oh no, the trillion-dollar company isn't going to win art house awards? They're really finished now bros
ExplAin what happened pls.
we’re not on Sup Forums where you can just post a screenshot an get baited replies.
Make an effort
What did Disney do to LA?
they banned the journal from preview screenings because they wrote some article about Disney that was deemed negative by uber jew Bob Iger. You are only allowed to talk positively about Disney otherwise they'll start taking measures against you. That's the reason they have so many shills.
You don’t have to be antisemitic about it, geeez Louise.
Disney has moved far beyond the need for their paid reviews, at this point they only bother with them because it's instinctive
I'm seeing an effort from the critics to regain credibility after shilling one too many shitty Disney flicks. Like Mike from RLM rambling about how he didn't like Ragnarok but then recommending it at the end, or that Jenny Grinch girl some Sup Forums cucks post sometimes, he made a video about how she hated Tomorrowland and then went on to shill some present day Disney movies.
I mean it's transparent as fuck and not working but the effort is there
I can already picture all these youtube fags like ChricCoksucker and GranceRandom drooling over TLJ, shoving lightsaber up their butts in joy.
Times writer claimed Disney is blackmailing Anaheim with Disney Land, Disney banned film critics from Times from seeing Thor early.
From my understanding
>LA times writes a story about Disney getting cozy with previous Anaheim politicians with exempts from future taxes, subsidies, rebates and so on, threatening the city they'll put their money elsewhere if they don't get their way.
>Disney gets pissed at LA times but doesn't provide any counter evidence or demands redactions, bans the times from future disney screenings for critics and pulls ads
And now we're here. To be fair I didn't read the full la times story but that seemed what they were going for.
disney brings in a lot of people with their movies, so they thought it was only natural that they should get a better deal than other companies with their star wars movie. they have a higher fee on that move than any other company, usually it's 55/60%max per screening in theaters, but their cut with the last jedi is 65% or even 70% if theaters don't do exactly as they ask with the movie. they do this because they thought everyone would just get in line since it's star wars. smaller theaters said fuck off because 65/70 is too much for them. also there was something about how they didn't pay for some parking garage tax in anaheim or whatever because of a deal with the city. basically they are strong arming their way into everyone's shit because they're fucking disney.
>Disney getting greedy with theater chains
>Disney trying to buy fox
>now this
It's like they're trying to sabotage themselves. Also doesn't this give credibility to the shills claim? Say good things about Disney™ and get special treatment, talk shit and feel our wrath?
>yfw NAZI Porg did nothing, but Disney shot his own leg instead
>he made a video about how she hated Tomorrowland and then went on to shill some present day Disney movies.
Who and what video?
You liberals, jews and drug addicts are fucking out of your minds, your spitefulness destroys EVERYTHING!
>going up against the Eternal Mouse
They're all going to end up committing suicide via two shotgun blasts to the back of the skull.
Bob Iger is a megalomaniac who's gonna keep up these power trips until enough people get fed up to start hurting his financial bottom line.
And the thing is he's too arrogant for it to turn out any other way.
It's called Hubris, and the company is run by a jew. He will do anything just because he can. A deceptive piece of shit that stole Star Wars from George and turn it into kike schlock. There are fags and chinks in star Wars now, yes chinks from mainland China not from an imaginary planet, because Bob is depserate for that almighty huan.
as if disney, who practically own the film industry at this point, really care about what a select few pricks think of their capeshit
Victims. Aren't we all?
How can these dumbasses still not know about the Streisand effect?
desu the article is quite biased, it makes some valid points about Disney meddling with the city´s political parties, but in the end they claim that Disney always delivers to the city what they promised (more jobs, taxes which are huge, and other services to the city). But for some reason the article makes it seems like ¨yeah, they do pay taxes and bring tourism to the city, but fuck disney because we want them to gib mor!¨
Also for some reason they somehow assume is disney´s fault for the increase in the crime rate i the city and illegal imigration issues (53% latino now, you no longe white America), Which to be fair are pretty much the city council´s fault, as they downright give homeless people food and shelter, which in some cases, the city counsil asks for disney to support those programs.
And yes while Disney doesn´t provide counter evidence, the LAtimes sources are also quite questionable.
>also there was something about how they didn't pay for some parking garage tax
here is the thing, Disney has some weird deal witht he city´s parking garages, some believe that for every ticket sold, they give 1$ in tax reneuve, which is ok is you consider their daily assistance is of thousands of people. But the article makes it seems like they SHOULD give more in taxes because right now they are charging more for each ticket. Also the deal was made in early 2000´s, but it cant be broken, it does gets broken, Disney has all the rights to twist the city´s arm as they are not the ones breaking that deal.
Here is a simple example:
>Disney: Hey user please give me 1,000,000$ to build a castle!
>user: ok, here, but I want a 1$ per person that gets inside the castle
>Disney: DEAL!
>Disney gives user back over 3,000,000$ in a month over the deal, while they make 15,000,000$
If there's one thing journalists and critics care more about than their shill money, it's their pride and ego and dick sucking for one another.
>yfw this all snowballs and TLJ gets a rotten rating from critics out of pure spite
the thing may hurt them a lot, if more "critics" follow, RT scores may get real, instead 90s%
pleb looks at RT a lot, especially random normies who pick movies by reviews. it can hurt Disney a bit, I hope
personally i don't give a shit about critical reviews when picking movie to watch
Actually Disney looked desperate for any obscure award they could put on their bluray cover. It seems important for some reason, they think it gives some credibility to these otherwise dreadful movies; "Teen choice award" for example
>decline of traditional 2D animation
I'm sorry, your mouseshit was never really good to begin with
They need to bring back Roy Disney or someone else from the actual Disney family to inject some more heart and soul back into the company because everything they touch now is so horribly flat and generic, BUT it doesn't matter to them ebcause they're guaranteed $1.5 billion and a 95% or higher review score off of every release.
The actual CEO Bob Iger is a complete hack, he has no degree, he was a weather man at ABC and somehow managed to climb the corporate ladder. Normally a CEO has at least an MBA.
I don't get it, for decades Disney has done a perfect job of shadily controlling Hollywood. Why are they suddenly so brazen? Have they deluded themselves into thinking they're 100% untouchable?
At least that would balance out all the glowing reviews TFA got despite it being completely forgettable shlock.
Because he's a jew. Welcome to jewish nepotism.
Never going to happen. Walt was anti-semitic for a reason. Once he was gone and his ignorant family took over, they didn't realize the danger of letting the yids in. The yids clawed their way to the top and took it over, and they'll never give it up. Disney is no longer Disney.
>Friendship ended with Disney
>Now Alt-Right is my best friend
100% this. Every movie/tv award show is nothing but the entertainment industry sucking it's own dick and patting themselves on the back about what a good job they've done. Disney doesn't give a shit about this.
Admit it: He Jew-carded.
They make north of a billion dollars on almost everything they touch. That creates a massive arrogance.
TFA was pure crap. Most of their capeshit is pure crap. BUT RT just will not give them a bad review score.
we have movies for years, ond you'll pay to see them
Huan Ovyu did noting wrong
Too bad none of that really matters now. Had Disney just said the article was bullshit or just flat out ignore it and went on with business as usual nobody would be talking about this. Disney objectively shot themselves in the foot by pulling this petty shit and now people see Disney as the villain and I can't blame them.
I hope that's bullshit, but it's probably not.
I'm counting on it, nuStar Wars is pure shit.
>model it on a topical boogeyman that will be irrelevant and forgotten by the time these "movies" would come out
Not to defend disney or anything, but I hope they would be smarter than that.
>muh Sup Forums strawman
>too lazy to keep up with the happenings on a television and film forum
Search engines have existed for a while.
This is the best end, all around, because then fact aggregators like RT are shitty and can be used as weapons against 'problematic' movies. If we can put even a small dent in Disney's ego/pool of money and make RT less relevant, we all win.
Big if true. No way to know if it's bullshit, but it at least seems plausible. Something I could've guessed that The Eternal Rodent would want to do, anyway. These are the same people who plan out a dozen capeshit flicks per year TWO DECADES into the future.
Have you paid attention to the media over the past 1-2 years? Trump derangement syndrome is totally a thing. They all live in their little bubbles completely disconnected from the outside world and with no sense of reality. The exact sort of people who would think they're clever doing some thing as dumb as that.
>Grows Disney's market cap from $48b to $163b during his 11 year tenure
>Disney Studios broke $7b in ticket sales for 2016 (a new record for film studios)
>5 out of 10 of the highest grossing films of 2016 were Disney films
Lol yeah what a fucking Jew hack, those "major critics" are totally going to ruin Disney
it's "counter-semitic", but thanks for playing
>I accidentally half a sentence.
This is the best end, all around, because then people might pay attention to the fact aggregators like RT are shitty and can be used as weapons against 'problematic' movies
Then again, if TLJ is a good movie that tries to break away from the formula a bit (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) and it gets review bombed over this, then we might forever lose Star Wars to JJ. I already hate that he is doing Episode 9. Anything actually compelling added in TLJ is going to be thrown out in favor of the mystery box.
I'm not even sure you know what you're arguing against, Chaim. I thought you people were supposed to have high verbal IQs.
>oh no, those critics that help raise that stupid tomato score that more stupid people listen to aren't going to see our movies!
You had me until the ANH remake, KK and friends are arrogant hacks but not to that extreme. But remaking the prequels for fan service and knowing that people won't care about SW spin offs after the main saga ends is actually plausible. Disney isn't THAT soulless right?
>No female lead
That's clearly BS
No way that's happening. The backlash will be too huge
At MOST they might make an alternative prequel trilogy that doesn't outright contradict the prequels but somewhat ignores them.
They will NEVER remake episode 4 (at least not live-action). Even they're smart enough to know the fans will crucify them if they try that
>if TLJ is a good movie that tries to break away from the formula a bit (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) and it gets review bombed over this, then we might forever lose Star Wars to JJ.
They're literally going copy ESB right down to the big climatic reveal. Disney might've got away with remaking ANH, but episode V is a different beast.
>fearful that once the next trilogy ends, that fans will stop paying attention to Star Wars
Damn fucking right they will.
They've basically made every wrong choice with Luke, Leia and Han, making all their accomplishments into phyrric victories and dust, killing one, making the other not-Mon-Mothma, and Luke a failure. This has turned off the fans who grew up with them/saw the original SW in the cinema, because they are still young enough to be an important part of the viewerbase (late 40s to early 60s), and EU fans who got to see the heroes accomplishing great things.
They have even managed to partially turn away the younger fans, who grew up with the PT and The Clone Wars. My little brothers entire generation saw Star Wars as Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka.
The only good (new) character left to follow is Kylo Ren, and that depends what they do with him. He feels like he could exist in the setting and like he has a past, present and future. And that's largely because he is a mix of several EU characters rolled into one. Even his original (costume) look has a resemblance to Revan.
Bob Iger is a used car salesman, he bought better companies than Disney and milked them dry. He's a parasite, they're making a lot of money in short term, but this company is going nowhere because they aren't creating anything. This guy belongs to Wall Street, he could be trading random products on international markets it would be no different.
>then we might forever lose Star Wars to JJ
Implying it didn't already happen
Yeah, they've always been in the business for awards. The billions they've done from the movies was just a lucky coincidence.
Even my 60 year old mom, who won't watch the 'Story' films because they don't have the original cast (except Obi-Wan, because she thinks Ewan is hot), has watched that Mark Hamill video where he shit-talks the ST (deserved on or, because I hated his idea for Luke in ROTJ and am glad Lucas shot him down) and it's made her wary of Last Jedi. She was annoyed at the end of TFA that he didn't even get a line of dialog.
She was a teenager who was amazed by ANH and had seen nothing like it before and introduced me to Star Wars as a kid. I know you can't use one person as 'proof' but for me it's a warning sign that they don't recognise the value of the middle aged audience that make up maybe a third of the fanbase.
Look at the leaks and even just the trailers by themselves and the interviews this movie is confirmed to be a "remix" of ESB, the only new and "risky" things Rian is gonna give us is shoving the color red everywhere and one maybe two new ships.
This. They know their movies are all shit and only kids and numales like them, they couldn't care less about prestige or recognision as long as they sell their figurines
Allow me to hold onto hope, user. Please? I may not like where Star Wars is heading, but hope dies last, and there is always a chance someone will steer the course somewhere better.
Disney are too big and have too many popular brands.
All Disney have to do is threaten to not allow these studios to show any of their movies and they will cave, as for critics...nobody cares about them. People will still go see the movies.
Boycotts never work because people simply refuse to do without something they like, no matter what.
I feel like Finn would've been a good character if they hadn't made him inexplicably incompetent 75% of the time. Pretty sure that was deliberately done to make Rey look even more perfect. This is the show version of Dany all over again.
I'm more concerned that the Star Wars Cinematic Universe is not an extended universe, its a massively contracted one.
I'm an old guy, the universe of the original trilogy was vast enough to contain legendary conflicts, hundreds of new worlds, etc. It seemed plausible that the Jedi could be a small forgotten cult amongst all this, its articles of faith long forgotten.
The prequels were bad enough and Disney (for no reason at all) seem to be carrying it on. Now Star Wars is a small incestuous village where everyone is related and everyone knows everyone else's business. Its tiny and its boring.
nigger it's fucking star wars, it could score a 0 and it would stil make billions, if not in tickets in merchandise. fuck, this whole thing is just a giant commercial for shit you're going to buy to your kids
>Have you paid attention to the media over the past 1-2 years
No. Jesus Christ, No! I gave up on the "media" and pop culture about 2 years into Obama, after years of being a political junkie shitting up forums across the internet.
You would be surprised how easy it is to ignore that manufactured nonsense, and how the quality of life increases when you're not constantly bombarding yourself with News-Cycle Psychosis. The only place I hear people crying about gender and identity politics, and muh drumph is crybaby cross posters on Sup Forums.
And that's not even to say I don't stay informed about world events, I just don't take it through the multiple filters of "professional opinion havers" and news marketers.
I suspect that "star wars" isn't going to be a blank check at disney anymore. Especially after the fucking fiasco that is the han solo movie. I mean they pretty much threw everything in the trash and started filming Ron Howard's Solo movie, with an increased budget to cover the new filming schedule.
And I don't know if audiences are going to follow them along if the next couple of movies don't really deliver, because at it's core "Star Wars" is 2-6 (depending on who you are) really fucking good movies that have become classics in culture. Disney can't take that away. It's not like marvel, where they cultivated it almost from the get go with characters you hadn't seen on screen before (I know everyone except iron man has had television shows and movies, but those were all decades ago and only mentioned as a meme).
>Marey sue, Poop Dameron, Finn dindu, Adolf ginger, Kylo nerd, emperor Shmuck
>Kid, I've flown from one side of this galaxy to the other. I've seen a lot of strange stuff, but I've never seen anything to make me believe there's one all-powerful force controlling everything
>Sorceror's ways...sad devotion to an ancient religion...
Whats the modern equivalent of this?
>I'm really into music but "The Beatles"? Never heard of them kid.
>V8s can't go fast, thats ridiculous.
>I'm an important general and trust me, if there had been a World War Two, I'd know about it.
As soon as Disney copies shot by shot of Empire Strikes Back, it'll be a disaster for them.
Disney is backpedaling
It's not just about the movies, though, even if they are obviously the main draw. Disney bought a franchise. A universe that hundreds of millions, if not billions, have grown up to love. The only things doing really well are the movies and comics, and even they are only averaging in the 90k sales range, which is a tiny percentage of the fanbase.
No matter what you were into, Star Wars used to have you covered. Not so much now.
The awards are more for the actors and directors.
The studio only cares about the money that comes in and awards don't really affect that.
>he actually thinks this movie's success has anything to do with its quality
That's outdated.
Well, didn't they do that in TFA, and it didn't provoke riots. Implying doing it one time was okay. It was not ok the first time.
I'm laughing that Disney was actually scared for once and bent the knee but at the same time disappointed that SW won't rightfully get their shit kicked in. It will be business as usual.
>bans the times from future disney screenings for critics and pulls ads
Well, sounds logic from them. Isnt this a normal practice? Even if it's done in a more subtle way?
those award shows are shit because they're completely bought and paid for by corporations like disney. it's strange how you separate the two and seem to only find the award shows guilty
Oh no not the awards. Tell me, when's the last time Disney got an award for a non-animted movie? And when wasn't it because Disney owns 2/3 of the major studios making animated, wide-release movies? You think Star Wars will bomb because it doesn't get an Oscar? Or Marvel movies? And with the award committees being complicit in sexual abuse all around Hollywood (still giving awards to Woody Allen btw), who really cares about awards anymore? They've lost meaning because the elite Hollywood royalty let it become a corrupt popularity contest among said elites.
>Amid a growing backlash, the Walt Disney Company on Tuesday reversed its decision to bar The Los Angeles Times from press screenings of its movies following an investigation by the newspaper into the media giant’s business dealings in Anaheim.
>“We’ve had productive discussions with the newly installed leadership at The Los Angeles Times regarding our specific concerns, and as a result, we’ve agreed to restore access to advance screenings for their film critics,” Disney said in a statement.
"The newly installed leadership"? Sounds like The Eternal Rat pulled some strings and bought out the newspaper from under them. Best way to fight the opposition is to control it. I bet their Anaheim investigation is going to get memory-holed. The mouse always wins.
t. assblasted Sup Forumscuck
>based mouse doesn't give a fuck!
>"We decided to backpedal and take it like the bitches we are because without our bought fresh tomatoes a Forces Awakens becomes a Pirates of Caribbean 5"
Damn this was quick
>He thinks Your Name wasn't complete weeb garbage
>wanting to watch NuWars
>supporting the Mouse
everything about this is fucking hilarious
and this kek
This. Also, somehow I think Disney could hurt those critics much more than they could hurt them. And if they wanted to, just for laughs, they could pay them off for good rewievs
I live near Anaheim and have been following disneyland and its ties with local government for years.
The LA times article was complete bullshit.
Nothing of substance was ascerted beyond random "experts" giving opinions even when data and disneyland's own rebuttals contradicted it. Essentially, all that happened was that the local government has been sucking at the teet of Disney for decades because Disney has essentially made Anaheim worth something, with jobs and a low crime rate compared with similarly sized cities. Than LA times got pissy because some of their political groups weren't winning so they blamed Disney and put out unsubstantiated lies in order to fuel hatred against the 'big meany'.
tl;dr LA times bitches for political reasons while Disney creates jobs and infrastructure allowing Anaheim to prosper.
You underestimate the power of negative reviews. Disney doesn't. that's why they're throwing money at RT IMDB, mainstream reviewers and even youtube fags with only thousands of suscribers.
didn't know disney shills on Sup Forums
Nope just a bunch of leftypol bots whining about corporations and THE MAN because Disney charges money for stuff instead of giving it away for free to everyone.
Hi bob
The arrogance precedes the ruin, pride comes before fall.
>[DIDF intensifies]
two scoops
two terms
two genders
>implying actual Sup Forums doesn't fucking hate Disney
you're not even trying, shlomo
I could dig this as a HBO/Netflix series, Disney could bankroll it just let HBO market and do all the heavy lifting. Disney would be brutally in control. The show would go into mostly into the things the movie didn't show and not be 1:1 copies.
As remakes of prequels it seems like such a dick move against Lucas. People would hate Disney as far as people don't like prequels I think they overall appreciate Lucas for inventing everything.
I like the idea of no child Anakin, more Mace, and smoothing out the plot issues and making the motivations more obvious and powerful.