The internet has rendered this show irrelevant

The internet has rendered this show irrelevant

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Weekend Update will always be worth watching for 5 minutes.

They literally stole the format for TDS and a half dozen other shows.

SNL has been unfunny for decades; the only reason it still exists is because suits at NBC don't want to get rid of an established brand.

Video killed the radio star, internet killed the video star..

A reliance on the same hacky "isn't liberalism great you guys" shit as every other late night show rendered this show irrelevant

They make like one good skit every year, and its always the pre-recorded ones.

I honestly dislike everything about the show. They have a terrible cast, making it live makes the acting shitty, they under use the amazing actors they get on the show, and its only political humor now.

I don't watch SNL much at all but Larry David hosted recently so I watched it
this was hilarious

Its funny, but the fact these 30-40 year olds find it tasteless that words like "gay" and "midget" were used is ridiculous. They almost certainly used those words when they were young.

RIP Video star 1950-2000