Universal ABANDONS Dark Universe

>A not-so-shocking report over at THR says that writer-producers Alex Kurtzman and Chris Morgan, who were hired as Universal’s “Dark Universe” architects, have departed the franchise.

>The site notes that the studio is exploring its options. One road involves offering the IP to high-profile filmmakers or producers with ideas for one-off movies not connected to a larger universe.


Good. The Mummy was awful.

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very amusing how literally only marvel can get an expanded universe to work cohesively

Ahh too bad I was hoping they could at least retcon all the old movies and treat them as in-universe as maybe a compromise so they could make some sequels or blank vs. blanks but I guess they can abandon the idea too.


>The extra special irony in Cramer’s statement is that Guillermo del Toro‘s The Shape of Water, opening Dec. 1, 2017, is directly inspired by The Creature From the Black Lagoon, and will be an Oscar-contender for Fox Searchlight. What makes this even more hilarious is that del Toro was once attached to direct a Black Lagoon remake for Universal.

hahaha take that jj abrams and kurtzman


>Tensing his arm to appear more muscular in a photo that's supposed to appear relaxed

What an insecure faggot.


>One road involves offering the IP to high-profile filmmakers or producers with ideas for one-off movies not connected to a larger universe.
Kino is back in the menu boys

Also, what monster films from the old times are good, Sup Forums? I watched '32 Mummy and it was pretty mediocre.