Does Lucas regret selling Star Wars to the jewish Mafia?
Does Lucas regret selling Star Wars to the jewish Mafia?
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No. Georgie Boy only cares about money. He'd do it all over again. And on some level, I think it's quite possible that George sold it to Disney because he knew they'd run the series into the ground even further, and he did this because he wanted to pull a "Miss me yet?" and get people to look at his prequels in a better light compared to the eve-worse crap that came out after.
I think you're both right and wrong.
He sold his company because he wanted to stick it to the fans who bitched about the prequels, but also because he lost a ton of money on Red Tails.
I do think he regrets the sale given his "white slavers" comment a couple years back. He probably figured Disney would at least make an effort to emulate what he did with the saga, but he was wrong. He underestimated the emperor.
Probably, but since it's Disney he probably didn't have a choice.
I doubt his story is legit because he sold it for a lot less than it's worth.
As far as the "white slavers" comments, that could just be him doing a little song and dance to help reinforce the idea that he's better than disney and to get people to look at him and his prequels in a positive light. He's not a dumb man; I doubt he wouldn't have seen what would happen when he gave it to The Eternal Mouse.
Why cant they at least cast attractive black people it's like they go for the apeiest looking fucks possible.
So in the end it's all Mike fault.
Go get him¡¡
He gave away all the money from the sale to charity.
In that case, scratch the first part of my comment and that leaves his sole reason for selling the franchise as a "fuck you" to everyone for not liking his mediocre prequels. Basically a massive passive-aggressive bitch move.
>his sole reason for selling the franchise as a "fuck you" to everyone for not liking his mediocre prequels.
Yeah that is actually correct but he has been regretting that.
Didn't Disney promise him a role as a consultant to keep him in his franchise only for them to tell him to fuck off once the deal was done because JarJar Abrams wanted the next movie done HIS way instead?
What? Why are they refusing?
If this is true then seriously fuck you too Lucas. God fucking damnit. He let Disney fucking rape his own creation to death with this and he didnt even get the money? IT WASNT SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE THIS LUCAS REEE
yes because:
>He is intentionally loosing out on money and Lucas, and no one is a bigger Jew than Lucas.
>He thought he could sell the rights get a bunch of money and then still have creative control, kek
>People actually liked VII, where as, despite what the annoying gen Z posters here think, most people were utterly disappointed with the shitquels
>Spielberg has no interest in Making Indiana Jones 5, and all Lucas had was that and SW. No one is going to want to see Red Tails 2
>People actually liked VII
I didn't
What the fuck is Snoke and why did they reveal within one movie who Darth Solo was?
Now Rogue One, that was a Star Wars film
Disney is demanding much larger cuts of the profits than normal, and at least for the first four weeks Disney is demanding movie theaters show pretty much nothing but Star Wars.
And theater chains are getting sick of being bullied by the mouse.
Charity for rich folks doesn't work the same way as it does for little people.
And few charities are anything but enrichment programs for their board members.
This movie is going to be smelly balls, but I love the lighting on Metal Wookee Girl's armor in this part of the trailer.
>What the fuck is Snoke
Leader of the FO and obviously so powerful force user. ie totally not a Sheev stand in
>why did they reveal within one movie who Darth Solo was
Because Ford had been wanting to kill off Han since V. Having him die by some random (not)Vader wouldn't have been as emotional as him getting killed by his son, in theory.
can somebody do something about disney PLEASE
You mean the white slavers? Yes he does, every waking moment
The part that really bugs me about this is the fact that last year disney made over HALF of all the money made at the box office.
But I guess that's not enough.
White slavers
you think GL gives 2 shits about SW? do you think he has ever given 2 shits about the franchise? he got lucky. and 2 other directors made it what it is today.
cries into his pillows made of money
>People actually liked VII
>No they didn't
It's actually more complex than that, and I don't think there's an easy way to summarize it in just a few words. There are tons of plebs who enjoyed TFA because of it was an ADHD-riddled roller coaster ride that made sure to hit all the checkboxes to have a thin veneer of nostalgia to it. It's the sort of mass-produced garbage made to make a quick buck and then be forgotten about soon after. Like all capeshit. There's not going to be any long-running nostalgia for TFA the same way there was for the original star wars, but they don't care about that. they just care about making a quick buck now.
That's completely irrelevant and not how companies work
You abuse your market power as much as the market allows and is legally possible to make as much money as possible. That is literally the purpose a company exists for. You never stop when you break even.
Something like that. I always got the impression that he sold it because he didn't feel capable of doing all of the work anymore, and he felt like it was time to end the story. Making movies is a huge undertaking, and I think George Lucas is actually kind of lazy.
I don't think he anticipated getting dropped this hard. It sounds like Disney talked about him consulting, telling him that he is Star Wars, but after the sale and JJ coming in, he's so irrelevant that he might as well be dead. He has about as much involvement in Star Wars as Roddenberry does with the new Star Trek movies, and Lucas wasn't expecting that.
>Fucking goyim did WHAT?!
>Oy vey play my fucking movie, you peasants.. or you'll feel to full wrath of the mouse
This is dick move by both sides. Disney is hungry for all tje mo ey in the world. But also, theaters will make money on that move more than on any else, eaven with Disney taking majority
>That's completely irrelevant
>And few charities are anything but enrichment programs for their board members.
I think you've got that backwards, m8. You have to buy your way on the board, either by writing lots of checks or getting your friends to give. Some millionaire's wife feels like getting out of the house, so she gives a bunch of money to some charity so that they'll let her sit on the board and waste the staff's time in useless meetings.
t. office manager for a non-profit
>Black people
Yes it is you fucking nigger, grow up
I don't get it. Lucas is a hack, but he's not dumb. Especially when it comes to contracts, deals, and making money. How could he NOT have known that Disney would just drop him like a rock? Why didn't he put in more stringent language into the contract to ensure that his voice would be heard in the movies? Instead it seems to come off as an amateurish contract that's all bark and no bite.
>Rogue One
>Being good
What the fuck user
Why exactly are they refusing to play the movie?
why are the streams I'm watching movies on fill the memory of my computer? and how can i make my computer play mp4 videos?
faaar better than the ep7 trainwreck
an actual SW movie
>Any Disney wars being good
You've crossed the line.
dude's attractive m8
Movie theaters get a cut of ticket sales. Disney is demanding an unprecedentedly larger portion of the ticket sales, meaning the theaters get fucked over. Many (not actually sure how many or if they'll follow through) are saying they're going to boycot showing the movie. Both because they wouldn't make as much money off it, but also because it could lead to a precedent where other studios follow suit and also start demanding larger slices of the pie.
Personally, I hope this all leads to some sort of chain reaction that results in a collapse of the modern paradigm of centralization around a couple super-high-budget blockbusters with nothing else but low budget indie flicks.
capitalism was a mistake
The argument of RO vs TFA is fucking retarded. They're both disney dogshit pseudo-capeshit. It's all garbage, and it doesn't matter which is higher up in the landfill.
you're replying to a post that says it wasn't good.
Lucas is the second largest shareholder in Disney. No, he doesn't mind selling it off. What does get to him was giving up creative control.
I don't think George Lucas is very experienced with not being in charge. Other than working with old friends like Spielberg, he's never really not been the boss. The prequels were self-financed. He hasn't really had to collaborate with anyone in a long time.
Keep dreaming. Special deals for movies like this aren't uncommon. Phantom Menace had requirements like it could only be shown in the largest theatre, and it had to play there for eight weeks, etc. Disney's kind of being dicks about it, but from their perspective they're spending hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars hyping this movie's release. The marketing budget for Last Jedi is bigger than a lot of movie's budgets. If they're spending so much more advertising this particular film, why shouldn't they get a little more of the ticket sales?
>Phantom Menace had requirements like it could only be shown in the largest theatre,
yeah, back before the 2008 crisis you fucking idiot
I never said I actually think any sort of collapse is going to happen. I said I HOPE that would. I know very well that I'm dreaming.
Also, your excuse is just post-hoc rationalization. I've heard this a million times over for everything from movies to video games. "The company needs to dick others over in this way because movies/vidya/whatever is getting to expensive". It's simply not true. They're making more money than ever before right now. Especially Disney of all companies.
They're simply trying to squeeze every last dime out that they can. They're not sitting around saying "okay, I think this would be an acceptable amount of money to make, and we should cut it off there and not go any higher". Stop attributing any sense of implicit morality to anything these kikes do. If they can jew you out of more money, they will. That's all there is to it.
itt people who think the film business is a zero-sum game
I'm sorry, what's the problem exactly? For The Force Awakens, Disney required 64% of ticket sales and that theaters show it in their biggest theater for at least four weeks. For Last Jedi, they're requiring 65% and the same four weeks.
Since Force Awakens exceeded expectations and proved that the hype was real, it doesn't shock me that Disney is asking for an extra point. They don't need it, obviously, but so what? Big movies always come with restrictions for theaters. Guaranteed hits always come with restrictions for theaters. Last Jedi is the closest thing to a guaranteed smash hit that has ever been released, so it only makes sense that the people who made it are asking for more than they ever have before.
>The Force Awakens
thank you, I was trying to remember the title
It was a requirement for theater owners to give Disney 64% of ticket sales for Force Awakens, as per the contract.
He regrets not asking for even more money.
my small local theater is playing TLJ. They only charge 8 dollars for standard 2D viewing :)
>no one is a bigger Jew than Lucas
He was one of the last remaining bastions of gentile filmmaking in Hollywood, and he was THE last AAA director who hadn't been by the kikes.
the deal was cash and stock, disney is still paying lucas via stock dividends, someone else does the work, and lucas still gets paid
he doesn't give a fuck
My local theater charges 4 for matinee
Where the fuck do y'all live? My theater charges at least $15 per head.
Man, I used to do nondiscrimination testing on 403bs for so called non-profits, therefore I had everyone's gross compensation and it just made me sick seeing all those 7 figure salaries. Then I'd look up the 990s just for shits and giggles to see how much help they actually provided in charity and...well I had to quit that job.
>not liking finn
He is unironically the best character in the new trilogy. Kylo would be good too, if he wasn't so fucking awkward
He probably doesn't care about Star Wars and making anything else with it as he already made a shitload of money from the prequels and selling off the franchise felt like the right thing to do then let Disney push him off because he doesn't want anything to do with the new films.
>Georgie Boy only cares about money.
>literally spent his own money on improving technology
>mfw there's an alternate universe where we didn't take the piss out of Lucas nearly as much, he didn't get so butthurt that he sold the franchise to Disney, and Star Wars was allowed to rest in peace instead of being zombified with yearly movie releases from now until Judgement Day.
I find this very difficult to believe. Care to offer an example? Other than top executives at huge non-profits - like the NRA, where Wayne LaPierre made $4.6 million in 2015, that figure including all of his deferred compensation - non-profit execs aren't pulling seven figure salaries. CEO of Red Cross doesn't even have a seven figure salary.
NCAA for one. NFL switched to profit recently but that was one another ridiculous one. Lots of hospitals (and these usually had separate physician plans so you knew who was making money doctoring and who was making money 'administratively'). Public universities as well. Fucking chancellors, man. NCAA was definitely the worst.
Good fir them. Disney's trying to treat this franchise like a drug. Joke's on them. They're not making Star Wars movies, just re-skinning their patented brand of capeshit schlock, and I've grown immune to it.
Okay, I just looked up NCAA, and I'm not finding support for tons of seven figure salaries. If you're talking about absolute top coaches and people like the President of University of Chicago, then okay. Physicians don't typically pull seven figure salaries.
The fact that you mention the NFL being non-profit as "ridiculous" makes me think that you have no idea what you're talking about. Even when the NFL was non-profit, every dollar from ticketing, licensing, sponsorship, television deals, etc was earned by the clubs and taxed there. The NFL was effectively a trade association. It didn't earn any money. Switching from non-profit to for-profit had basically no change to their tax liability, because all the money in football was not earned by them and was already being taxed appropriately.
Actually George started writing the sequels more than a year before selling to Disney, he was about to make these movies but he changed his mind when he realized it would take him 10 years and he didn't want to do Star wars all his life. He thought Disney was the best company to make these movies based on his scripts and his advice, he was creative advisor at the very beginning. He thought Kathleen Kennedy was just a corporate stooge who would rely on him and other writers for the creative part. Big mistake, the bitch obviously always hated him, she hates men and patriarchy in general. That because she had to suck dick to get where she got. She started as speilberg's secretary in 1979, one year later she was associate producer on all his movies. Since then she's been bragging about being a producer for one of the best movies of the 80s and 90s. truth is she is a parasite who took advantage of spielberg and Lucas' weakness.
Now she's on a power trip and wants to show everybody that she is good. That's why the news SW movies have all been in development hell, and the movies themselves are a trainwreck.
why dont they just boycott the hooknoses running hollywood? this is all their fault anyways. can we get a petition going to get this boycotted?
lucas stopped caring about star wars creatively and putting the brand on anything he could to make money 30 years ago, why would he care about it now?
>and no one is a bigger Jew than Lucas.
Oh you dare fucking mouseshill!
Star Wars is for children.
rey will defeat the theaters as an empowered woman!
When big studios will start asking higher and higher prices the theaters will raise the price of the ticket and it's us that will pay the price for these greedy fat fucks.
>desert cultist lures impressionable team into holy war against rival cult after a false flag attack kills his family
>meets (((Yoda))) on a planet coincidentally steeped in Dark Side power
>is discouraged from leaving before his indoctrination is completed
>is asked to fight and destroy his father whose only crime was breaking up a shadow government comprised of top bankers and religious zealots
How old were you when you realized the Jedi were the bad guys?
>From my point of view, The jedi are evil !
Perhaps, but Star Wars is a special case. Distribution deals are knocked out individually. A typical studio cut is between 55-60%. Disney is always on the high side, and Star Wars is highest ever. It'd be interesting if a theater experimented with higher prices specifically for Last Jedi. No reason why they couldn't sell-out charging $20 a ticket for opening day. Why do all movies cost the same anyway? Some movies are priced too high to get people to come, while others are leaving a bunch of money on the table. Bad economics.
speilberg and lucas talked about this at some college lecture years ago
Hard to believe such a redsabered franchise was written by Jedi.
That'd be interesting to see. But yeah, I doubt it's an original thought. I guess it'd probably be really difficult to implement any kind of variable pricing, like airlines do for flights, as movie prices are way more open and there's a lot more competition. Once things hit the secondary market of disc and digital sales prices are all over the map.
I know there are movies that I'd absolutely pay $20 to see, and other movies that I wouldn't see unless tickets were more like $2. I'd probably see more movies if all tickets weren't $7-10. It'd be hard to pull off anything with so many theaters competing with you, not to mention the distributors getting pissed.
Episode 3 is the only good Star Wars movie to be honest.
Nah, George only looks better with these new installments.
>>From my point of view, The jedi are evil !
thats why they use a crucificx as a light saber since JJ hates those people who see it as a symbol of good.
>Does Lucas regret selling Star Wars to the jewish Mafia?
No, Kathleen Kennedy said they would use his story ideas after he sold and then once he sold they through his storied out and told him to fuck off. He was supposed to be a story consultant, but once he realized that he was no longer the final authority and just another member of the team, he got butthurt. Same thing happened with TESB. Gary Kurtz, Lawrence Kasdan and Irvin Kirshner basically told him to fuck off and jst do the special effects and he vowed never to lose that much control again which is why he basically co-directed ROTJ and then directed all of the PT films himself. GL cannot function when he is not in absolute control. He didn't get his way so much during the first STAR WARS back in 77 that he had to go to the hospital for hypertension. Dude is a fucking pussy.
Keep in mind, this is the same guy who wanted to build some film museum out near Skywalker Ranch and the other homeowners vetoed it so he threatened to make it low-income housing instead. No joke, look it up. Dude is massively passive-aggressive. He also got cucked back in the 80's.
>he did this because he wanted to pull a "Miss me yet?"
This has been my assumption since the beginning.
He also said that this cabal was led by only one guy who turned the neighborhood against the project. That was into real estate, I bet my bottom dollar that guy was kike. They were all enraged about George since he became a billionaire, how dare a goy become a billionaire with all the gatekeeping and traps the kikes have set up to ensure nobody can unless he's one of them?
Yeah, I'm sure that was it.
fucking idiot
>Same thing happened with TESB. Gary Kurtz, Lawrence Kasdan and Irvin Kirshner basically told him to fuck off
You're talking out of your ass. ESB is the first movie George had full control on because he financed it with his own money. Guess who picked Irvin Kirshner? George, he had final say on everything.
Who cares about space fantasy, mythology and sci-fi when you have gender, race and LGBT politics?
found an article but not the whole lecture, I remember watching a clip somewhere but I can't find it.
>lucas comparing lincoln to red tails
ok george