Why doesn't Sup Forums talk about The Deuce?

Why doesn't Sup Forums talk about The Deuce?

I'd like to put my deuce in her ass if you catch my drift

No, I have no idea what you mean. Could you please elaborate further?

It was good

it was straight forward

they're timeskipping next season (because they're idiots)

james franco can't act

all these don't leave a lot left to discuss

because i dropped it.

I dropped it after the 6th episode.
Anything that wasn't Maggie/other prostitutes/the pimps was kinda dull. The audio mixing was fucking awful; I kept turning the volume up, but the dialogue was absurdly low vs the ambient sound/music (which compounded with the slang made it impossible to follow certain conversations). The overall plot felt kind of meandering; it took way to long to connect strings in a meaningful way.

the deuce is loose!

I started jerking off in Times Square agaia buck gets you a minute and when you gotta go you gotta go

The Franco on Franco scene are utter cringe.

its bad
its slow
its boring
franco is a human piece of shit and plays 2 of them on screen