ex-mossad.
>neo-nazis are mentally ill deranged literal retards, therefore it's suspicious if someone Jewish hires Jewish PIs
are you really appealing to your own low intelligence and brainwashing as an argument?
I'm an ex-Nazi, guys. I no longer identify as Aryan and my interests no longer align with Germany's, I swear!
There is none when it comes to state intel agencies
You must be really unbelievably unintelligent to make that comparison. Someone who once worked for a government is allowed to found a private intelligence company, you overweight shill.
>ad hominem
So I guess those ex-mossad guys no longer care about Jews or Israel, then. It was simply a job for them, and now they've moved on to new careers.
Get gassed, Heeb
you jews really are cruising for another bruising
>Do you understand the difference between working as a private contractor and working on behest of the government?
I guess national loyalties just erode with career change, eh?
What the fuck do hypotheticals about Jews or Israel have to do with anything you inbred chimp? Do you think private investigators have to have certain beliefs or something? Are you brain damaged?
>You're dumb, I have no counterargument
>Harvey (((Weinstein))) hires ex-Mossad to spy on his goy-toys
>Nothing suspicious here, you're just a paranoid Nazi!
This is too entertaining
>Neurotic Jews defend their crumbling empire, the thread
They really aren't. They have their own state with nuclear weapons and they have infiltrated The West completely.
Don't call it a grave - its the future you chose.
>Sup Forums - news and facebook memes
Even as a mentally retarded neo-nazi I don't see how it would matter to you. How does the background of a private investigator matter to what they're investigating? What are you saying, that these private investigators are telling the Israeli government about what color panties Rose McGowan wears?
I know you guys hate Jews, but you're seriously fucking retarded.
Do you know how many former United States military personnel work private security? Do you know that a good deal of American police move into the private investigation business after retirement?
But yeah, I guess the American government should be held responsible for every infraction committed on foreign soil by Blackwater private security, and every police department should be culpable for anything a former cop does on the job as a PI, right?
You can only fit a square peg into a round hole by shaving off the corners and that's exactly what you're doing: manipulating information to serve your own personal agenda and validate your beliefs.
disregarding the fact they are mossad its still really telling how a movie producer has an ARMY of spies. Own up to your mistakes jew, for once.
So then could I, a lowly goy, hire these same dudes to do some spying for me? Maybe I should hire some ADL guys as body guards as well?
>You can only fit a square peg into a round hole by shaving off the corners and that's exactly what you're doing: manipulating information to serve your own personal agenda and validate your beliefs
Nearly every single post on pol fits this description. They're the dumbest people alive.
When will wokelets learn? Sup Forums is NEVER wrong.
Yes you fucking moron, they have a website. Holy shit you're so retarded.
Nobody said Weinstein wasn't a scumbag. He is. But I'm also not surprised by this at all. There are stories about this sort of thing going back to the 30s: Hollywood big shots tailing starlets with PIs.
Go read about Maureen O'Hara's comments on this topic from the 40s.
all this would make a fantastic movie
>How does the background of a private investigator matter to what they're investigating?
How does it not?
The US isn't an enthostate. Americans aren't born with ethnic and religious ties to America. There is no pro-America loby in Israel.
You're never going to win this, Shylock
>American patriots don't exist
>They aren't often found in the military and police forces
Keep digging that hole proving your own stupidity
>American military personnel have no ethnic and religious ties to America
>ethnic and religious ties
Yeah, what about the other ties? Ties to their families at home, all of the comradery and loyalty fostered by a career in the military, and so on and so forth. It's different but it's not dissimilar.
Basically, you're a fucking idiot.
>Defending non-milfy Jews on Sup Forums
Seriously, the one dude calling everyone stupid glossing over the fact that they're Mossad agents needs to go back to JIDF school.
You have extremely, extremely low intelligence.
You're right bro. Nothing suspicious
They're loyal to Black Cube now, not Israel
I'm sure they do have loyalty to Israel. How does that matter again? What's the relevance? Fucking retard.
Ask that to Harvey weinstein, why did he hire Mossad agents? There are other detective companies.
>Be Mossad, make front companies
>People working for those front companies are no longer Israeli assets, guys!
Do I really have to spell it out? Israeli-"Americans" only look out for Israeli interests and protect Israeli assets. And what larger asset to protect than Hollywood?
in Sup Forumss mind jews are super powerful comic book villains
mossad agents are incredibly powerful. trash tier western agents like james bond and jack reacher learned everything they know from studying under mossad flunk outs
It's not a front company, it's a private company founded by two ex-government. Hollywood isn't an Israeli interest, Weinstein isn't an Israeli interest, this is a private company being paid to do a job. You are retarded beyond words. Probably the funniest part about this is how the story is being exposed by the "Jewish media" that you love to shill about. You don't have a human level intelligence.
>Hollywood isn't an Israeli interest
I'm done, JIDF bro.
>You don't have a human level intelligence.
We are goys, after all
Take you 40-60 IQ back to pol please, no one cares about your confirmation bias you actual chimpanzee
JIDF, why are Iranian dates so much sweeter than Saudi ones?
ITT: JIDF chimps out and calls everyone retards
I always love when they do this
>links article where they saw it
Because they're grown with love, not Zionism
If they were still loyal to the government, they would still be working for it. Obviously at this point they are more interested in personal gain, that's why they are working as private contractors
How exactly does their loyalty to Israel change how they'd spy on starlets for someone, you moron?
Do you think they'd turn down the job from a gentile movie executive? Yeah, I'm sure they wouldn't want the money at all. They're spying on the starlets to exterminate the white race, right?
If only I understood how those two things were connected.
What makes you think they aren't working for both, retard? Why wouldn't Mossad use a precious network of operational agents? This company is a privatised unit of Mossad, it's still Mossad.
To what end is knowing what brand of milk Scarlett Johanssen buys going to help Mossad's military operations?
>"It's a New York thing"
Only based Mel can stop these Israel fucking shits.
The elite globalism pushing media/financial Jews are the worst of it, but the elite can only exist because of the 'regular' Jews. Jews are far more politically engaged and culturally aggressive than other peoples, it's why they are so 'successful'. There are basically no Jews who just want to be left alone, the type of person that makes up the vast majority of other races. 99% of them are in a constant state of striving for dominance and ethnic self-promotion.
They get into everything, any institution, and steer it towards protecting and enabling the tribe. Many of them aren't even fully conscious of why they do it, it is just ingrained in their culture. Thereās the grand Marxist Jew globalist conspiracy at the top, and the overall trend in behavior (that results in various smaller schemes) towards the bottom.
He was spying on the women who accused him, looking for informattion he could use against them or eventually blackmail them with. can you read an article?
>If only I understood how those two things were connected.
I'm glad you have it all figured out so you can educate us goys. JIDF.
And again, how does that affect international politics?
People hire PIs to spy on their estranged spouses all the time during divorce proceedings.
obviously because they're the best
Way to strawman and ignore my question entirely, fag.
Way to try to desperately spin away from the OP, fag, Hollywood jews using MOSSAD within US borders to spy on goys.
i think the government should be worried about having a net of israeli spies on its soil. tehy're plotting terrorist attacks and using dirt on politicians to blackmail them into supporting Israel.
>send them back
No. We need them to compete internationally. If they leave, then some other country will weaponize their superior propaganda and banking tactics.
>3.ship them all back to their promised land from every nation
what have the palestinians done to you to deserve that plague?
>it's real
Mossad talking to itself again. Don't fall for this they always try to play both sides of the argument.
I expect you've got proof of this and that you've forwarded it to your local congressman, right?
Because if you do and you haven't, you're almost complicit. Of course, if you DON'T have proof, you're just a fat neckbeard with cheetodust on your lips spouting conspiracy theories to try to differentiate yourself from your peers.
But you're not special.
Oh look its a post election newfag who thinks this whole "kek" thing is actually funny
the future is having a holographic holocaust survivor come out of your TV during ad breaks to tell you to remember the 6 millions