What is your opinion on Joe Rogan?

What is your opinion on Joe Rogan?

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Successful man, smart businessman that is hated by loser because "he isn't smart enough!" according to them

Is BJJ as great as he and his friends make it out to be? I want to start a martial art as part of getting fit and all, but I want to do an actual useful one.

he's the smartest dumb person i know

Normal guy who turned what he loves into a job, good for him

Could take him in a fight easily, I laugh everytime I see his height listed

t. lanklet

he just reminds me of Sup Forums's weird fascination with SJWs. He seems ingenuine

probs doesn't have the comedic chops to be one of the greats but still a cool dude

Has anyone here actually tried a floatation tank? Joe makes me want to try it to get rid of tension but if I have to pay for more pseudoscience, then I’m not interested