That episode with Abby's mom just made me realize how shit the women today are

That episode with Abby's mom just made me realize how shit the women today are.

Abby's mom had had 3 sexual partners her entire life. Abby has had 32 and she is like 32. This is the women that we get to choose from.

What a time to be alive.

Other urls found in this thread:

Women have a limited time before they turn into an old hag nobody wants. That's why they tend to fuck around a lot.

Men only get more desirable as you get older. Providing you take care of yourself.

This show seems so degenerate.

what show is this?

Actually on average boomers were bigger sluts
>"In their calculations that isolated these so-called generational effects, the average number of partners for a baby boomer born in the 1950s was 11.68. The comparable figure for millennials was 8.26, the researchers found."

thats like a couple partners a year. not that bad if youre single

broad city
its jewish fap core

this. delete this thread immediately!

>people don't realize that all these things they call degeneracy is actually the joke
Why is it so easy to troll Sup Forumstards and why can they never understand jokes?
