Who WOULDN'T want to get buttfucked by a young, pre-aids Charlie. I don't see what the big deal is

Who WOULDN'T want to get buttfucked by a young, pre-aids Charlie. I don't see what the big deal is.

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He could massage my prostate with his penis and make me ejaculate and I'm not even gay.

>user would unironically get ass fucked by a man
As always, OP is faggot

What's gay about that?

When your a kid and the AIDS scare is rampant, would you really be thinking that?


Didn't it say that Corey wanted more sex but then Charlie rejected him? Also apparently Corey only got over him when they fucked a second time when they were in their twenties

how do you know he didnt have aids then?

He got it in the early 2000s off a prostitute. He claimes he's never used a condom ever, kek

Just because you do something that's gay doesn't mean you're gay, I can cut down a tree which is what lumberjacks do but it doesn't make me a lumberjack, yet wanting anal suddenly makes me gay?