How do you feel about the generation defining HBO hit comedy Sex and the City?
How do you feel about the generation defining HBO hit comedy Sex and the City?
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Who's horse is it
>How do you feel about the generation defining HBO hit comedy Sex and the City?
Its to die for.
Get it? Cuz her husbando killed someone and the press barely mentioned it at all if ever covered it up with not one year of lost work or anything for him killing someone.
Stop whining goyim. You're trash and you're just jealous. Us Jews are better than you.
please let's not make this another jew thread satc barely had jews
>satc barely had jews
Of course not. Why would (((they))) want to air degeneracy targeted at attacking Jew core values? They only target the non-Jews with their filth.
Creator of the series: Darren Star
>Darren Star was born to a Jewish family
He did 2 other degenerate shows centering on whites, and not Jews. I wonder why that is?
never watched it
Literally the most central Jewish character is a fat balding sweaty lawyer.
There's some limit.
Many a wanks were had.
The entire series revolves around normalizing degenerate whore behavior for white women. It's the same garbage the (((creator))) pushed in his other two series.
It's pure poison.
The brunette was the only cute one.
Charlotte > Miranda > Carrie > Samantha
>new yahk woman written by fags
its ok but hilarious that woman everywhere were taught this was iconic
t. queer and a feminist
I only ever saw this on tbs
Was there nudity?
Oh boy.
To be a series about sex, it was really disappointing, everything was so boring and vanilla, bitches would scream in fear about anal or even an oral.
Are american women really like this? no wonder why this place is full of misogyny, then.
They all had borderline personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder co-morbidity.
Miranda was very much into getting spanked.
Easily best woman.
i decided to give it a shot because it was the only hbo series from that era i havent watched. i thought, you know maybe this wont be the typical romcom that females love. no joke, literally the first 5 minutes of the episode is them bitching about how men are dumb. fucking dropped.
>uncut dicks
Every time
Any SJP?
Pretty sure it was in her contract that no. But there was a lot of nudity.
completely unrealistic, except for the red head i remember she seemed like an actually plausible character in real life.
Miranda was an uptight bitch, but not want-to-wreck uptight like Charlotte.
Steve was right to cheat
You could see Miranda had lots of hidden fantasies, such a shame they didn't explore that more, and instead turned her into a repressed bitch, when we had enough with Charlotte.
lol kike
theres the kike lawyer
the girl who converts to kikedom
the whole fucking arc about meeting kikes and becoming a kike and being baptised in kike pool
the gay kike best friend and his gay kike boyfriend husband
theres the orthodox kike who nails the goyim who becomes a kike
theres the kike main actress married to a kike actor
theres the kike creator
thats just the ostensible ones thered be so many ive omitted
>lol kike
>theres the kike lawyer
>the girl who converts to kikedom
>the whole fucking arc about meeting kikes and becoming a kike and being baptised in kike pool
>the gay kike best friend and his gay kike boyfriend husband
>theres the orthodox kike who nails the goyim who becomes a kike
>theres the kike main actress married to a kike actor
>theres the kike creator
>thats just the ostensible ones thered be so many ive omitted
Best girl
>divorced trash who leaves her god for the semetic god
shes absolute haram
Do I have to turn myself in a fat bald lawyer to get a babe like Charlotte?
I dont get why anyone wanted to have sex with SJP.
Im sorry I just dont get it. And Ive been with some butt ugly girls believe me.
iirc she's the only one of the 4 who didn't show titties
still would desu
To be honest that was more a case of an already laughably lighthanded Irish legal system that was never going to sentence a big American movie star.
t. Irish person, it's not uncommon to read about a serious criminal case in which somebody with 50+ prior convictions getting a slap on the worst because our prisons are at capacity.
She was fucking hot in that movie with Bruce Willis. I think it was a bad decision to change her hairdo to a curly one.
t. herschel gerber born in israel lived his life in new york and russia then returned to israel to make this post
hotter in Honeymoon In Vegas
she just aged badly and it happened very fast for some reason. bad genes I guess.
I still find her cute in satc. She aged better than "hello beautiful".
>I still find her cute in satc
only in the first season perhaps. they were all barely passable, ugly in the morning, spinster hags.
desu the horse loks better now than samantha looked during satc
>barely passable
2 of them were coal burners right? samantha and miranda?
obviously the kike actress and the converted kike cant be coal burners in this show... oy vey
Yeah this. All around sounded like a bunch of shitty lays.
Everyone else
Literally me
probably the least realistic thing about the series is SJP never takes off her bra during ex
looks like a fucking man
her god was impotent
nothing wrong with girl having fun
Because it is.
fuuuck came out 20 years ago
post some webms
t. not a girl anyone will ever want except needy beta males who never had a single vag
literally zero sex appeal, the only reason people had the hots for her is because she wasn't intimidating.
I'm friends with a girl who fell for the memes and now her mom is dead and she has no one really. At least she slept with a lot of men I guess. No I'm not better friend zoned I actually was FWB with her too.
Is it a thing to perform some type of group sex act for one's 30th birthday? This is the third time I've heard of such an occurrence.
lel. im 30 and all the girls i partied with are still single. but they sure do have a lot of instagram memories of travelling!
and in the end... isnt thats whats important? and cats and dogs
I would fuck her
sad that it became a thing, made an entire generation become whores
this desu
god knows how much hollywood changed peoples perception of reality
>"is it physically possible? it means that happens all the time"
it fucked up nyc more than 9/11 did
i like that
i never got why sarah jessica parker copped so much flak
>tfw that show made me realize I’ll never be good enough for a woman
good show
miranda is literally waifu tier
I jerked off to kim cattrall's titty meat more than a few times.
Charlotte > Samantha > Carrie > Miranda
>How do you feel about the generation defining HBO hit comedy Sex and the City?
one of the jewist jew shows that ever jewed
>kim cattrall's titty meat
Miranda > Charlotte > Samantha > Carrie
charlotte > who cares
Four women who complain they can't find love when they're taking it up the arse
pretty sure they don't take it up the arse desu
Samantha probably does
I credit this show with awakening me to the entertainment-degeneracy-industrial complex
she literally converted to be with a fugly Jew because it was the best sex of her life
> I watched it with my ex girlfriend who was a fan of the show
She explicitly said she doesn't.
that's what they always say
It really showed how much media can affect peoples idea of the world. Forced culture.
They should remake it. With all men.
It was always all gay men. Just played by women.
Nepotism? What's that?
charlotte was best character
>good job
its too bad she never really did a good sex scene on the show
>It's pure poison.
To inbred beta males who can't get women, maybe.
It was pretty ground breaking stuff for a mainstream series to do, you know, almost twenty fucking years ago when it started airing.
wasn't she a lawyer?
desu this
name seven kinos from the time that handled oral, anal, bdsm and gays
Miranda was a lawyer.
Charlotte worked for free at a museum or something.
>Irish legal system
North Ireland, so UK legal system
So basically the jews.