Where does he stand on the political compass ? To me he seems like an autoritarist communist.
Where does he stand on the political compass ? To me he seems like an autoritarist communist
His men go out and scavenge shit for him and bring it back to him, he redistributes it based on points his people earned.
workers bring product to owner, owner redistributes it based on a point system that is treated like invisible currency to people with said points.
That sounds more like capitalism to me.
I've only read the comics, but to me it really seems like he wouldn't fit anywhere in particular. He's a sociopathic egoist serving his own needs and desires and he would probably align with any plan or system that benefits him above all else.
He seems totally uninterested in any sort of ideology and his dislike of rape is the only moral he actually upholds (Twice in the comics so far).
He doesn't believe in free trade, or any trade though. If someone owns something, he'll try to take it by force. Same for private property.
who the fuck leans back like this in real life? NOBODY.
people holding baseball bats
he leans to the left :^)
Basically a hyper-exaggerated crony capitalist system. A system that's *supposedly* a meritocracy where you get what you put into it. But everyone knows in reality that those most politically supportive of him, his greatest enforcers, get the majority of the wealth. And he gets the vast majority of the wealth himself.
Basically Negan lives like a king. His enforcers/supporters/raiders get enough to pretty much have a pre-apocalypse standard of life. His workers live barracks style and generally just subsist and serve.
I think what makes him scary is that he can change his modo operandi. He is somewhat unpredictable, cause for him it's a sort of game. At this point, i don't think we'll ever learn about his past but i doubt he was like that or this much before the walking dead happened. Yet the plague probably lit up something in him that was slightly dormant or just there in a more civilized manner.