Is it worth seeing?

is it worth seeing?

it seems to be the kind of show that only 45 year old me would watch.

You would think so, but somehow it just works. Top-tier sitcom, accessible for anyone

It's very good situational comedy. Just finished watching the series finale actually.

I assumed so too, but it's really good.

40 year old you will love this, and 50 year old you will love Frasier

vv comfy

desu this show makes me wish I was middle-aged and rich and drinking fine sherries with my metrosexual brother

Who eats Tossed Salad and Scrambled Eggs together.

You use Hard Boiled Eggs with salad because they’re cold and look nice.

is a comfy show for all ages

No, they never resolve the tossed salad and scrambled eggs arc. Waste of time.