JUSTICE LEAGUE Cast Weighs In On The Possibility Of A Crossover With THE AVENGERS

Company warriors BTFO!

>"I would love to be in a crossover!" Jason Momoa said. "Hell yeah! I mean like, Hemsworth, I love him. It’s like, to be next to Thor, or to be next to the Hulk. It’s like ‘oh, I’m going to take you out on the water and drown your ass.'"

>"It’s been done in comic books" said Henry Cavill, "and I think once stories start to run out or people feel like they’ve seen it all before, yeah, I think there’s something there in the future."


>Hell yeah I want another huge paycheck for just looking ripped

>AVENGERS Cast Weighs In On The Possibility Of A Crossover with JUSTICE LEAGUE
Like we would really jump into a dumpster fire (which the DCEU is)

Amalgam Comics Cinematic Universe when?

JLA/AVENGERS comic book is a good story to base it on

Fuck a movie, we need a Marvel vs DC fightan game

calm down this will never happen in our lifetime

Made by Capcom

Unless Disney buys them too

>able to do anything to the hulk
Damn Jason really let the fanboyism get to his head didn't he?

>Please we're desperate for an audience

Drown him.

AVENGERS Cast *Breaths In* On The Possibility Of A Crossover with JUST LEAGUE


Which movie are you in, user

But why is Henry cavill still talking? Superman died.

Aidan Gillen stayed another 5 months filming Dark Knight Rises after shooting his bit role for whatever reason.
Cavill is doing the same.

So desperate to create hype for justice flop that they have to talk about an impossible mcu crossover.......JUST

t. fatass

they would BTFO the avengers
even the JL's weakest is a motherfucking killing machine

They want that MCU money.

No. Made by someone competent. SF5 and MvC Infinite are terrible.

> Hulk
> needing air

He has been in space and on planets with no breathable oxygen many times.

>easy money
>never going to happen

pick one

Dr strange could solo the jl just by trapping then in the mirror dimension. Or in a dimension where they are eternally falling like in Thor. They'd be trapped before they even knew what was happening.

But can he swim?

It almost took nothing short of a miracle to make the last Avengers/JLA story to happen in the comics and after that, neither company wanted to do it again, even when it sold like crazy and made both marvel and dc millions.

Logistically, the chances that reunion happens on the big screen and short to none. Disney had to jump through hoops to get Spider-Man to guest star in their movie. Now add to that every actor involved in such a project (schedules, fees, contracts, etcetera). Then add to that Disney and Warner committing and agreeing to terms.

It's a titanic endeavor. Not impossible, just highly, incredibly unlikely.

Of course it will happen, it's just a matter of time Disney buys Warner from AT&T

DC needs this way more than Marvel does

Why does Momoa talk like a teenage girl? Does he use vocal fry as well?

See, now that's awesome. That's the spirit of the comics right there. I haven't cared for much from the MCU here lately, but I don't begrudge anyone their enjoyment of them.

nah, flash would buttfuck that faggot



>Disney wouldn't even allow xmen into the new marvel vs Capcom game
>Thinking they'd ever do a crossover with dc

It won't happen.

I had a dream the night after seeing Thor of the Justice League teaming up with Thor and Hulk in a crossover movie.
Am I a wizard?

It would be nothing but a quip fest

disney wants to fuck fox over until they have no choice but to sell the rights to their marvel properties.

If you think that was Disney you are a retard

I feel like there's a bit of disparity in the two universes' power levels

DC battle between two godlike beings

You don't say


Marvel battle between two godlike beings

It wasn't Capcom. They certainly wanted wolverine in and marvel owns the rights to video game wolverine

It was. X-Men characters for video games aren't Fox property but Marvel itself, but because Disney doesn't have them for the movies, they backed them out of any other source.

So you are the retard, retarded retard with retardation also nigger.

t. rdj

No way in hell superman is staying dead. Its confirmed he's coming back to life in Justice League.

>yeah, i would really like to be in successful movies
>thx marvel-senpai

Ragnarok Thor is on par with DCU Superman now.

Hulk is more than on par with WW.

Batman is almost on par with Cap.

Cyborg is fucked against the Vision.

Aquaman is fucked against either Scarlet Witch or Iron Man.

So yeah, DC loses.

don't forget black panther and doctor doctor

Disney would never allow Superman to punch out Thor

lmfao ragnarok thor on par with supes? were we watching the same movie?

DC supes moves about 10 times faster and hits 15 times harder.

flash can kill all of them in 1 sec

Batman would destroy Steve.

>DC supes moves about 10 times faster and hits 15 times harder.
What bullshit math

>Jobs to Parademons


Fuck no what is Batman gonna do? He won’t win in a fist fight, even if they are even matched Steve doesn’t get tired.

Compare the warehouse fight with any of Steve's fights. Steve would be fucked.

Can Batman do this?

Or this?

Steve has the strength and speed advantages Batman isn’t going to win.

Or take endless direct shots in the face from people as strong as Iron Man? Cap already beat the shit out of someone with a super armor, so I hope Batman's is better than Iron Man's.

Who are Colossus, Cyclops, Rogue, Spiderman, Quicksilver, Polaris and Starfire supposed to be crossed with?

Runaway: Rogue and Gipsy
Ferro Man: Colossus and Ferro
Apollo / Ray Summers: Cyclops and The Ray
Mercury: Impulse and Quicksilver
Spider-Boy: Superboy and Spider-Man
Firebird: Fire and Phoenix
Shatterstarfire: Shatterstar and Starfire

Tony stood up to Thor for awhile, but he's on a time limit. If Steve hadn't stepped in, Thor would have eventually wrecked Tony's armor. Aquaman is at least on the level with Avengers 1 Thor. He'd win against Tony eventually on land, Nevermind underwater.

Tony vs Cyborg is a more comparable match IMO.

Ragnarok Thor could beat Superman given his magic powers.

Wonder Woman could take Ragnarok Thor. His thunder powers are impressive but she's killed a god throwing lightning before.

Vision and Scarlet Witch are powerful but the Flash could get them.

Batman would BTFO Hawkeye and Black Widow. Steve could take Batman in a fight, assuming Batman isn't doing something crazy like firing on Steve from his jet. Fucking forget everything if Batman has time to study anyone. This is the Batman who had Superman at his mercy.

Superman and Hulk would be the fun ones to watch

Cap would destroy Batman and so would the KANG. Dr. Strange would also destroy all of them and Captain Marvel is going to be more powerful than all of them to appease SJWs/feminists.

>Ragnarok Thor could beat Superman
>Wonder Woman could take Ragnarok Thor

Wut? Superman is far more powerful than Wonder Woman and he has slapped her shit in easily every single time she's gone bad.

Movies, bro.

Oh yeah Flash has no experience breaking out of mirror dimensions

>He'd win against Tony eventually on land, Nevermind underwater.
Doubt it

>This is the Batman who had Superman at his mercy.
Cap doesn't have a kryptonite.

We're talking about movies, not comics. Wonder Woman in the movies is either near Kryptonian or on the level with them. And her bracers could take any of Thor's lightning blasts whereas Superman would be vulnerable to them.

seems more like
>I wanna work on a fun movie, not Snyder's dark moody shit

Batman would use the whole scenario as a weapon against Steve and wreck his shit. In the JL movie he's fighting fucking machines as if they were punching bags.

Tony couldn't stand up to Cap. Cap had trouble with Loki. Loki is completely physically inferior to Thor. Aquaman is comparable to Thor.

Traps and tactics go a long way. Tech. And Batman in super armor is a much better fighter than Tony in super armor

Cyborg can hack any of the movie Iron Man suits very easily. He's made from a mother box after all

>Aquaman is comparable to Thor.
You keep saying this but fine ok. What's Aquaman's plan for dealing with Dr. Strange and Black Panther?

Cap seems strong but during fight scenes his punches and kicks only have a little bit of weight.

To be honest, i felt that Batman in BvS was too fucking OP. He didn't seemed fucking human.

Cyborg is busy getting wrecked by Vision and Friday.

What about Strange? He hasn't shown in any fight scenes. He's sequel-bait tier guest as of now.

And Batman would easily fuck with Black Panther and his small dick.

You should watch Civil War again sometime. I'm watching it now and even kicks from normal guys lift people 4ft off the ground to give it that action movie feel

Vision couldn't even hit Falcon, that crossed eye purple motherfucker.

Can Aquaman bring Mera? She could kill every Avenger but Vision at the same time in under 3 seconds. Honestly she should be on the league instead

>What about Strange?
I'll translate: I have no fucking idea, so i'll dismiss him because it suits me

>And Batman would easily fuck with Black Panther and his small dick.
So Batman's dealing with Cap AND BP? kek sure

I'm really surprised to find out that these actors would be willing to be a part of a bigger more successful franchise. Interesting.

lolno Supes was stated to be able to move tectonic plates in BvS and moves too fast for any of the avengers to deal with. He alone could annihilate them all. Throw in WW, who's leagues above Hulk and its a stomp. We don't even know what flash can do yet but I'd be willing to say he could solo as well.

What i'm saying in regards to Dr. Strange is that i don't know how he'd fare against any other character, because as of now he had only his solo movie and guest-appearances here and there during credits of other movies.

Mera would obliterate every Avenger t b h
Movie-wise any member of the Justice League can solo the Avengers, who are really, really nerfed.

For all we know, in the Infinity Hawkeye can bitchslap Strange with a well placed arrow to his chin. This is something that i can easily aspect from these movies and it actually makes some logical sense when you think about it.

The Flash could solo everyone

The MCU went for the grounded feel early on, while Snyder pretty much tried to pull a DBZ stunt in everything. Even Batman felt like a one-man army in BVS.

Correct answer. And it looks like DCEU Flash will continue the trend.


Deadpool making fun of both MCU and DCEU is where we should draw the line.

Odinforce thor is easily on par with supe.

ITT: Nerds

>Batman + Wolverine
This was the most obvious crossover there has ever been

Dr Strange can and has recreated the multiverse. It would basically end there.

Why? Batman + Daredevil works far better, personality wise.

Because both sells.

lmao nigger all he does in the movie is fly and create a neon whip
flash leaves bendthatdick cucumberbitch's anus sore in less than a second


When has movie Strange done that? If we're quoting comics, I'll drag out Dr. Fate and we'll talk. If not, then we're talking movies. And the Flash can move faster than Strange can think or perceive. Based on BvS we already know he's fast enough to run through time.

Of course we're forgetting someone in this thread

>the dc actors would like a crossover
Well of course they would, just like Accrington Stanley would like to play a Champions League final against Real Madrid.