Is Ben going to be okay?
Is Ben going to be okay?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Cant stop playing with a watch in his hand
>Jittery as fuck
>Slurring his words
Is Ben back on the booze?
>Ben al-aflecki
kek, looks like a school photo.
Perfect picture
he seems tired as fuck, his voice is gone too. wtf?
man i hope he's okay, he seems alright. he didn't seem drunk. but he does seem sad or stressed.
>i wish i was home playing WoW
>fuck its too loud here
>oh shit cameraman i better smile
>damn i look like an idiot
hes one of us except much better looking
Dude is a fucking idiot and always has been. Is Ben Affleck *actually* Sup Forums approved?
Ben Affleck, the guy who foolishly took on Sam Harris in defending Islam in an attempt to earn brownie points amongst his liberal peers and made such a jackass of himself that he issued a public apology statement? Cucked.
Ben Affleck, the guy who cheated on his cute and loyal wife of whom he has 3 children with, and with their baby sitter of all people. Destroying his family and not seeing his children very much? Cucked.
Ben Affleck, the guy who starred in heaps of trash directed by Sup Forums despised actor and director, Kevin "Cheese Blocks and Jorts" Smith? Cucked.
Ben Affleck, the guy who directed 2 good movies and 2 shit movies? Cucked.
Ben Affleck, the guy who has heavy man tits, a beer gut, chain smokes, and is addicted to booze? Cucked.
Ben Affleck, the guy who is soon to be 4 for 4 in terms of starring is abysmal comic book movies? Putting a stain on his career and his public image? Cucked.
I don't know about you faggots, but I see nothing here but a junkie fiend ultra cuck boy. Why the fuck isn't he the laughing stock of this place? Why is he referred to as anything other than a complete joke?
yeah, he's Sup Forums approved
because Sup Forums is full of cucked beta man-children that enjoy being dominated.
what else do you expect from literally (((Reddit))): the board
That is an insult to reddit. that place is just full of teenagers making cringy quips. Sup Forums is actually full of beta cuck 20 year old cuck boys.
Possibly the worst arguments ive ever seen. Just stop typing and rethink your life.
Name 5 good things about Ben Affleck that have nothing to do with the movies he's directed or starred in. Go
Jesus christ youre cringey. Just go jack off to ur mum.
Imagine if you wanted to be Batman your whole life, and then when you finally got to be batman it was in a shitty joke of a cashgrab attempt by corporate suits.
Ben is a man who wished on a monkey's paw.
>Interviewer: What do you like most about playing each character?
>Ben: [keeps it light] Taking the suit off! They get hot!"
>Ray: Getting to represent underrepresented groups. Cyborg is black..."
Man, he really sandbagged Ben on that one. Kind of a dick move.
>"Lunch ain't over yet!"
>"My Man!"
he looks better here than he has before this tbqh
But minorities are overrepresented in media.
>Ben Affleck, the guy who directed 2 good movies and 2 shit movies?
Live By Night is the only bad movie he's directed and even that has some genuinely inspired moments
How does this man claim to be 6'4 when he isn't taller than anyone else? Is everyone else standing on a box?
I think he only did that movie so he could bang Sienna Miller.
He has range as an actor (can do comedy or drama).
Is deeply passionate about his craft and explores every facet of it.
Remembers where he came from and stays connected with the people that surrounded him at the beginning of his career.
Actually cares about satisfying his audience and takes criticism seriously.
He's a big guy.
Half robots are underrepresented
Actually there's a million times more cyborgs in media than in real life.
>He has range as an actor (can do comedy or drama)
he can do neither
Henry Cavill always gets me. Though I am one that can acknowledge and even admire the good looks of other men, Henry Cavill sticks out. He is the most attractive man I have ever seen. He is so perfect.
Wow, I guess you're right. He became an award winning A-list actor by being shit at this job. Really making me think with that argument of yours.
go the fuck back to pleddit you doublespacing faggot
Black Adam confirmed for antagonist of Suicide Squad 2.
Now that the dust has settled can we agree that Casey is the superior Affleck?
You realize that I put the spaces there to make the 5 points easier to separate, right? And that people have been doing that on Sup Forums since before Reddit was even a thing, right? You would prefer le > meme arrow? Don't be such a precious little faggot.
Look at her eyes. It's terrifying. She senses power.
I've seen this before. We'll never be rid of her.
Only redditfags know what redditspacing is.
as an actor yes. But Casey is also superior to the vast majority of actors so hardly a slight
>Drooped posture
>Appears low energy
My boy Ben needs to hop on 1000 mg/test a week ASAP. Too many men suffering from low test
>He became an award winning A-list actor
For directing and writting, not for acting, because he can't act
>they reshot this scene to insert more quips
>Is Ben Affleck *actually* Sup Forums approved?
Were you not here for the whole muh mudslime funposting?
He must've been cruising on test to get yoked for shooting, now that he's off he's spiraling onto depression/alcoholism
He has two SAG awards. Keep trying.
I'm always taken by how handsome he is when I see a picture of him, but he doesn't come to mind when I think about really good looking white guys. For me it's Fassbender and Hamm.
It's a fairly tall cast, but there's no fucking way he's 6'4. Jason Momoa is 6'4, compare.
Why not, seeing as Suicide Squad already went off the rails with that Enchantress shit.
what are some good affleck films?
i can only think of dogma. i guess good will hunting, but i can't remember.
That was evident a long time ago
he's been A-list since Will Hunting my boy
>Outstanding performance by a CAST
Gone Girl was his best role in years. He's best as a slimeball.
>literally cast awards
fucking KEK
Gone Girl was so good, he was great in it.
And that penis
He will take a SAGGY award next year easily.
he has never taken on a challenging role in his entire career. name one movie where he did not play himself
This shit right here is why Ben won't let you be in his movies, Matt.
he looks like robert paulson because he is off test
Now that's a rare virginchad
>tfw became high test from low test skellington
feels good man
yes, yes, we all saw that. Ben is now a big boi
He's probably annoyed that joss had orders to insert social engineering into JL, redoing scenes where Ben is purposefully made out to look weak and vulnerable against the black characters.
School Daze
I hOnestly think, that 90& of the posts made on here are made by Hollywood executives and/or their staffers. Otherwise, normal people’s opinions wouldn’t be so overlooked.
nah it's the way you talk. you talk like a reddit faggot. now get the fuck out.
You can tell very easily by the spacing and the use of cucked after everything as well as the last sentence that this is bait
He strikes me as a weird guy who made himself attractive and in shape but you can tell behind the self-improvement, he's still a weird guy deep down.
Listen, bud, I know the cool thing is to call other people Reddit when you disagree with them. It makes you feel like you're part of a neat club called Sup Forums.
I have been coming here since my freshman year in college, back in 2007. I am not going anywhere. You can share the sandbox with me or you can find a different sandbox. You don't own Sup Forums and you certainly don't have standing to tell me what sites I can or can't browse.
Well... that's quite accurate xD
Yep, best role of his ever. Guess being a scumbag cones naturally too him.
He's lost so much weight recently, damn. He looks really good.
we need to show him the light again, I really hope we can get him back to his old self.
wtf does he literally say "im acting"?
Is Cavill on the spectrum or does he just play an autistic superman?
It's not bait if it's the truth tho. Sure, the use of buzzwords, I get it. All that aside, if you just read the facts, nothing he said was wrong...
The cycles of bulking, cutting and alcohol binging can't be be good for a man of Affleck's age.
God damn Henry is gay as AIDS.
He's the acting equivalent of potatoes and that's enough
Fucking rekt
Is he shrinking?
I'm not gay but Henry is objectively perfect and I'm happy whenever I see him on the screen
Jennifer Garner really ruined Ben Affleck. He looks and sounds so depressed.
So he's a /fit/ user.
i just laughed out loud reading this
hope he kills himself, that will end the DCU
Damn those dubs