What are some good philosophical movies, Sup Forums?

What are some good philosophical movies, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Batman v. Superman

Being in the world

Tree of Reddit
The Thin Reddit Line
The Hunger
Spring Summer Fall Winter and Spring
I Stand Alone
The Brothers Karamasov
War And Peace
Waking Life

Fight Club

American Honey

>The Hunger
Sorry, my bad - I meant The Addiction.
Pic related.


unrionically this

Matrix and vanilla skies.

>philosophical vampire flick
Where has this been all my life?


all of them

>Chris Terrio graduated in 1997 from Harvard University, where he studied English literature and German phenomenology, lived in Adams House, and participated in the Harvard Radcliffe Dramatic Club and the Hasty Pudding Theatricals. Terrio attended University of Cambridge for his MLitt, but eventually decided to enroll in film school. He received his master's degree from the USC School of Cinematic Arts in 2002.


Women in Love desu

>philosophical vampire flick
This is every vampire flick you dipshit

>Interview With A Vampire
>Let Me In
>the latest season of Preacher
>even fucking Twilight

It's rarely good philosophy, but all vampire flicks are philosophical by their nature, trying to balance morality with desire with the need to live. And eternal life as half a person versus mortality as a whole person

Have you even looked up what The Addiction is about?

what did he meme by this?

>Guys there's classical music and a guy talks about God can't be good it's so deep.


>I'll miss the sea, but a person needs new experiences. They jar something deep inside, allowing him to grow. Without change something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken.

Kill yourselves

The Room

>>Let Me In

You couldn't even watch the much better original version, "Let the Right One In". Why should anyone listen to you?


Only marvelcucks will disagree.

I didn't watch half the films on that list lmao I actually did watch the original though and not the remake. I just get the titles confused lol
