What was the worst movie you were forced to watch?
What was the worst movie you were forced to watch?
your biography
that's a really weird picture
Olympus Has Fallen.
There's a Negro in my Daughter 8
how about this one?
Sausse? Seen this image a million times and no one seems to know where it's from.
Apocalypse Now. You can't convince me it's not garbage.
Pearl Harbor in 9th grade history class
fantastic beasts and where to find them
>american education
got dragged to see new moon because of some dumb bitch
I need a link to that porn vid right now for research purposes
Bridget Jones
Was dating some qt back in highschool and she put on Disaster Movie and she was laughing throughout the entire thing. Almost ended up like OJ Simpson. Why are women such plebs?
napolean dynamite
I was with my dad at the time and I couldn't just leave the theater. But a few times I had to walk out in to the hallway.
Friends forced me to watch Fight Club.
Was fucking terrible.
thor ragnarok
upstream color
I wasn't "forced" to watch it, but saw it in theaters with a friend.
I really REALLY wanted to walk out during the first 10 minutes, more than I've ever felt at a movie before or since.
I stuck through it, and it got just a LITTLE bit less bad. Just enough to be barely tolerable to sit through. It's still a terrible movie.
>forced to watch?
What faggot country do you live in where you're "forced" to watch movies.
watched with my mom as well. film is ass
Having a pleb girlfriend with a younger sister means I've been forced to watch some drivel, but this pile of pretentiousness takes the cake.
Tie between The Thing and Blade runner 2049
>mfw I like this movie and you can't stop me
>everyone baiting so hard the (You) market is completely bankrupted
classic millenials
Repo! The Genetic Opera.
I was a dumbass college kid who wanted to be accepted. I had to sit there and try not to physically cringe into my seat.
It would've been fine if it were an actual rock opera and not a desperate attempt to be the next Rocky Horror.
>can't even spell "Napoleon"
I think your too dumb too appreciate it, m8
I used to know this biracial black kid who was vaguely autistic and had birthday parties his parents paid for until he was 19.
I went to one of the later ones and he made us all watch movies he wanted to watch and they were Akira and Battle Royale. Neither of those movies are bad but they are tainted forever by the memory of all the weeaboo communists in that room constantly pointing all the autistic differences between the films and their novels/manga.
That kid grew up to be the most pretentious faggot posts pics of himself in a beret and scarf also made us one year go to a showing of a Miyazaki film in an old theater with no air conditioning and tranny staff
Why did your dad take you to see a chick flick?
Any capeshit movie
Probably because its not really a chick flick.
Its an action movie.
Not him by the way.
I've also jerked it to that movie tons of times.
Definitely a bad movie tho.
had to go with a friend whos into comics and magic the gathering
overdramatic sperging for 5 hours it felt like
A friend of mine from College was a big film fag and a film major. He always rented these dumb as fuck indie movies. I don't remember the name of the one he made me watch, which was just a random pick from some rental program , but I remember whining like a child "I dun wanna watch that" and feeling a little bad about it cause I think he might have been a little upset. At any rate, it sucked bad. Something about demons and a mall and cultists.
This is literally the worst fucking movie I've ever seen in my life.
its fun user, watch it again
I generally love Kubrik movies, but holy god this was torture. I remember thinking, "that was pretty damn long, glad it's over."
It was the fucking intermission!!
Thanks dad
Forced? I love shit movies. The worse the better. That being said, every chick flick I've ever had to endure somehow manages to be objectively worse than the trash I put myself through.
the tim burton "alice in wonderland". it was a date, i let her pick the movie
tbqh fampai i was holding out pretty well thinking "well, it's shit but it can't get worse". and apparently the universe heard me and took my words as a challenge because then it dropped the fucking futterwacken on my sorry ass
The Hangover Pt 2.
a bad movie can be entertaining if the right conditions are met, more often than not ineptitude or lack of budget to realize grand ideas. i can watch bruno mattei movies (like the top classic "strike commando") and have fun with it. but something like sex and the city 2 is just insufferable and impossible to sit through
Underworld. Fuck that movie, its sunlight bullets and that Nightcrawler knock off.
Now You See Me. woman was late for what i wanted to see and i had to pay for the two tickets to this instead and I was legit mad but in the end it didn't matter because the original movie would have been Elysium which ive seen bits of and seems AS bad but Longer
but it was so quirky
lel hamster tunnels
knights armor
shirt same as wallpaper
body covered in writing
stealing things from dead bodies
her name is Aoi Shirosaki
pic is from this vid:
clip from same jav:
This shitty lifetime thing about syphilis they made us watch in 8th grade.
Had a good laugh when Braff got assmad about an article that shit on this movie.
Lord of Rings 1, months ago.
Must not have seen many movies.
Did you watch the Redux?
Turk 182
Time Traveler's Wife
What an original replay, idiot.
Movie 43. It simply should not exist
Black Snake Moan was pretty shit
Scrotum Hugh Jackman is kino
Weiner Party
doesn't help that I fucking hate seth rogan
thanks lad
That stupid Adam Sandler movie with Jennifer Aniston, watching a golf game would've been 1000 times more entertaining
Tokyo Drift
Date Movie
Went to see it with a girl. She picked the movie. It was insanely boring and forgettable. The only thing I remember is the J Lo parody wedding planner with a comically gigantic ass. Ended up fucking her afterward but nothing else came of it. Probably dodged a bullet since she's still single with two kids from separate guys now
The Last Airbender
My friend tricked me into seeing Ghostbusters Grrrl Edition last year by buying my ticket and telling me it was for a Bryan Cranston flick.
Probably one of the worst films I've ever watched in my life.
>What was the worst movie you were forced to watch?
"Eat Pray Love" or [pic related].
four christmases
It was probably Honey for me. Had to watch it at school for no reason.
My dad made us all go watch Valerian a few months ago. He was the only one that liked it, including my 10 year old brother.
A million ways to die in the west
hadda watch this shit in 8th grade american history.
Definitely "Suicide Squad". But "Lost in Translation" is close.
why are there so many awful fans who ruin stuff to other people
It's the worst piece I have ever seen.
I think that the general rule is that bad comedies are the only movies that are truly impossible to enjoy.
The Holy Mountain
I dig '''artsy''' movies and '''cinematography''', but this movie was so up its own ass with its non stop symbolism and "wow so deep, bet you didn't think of it like that huh?". I've never been so upset watching a movie. It was hard to watch any part of the movie without getting caught up in its pretentious BS. I feel like im sitting listening to some junkie lecturing me on "the way the world really is dude", instead of watching a movie.
one day i will find the sauce to this
Fuck me, I wish I could say I was forced to watch it. The commercials and trailers and teasers looked so fucking good. Then I go and suffer. So really, if I forced myself to watch it, does it count? Fuck what a bad movie...
Meet The Spartans
Did you not make it to the end? I don't like the movie but the whole thing is set up purely to fuck with people who are looking for something profound.
American Sniper
I find modern propaganda films boring
My mom took me and my brother to see this.
It was kinda hard to sit still and quiet.
I remember taking something somewhat similar to that from the end of the film, but the rest of it was such a slog to get through. If that was the point of the film, I wouldn't say it serves as a good excuse for the rest of it.
Nothing I can really say I was forced to watch, as I won't hesitate to turn off or walk out on garbage, but the time some friends put on The Girl With The Pearl Earring always comes to mind. Ultimately just a wankery of an attempt to recreate a still life on film, with some relationship melodrama shoehorned in.
Forced to watch the second transformers movie for my birthday in the theater. Wew.
Inside Out
to this day my little sister says "We should have just seen Ted 2..."
The last two Star Wars films and some capeshit.
Some gook train zombie movie. Don't remember the name. Fuck my Kpop loving friends.
Suicide Squad
the Room
You had no say on the movie you watched on your birthday?
>had to do report on a musical for drama class
>absolutely loathe musicals with very few exceptions
>only musical in parent's house was Cats on VHS
>parent's won't take me to video store
>trudge through it, hate every second of it
>write my report
>"It made me mad."
>'user, are you sure you don't want to try this again?'
>say 'Yep', and take the F
Captcha's by Sterzeck Fattoria
Well I guess I shouldn't have said 'forced'. I was a teenager at the time and I had liked the first Transformers and thought the second would be alright. I have since radically altered my opinion of the franchise as a whole as I've matured. I change my answer to The Hangover. Peer pressured into watching with my dad and his friends even though I knew it would be dumb.
Who's this?
He wanted to go see a zombie action movie. I knew it was gonna be bad by just looking at the trailers. Terrible movie. And after the movie he said "It was good. I liked it." Really wanted to leave.