Does Johnny Depp have a Californian accent from LA ?

Hey guys I'm French and I would like to practice my pronunciation. Can you tell me whether Johnny Depp has a Californian accent in this interview :

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That's not an accent that Californians typically have, no.

Please don't become another one of these eurofags who develops a retarded dudebro accent in an attempt to sound fluent in English. You're not fooling anyone.

Can you guys advise me an actor with a real Californian accent especially from LA

I'm no linguist but I think there's not really a Cali dialect so much as a west coast dialect
Depp talks like someone who's been hit on the head

Solomon from Nathan for You

An exaggerated form of the california accent is the valley girl accent.

he dun look like that anymore since divorce.

i dont buy that it doesnt work, try again, try harder.

Johnny drop is more of a vaguely stoned Louisianan accent. A lot of Californians have a basic Midwest style accent or a south western or beaner accent depending on the area. most people in Los Angeles are transplants from other parts o the country or the children of said people.

And what about that accent that sounds like you're high ? You know the "stoned" accent is it spoken in every state of the US ?

To add, I just took a dialect quiz which I know to be accurate, and you can see how my accent (rural Illinois) matches up with other parts of the country, especially California. I spent several months in LA 3 years ago and am very familiar with their accents and accents in general.


we're all high 24/7

Joe Rogan has adopted the California faggot accent, so if you want to sound like a left coast dipshit, talk like him.

Well in Johnny Depps case it's the slow laziness of the manner of speaking much like he's drunk or stoned. In the south though it's not uncommon to talk slowly or drawl though.

omg i love dialect quizes. will you link me to the quiz?

Here you go homie. It's on the NYTimes but the actual algorithm is from some university that compiled from the common phrases a couple of years ago. Definitely accurate.

keanu reeves in point break when he find outs the bank robbers are surfers. just get that dialogue down pat and apply it to everything else.

Here's a bunch

I've lived in jersey all my life and this thing is trying to tell me I'm from california.

Crock of shit

great success. your test matches me with 3 california cities.

its all in the good book with truth.

eternal damnation for those who scourn his name which they do hence all the pedo allegations lately against them.