Is it worth seeing?

is it worth seeing?

it seems to be the kind of show that only 45 year old me would watch.

You would think so, but somehow it just works. Top-tier sitcom, accessible for anyone

It's very good situational comedy. Just finished watching the series finale actually.

I assumed so too, but it's really good.

40 year old you will love this, and 50 year old you will love Frasier

vv comfy

desu this show makes me wish I was middle-aged and rich and drinking fine sherries with my metrosexual brother

Who eats Tossed Salad and Scrambled Eggs together.

You use Hard Boiled Eggs with salad because they’re cold and look nice.

is a comfy show for all ages

No, they never resolve the tossed salad and scrambled eggs arc. Waste of time.

i used to watch it when it was on late at night and i was staying in hotels, it always relaxed me and made me feel at home.

it's a great show op give it a chance.



Niles/Daphne 4ever

step aside frasiercucks

Very under-appreciated show, but it's kind of apples and oranges to compare it to Fraiser.

FWIW, I watched Cheers religiously, but Fraiser lost my attention somewhere around the third or fourth season. Maybe I was too young at the time, or maybe I was of the wrong social stratum.

I was definitely too young to fully appreciate Northern Exposure (plus it it was on opposite Monday Night Football for most of its run).

Frasier is literally an antidepressant and anti-anxiety medication. Pop a few episodes on and you will feel better

Can you give me a rundown on what this show is and what happens in it, I see it mentioned and I remember seeing the dvds but I know nothing about it

If you need to ask, just watch friends instead.

Otp right here brothers

they're the best

It's an hour-long dramedy about a small town in rural Alaska. In the earlier seasons, it mostly follows a Doctor from NYC who moves to the town, as a fish-out-of-water thing, but as time passed, it focused more and more on the other townspeople. It's a hard one to explain. In some ways, it was ahead of its time, and prefigured comedies like 30 Rock and Parks and Rec., but it's also different from those in a number of ways. Like if you crossed them with Riverdale or something, I don't know.

You probably have to watch it to really understand.

until the episodes about death or chance of losing a loved one.


Even those ones, melancholy Frasier is still comfy


they adored each other.


is cheers connected with fraser?

I can deal with some of them, but that episode where Marty is explaining why Alice's guinea pig died and then realises Eddie would go eventually brings tears. I turn the episode off before he goes to give Eddie a hug

I take it you've never seen an episode of cheers before?

Yes, Frasier's a very successful spinoff

fraiser was a spin off of cheers. he does mention the cheers characters now and then and i think afew of them cameo'd

Lillith, Sam, Diane, Woody, Cliff, Norm etc all appear

frasier is kino in its purest form. best sitcom ever only rivaled by seinfeld

is wings comfy?


Cool thanks, I always thought it was a half hour sitcom for some reason

>tfw the series ends and there are no more episodes left and you're staring into the void again

same 2

im on season 2, started watching it again

I switch over to Seinfeld then. start from season 3. by time Im done, Frasier feels fresh again

Its definitely worth checking out but Seinfeld will always be the best 90s sitcom

I hope you mean exclusively laugh track sitcoms. Seinfeld isn't even Larry David's best show, Curb is better, Malcolm in the Middle is up there with them, and so is sunny. Probably forgetting one or two feel free to add to it. 30 Rock faggots need not reply. It was good, as is just about everything Tina Fey touches but it definitely wasn't as good as people act. I only powered through the last couple seasons to see what happened to Kenneth.

>and so is sunny.

Well then it should be clear that they're related. Frasier isn't exactly a common first name.

What do you think was the best sitcom of the 80s?

those are all fantastic shows (even 30 rock)
frasier takes the cake for me no other show hits me like fraish
also among the comfiest shows ever

>crazy people living under a rock, don't know Wings

30 rock deserves high praise, it's not the end all be all but it still makes me laugh 3rd time around.

Yes it is nigger. They've spent the last 3 seasons tearing down the legacy that they've built but it doesn't change the fact that seasons 2-8 were pure degeneratekino.

I liked it as I said but it has no place even being mentioned when discussing the best sitcoms of all time. That's like listing the Fresh Prince, it was objectively high quality but nowhere near the best.

>malcom in the middle
>everything tina fey touches is good
>watching 30 rock for the most unfunny character on the show
>in case you didnt know, sitcoms dont have to have laugh tracks mlady *tips*

>implying malcolm in the middle isn't one of the best sitcoms ever made

>3 dude bros, weird foreign guy and slut the show

nigga did you just compare the supreme kino of frasier to fuckin fresh prince. opnion discarded frasier is the goat deal with it pleb

for god sake niles

>Kenneth most unfunny
>not Jenna
Nigger it's like you never even saw jack and Kenneth's poker game.

Northern Exposure is like Twin Peaks, if you take away most of the mystical and supernatural elements, and just double down on the goofy townspeople and their slowpaced lives.

>what is reading comprehension
I did literally the opposite.

>show where the main character is an eternally whining, annoying, cuck jew. All the other characters are ok and Alaska is beautiful. Fuck that fleischmann faggot tho

Its like youve never even been on mickey rourkes sex grill

>show where the main character is an eternally whining, annoying, cuck jew
>implying the actual GOAT sitcom isn't exactly that

>listing frasier is like listing fresh prince
>both are high quality but nowhere near the best
>somehow that is the opposite of comparing them
>you in charge of comprehending your own writing

stay butthurt, frasier is the goat

Read the replies you fucking mongoloid, I was talking about 30 Rock. Meaning 30 Rock and the Fresh Prince shouldn't be mentioned when discussing this you absolute fucking brainlet.

King of Queens >

>david hyde piece me in the ass plays gay dude on show
>praised as an "actor"
>turns out he wasn't acting at all
>was playing himself the whole time

Should have his emmy awards taken away

stay mad pussy


>laugh track
Technically, Fraiser didn't use a conventional laugh track: it was shot in front of a live audience, same as Cheers was. There was some sweetening done in post-production, as with pretty much every live audience show since the '60s not named All in the Family, but that's not the same as a "laugh track," which implies 100% canned laughter.

Seinfeld was mostly canned laughter, though (only the apartment scenes had a live audience, and even those were heavily sweetened for the sake of continuity between takes). Arguably, we can actually place a lot of the blame on Seinfeld for reviving the old-style laugh track, which (as opposed to live audience plus sweetening) had been nearly dead for most of the '80s.

>it was shot in front of a live audience
How does that work? Frasier has a bunch of different locations and travels around them quite a bit

>not mentioning Threes Company
Whoa what plebs

Frasier doesn't appear until season 3 of Cheers

Save it for the semantics dome E.B. White.
But nah in all seriousness I guess you do have a point. I notice certain shows like Frasier and Married With Children have less laughing more variety in the laughs. I especially like that you could tell how much Al Bundy hated the studio audience because he'd just fucking talk right through it forcing them to shut the fuck up.

>Paul Blart: Not Even Mall Cop: the show
>somehow better than anything other than maybe friends

>Paul Blart: Not Even Mall Cop: the show

>Kelsey Grammar's first episode as director was the episode Moon Dance

Not bad for a first go.

At least Larry is funny, fleischmann was just a faggot.

They had multiple sets on the same soundstage (which is also the same soundstage that had been used for Cheers). Not all of them were set up at once, just the ones needed for a given episode (and they had a few versions of some of them, such as smaller and larger versions of the coffee shop). They did, of course, have some on-location shoots, which wouldn't have had an audience. I'm not sure if those used just canned laughter, or if they did what All in the Family did in later seasons, and played back those segments for a live audience for reaction.

The thing is, live audiences are as old as TV and come from the days of live broadcasts. Canned laughter was actually created to replicate the effect of a studio audience for the (then) newfangled single-camera shows like Leave it to Beaver that didn't shoot in front of one. The problem is that audiences started to notice the difference, especially with the renewed popularity of multi-camera, live audience shows in the '70s, and once you know, the fake stuff can really become obnoxious.

Newer single-camera shows (beginning with Larry Sanders on cable, and then Malcom in the Middle on network TV) ditched the laugh track completely, which ironically leaves multi-camera shows as the only place it's used at all anymore.

IIRC, when they finally released M*A*S*H on DVD they provided two sound channels, one with and one without the laugh track (the producers never wanted to use one in the first place, but the network insisted, though it was mostly dropped in the final season).

I just checked and apparently it was filmed in front of a live audience. Wow I would have never had guessed, he keeps travelling to work, the coffeeshop, back home.

I didn't watch Frasier until a couple years ago directly after coming off of Oz and I always get a chuckle out of seeing him because he looks just like pic related. I imagine Beecher got out of prison and dove even further into his pretentiousness to try and forget all the faggotry that drove him to this moment.

I'm 32 and I started watching this nearly every day. I'm halfway through season 2. It's brilliant. Everything comes together really well and the chemistry shared by Frasier's cast is off the chart.

Here's a drinking game: Take a shot every time Kelsey/Frasier seems drunk.

Lots of live audience shows regularly used multiple sets on the same stage. The Dick Van Dyke Show, Mary Tyler Moore, Happy Days (after the first couple of seasons, which were single-camera), Murphy Brown, etc.

Even I Love Lucy did this: although they had the one main set (the apartment), other location sets would also be erected as needed on the same stage (even ostensibly outdoor scenes were not really outdoors, just a set).

British shows, OTOH, tended to have outdoor shots on film, which would then be played back for a studio audience for reaction (the most familiar example for American would be Monty Python's Flying Circus, which would occasionally even joke about it).

I guess the writers just dont know what to do with those tossed salad and scrambled eggs

Didn't know that, they did a good job I think, I always thought it was mostly shot in his comfy apartment. All the sets look so comfy.

hmmmm too big to be comfy in my books

I got into it at 18. It's a very tightly written show, extremely satisfying and comforting to watch.

He never seems drunk. The man was a brilliant actor, even his colleagues on the set said this of him. He would show up to work drugged out of his fucking mind and when filming would start he would magically transform into Frasier Crane.

All my friends were crazy for this show at the time but i just couldn't get into it, tried the first episode and just didn't click with me, just looked dull

>They did, of course, have some on-location shoots, which wouldn't have had an audience. I'm not sure if those used just canned laughter

If the production process same as the UK, then any on-location shoots would be shown on TV screens to the live audiences in-between the live scenes and their laughter would be recorded then. So no canned laughter their either

jesus fucking christ
3 bedroom, 4 bath, 2 balconies

zero comfy but classy af

>it seems to be the kind of show that only 45 year old me would watch.

A 9 year old me watched it. How fucking shit are you? or are you just another soyboy millenial.

>zero comfy
>not closing yourself off to the world in Frasier's bedroom and listening to the rain in bed

the early seasons were good, but halfway through it turned into pure crap.


I wish I was you and could watch every episode for the first time

Comfy show or comfiest show?
Seriously, it's so comfy. I don't use that word too often. Some of my fondest memories are laying in bed at 2 in the morning with my portable DVD player watching Frasier season 1 while it steadily rains outside.

80s comfy: Cheers

90s comfy: Seinfeld, Frasier, Fresh Prince (a few might disagree with me on this one)

00s comfy: The Office, IASIP, TPB


Don't mind me, just posting worst character in the show