We did it, Sup Forums!
We did it, Sup Forums!
What will their next franchise be? Are they going to milk Pacific Rim and try to tie it in to Godzilla, and maybe Kong too?
Universal already made a perfect monsters cinematic universe back in the 30s and 40s.
and yet DC still lives
Maybe they should just make good standalone movies.
It's 2017, they're not gonna
I'd be happier if it were capeshirlt instead, I don't care for either but it would be great if capeshit went down.
Clickbait title.
Alex Kurtzman and Chris Morgan leaving. Dark Universe promotion cost them too much to fully abandon project. They probably gonna get more experienced high-profile filmmakers.
Kurtzman goes milking TV series and Morgan back to Fast And Furious (+spinoffs)
>"We are not rushing to meet a release date and will move forward with these films when we feel they are the best versions of themselves."
>"This affords Alex Kurtzman more time for a project that is really working well: Star Trek Discovery,"
>"There's no way to give up on this. This is Universal's legacy,"
Pacific Rim is WB, not Universal.
Good, Dark Universe is complete shit.
Pacific Rim 2 is Universal, though.
oww. Uni got right to sequels now?
Good news. Eat shit you faggots! That's what you get for rebooting a franchise with a guy who's almost 8 years older than the star of the previous films and whose screen charisma has worn off considerably in the past 5 years. With a first time director who has written and produced generic garbage for over a decade.
Can we please put Cruise out to pasture as an action star? For fucks sake dude do an interesting movie for the first time in 20 years.
So this was their 4th failed attempt? Don't they realise that without quips universes just don't work or bring money in. That's why Marvels one is so good, because it works. No other universe could do that. You have to have a mix between humour and serious moments. Especially now, because we live in such unpredictable times, with people in top places that have no idea what their doing
>Good news
it's fake news you faggot
Thing is, quips and humor was what mostly like ruined movie here.
Cruise literally saved this. If they would take no-name instead, movie wouldnt get even 200 mil. Cruise star let this pass 400 mil, making it the only not-total-flow "Bad movie" of the year.
flop i meant
When are these faggots gonna learn that the only way to make a good cinematic universe is to make at least one good movie first, and then start thinking bigger?
Both, Marvel and DC are based on popular pop-culture icons that were refreshed all the time. Dark Universe roots on monsters that very handful people remember now. Best example with mummy, where like 80% people did not relalise original one is from 1932 and incorrectly refering to 4th (??) reboot as original.
Dracula or Frank are quite popular but mr Hyde for example (actually kinda correctly shown in movie - not Hulk-like creature) or Invisible Man are long forgotten.
Fast & Furious and Underworld shared universe.
tom cruise is objectively perfect. he's the best movie star going
I was actually looking forward to seeing Bardem as the monster, he has the same facial structure that Karloff did, would have been great.
Goddmanit, and i was hoping to see a new dracula
Will we live to see the end of capeshit and cinematic universes?
Eurofag here. "Mummy" is going strong in DVD/BR/Home Entertainment all across Europe.
In 3 days sold nearly 70 000 units in UK. Thats a lot. Brits love to see London in american blockbusters.
Reports from France are well too. Mostly to french actress, movie shines in DVD/BR sales.
According to friends from Germany or slavic/eastern Europe movie sells really good too.
I guess "Mummy" gonna be near top of worldwide DVD/BR sales, only losing to capeshit and Disney.
Has the karmic wheel come back around for Brendan yet?
Capeshits: Eventually, though not for a while
Cinematic Universes: No. Unless people simply refuse to support them, studios are going to continue doing this shit.
This, I only torrented the movie for Cruise, if it wasn't for him I would probably had dropped the phone at the 7 minute mark.
> tfw no more monster kino
I dont understand, did they think the franchise was going to make gorillion dollars just because its part of a universe
Good. Now we can have more marvel quips