Why didn't God simply kill Sauron?

Why didn't God simply kill Sauron?

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Too busy singing, and larping about with nature.

He did. Frodo carrying the ring to mount doom and destroying it was planned since the beginning of time.

Then what was the point of sending wizards to middle earth?

union thing

>it's a we think bombadil is iluvatar episode

Tax breaks

Kind of this. Supposedly it is impossible for someone to willingly destroy the ring, and once they get to Mt. Doom, they will always fail. That's why you see both Isildur and even Frodo, who is more resistant to it, turn away at the last moment. An argument could be made that "god" did intervene, by having Gollum fight Frodo for it (through his own obsession with the ring) and just ever so slightly push them over the edge in the heat of the moment. Basically, the only way to desteoy it is by accident.

Hey guise

Why didn't Eru simplify the tax code?