You can pick up bed bugs at a movie theater

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Rent in Manhattan is 5000 a month and you still get bedbugs.

I picked up herpes at a movie theater

How does one know if they have bed bugs? I get itchy lower legs/ankles sometimes but maybe thats just from being tall and standing still

You get bites in clusters

Triangle of itches. Creepy.

check the sides of your mattress

I had bedbugs for like a year. Couldn't get rid of them no matter what I tried. Had to end up paying thousands of dollars to get my house treated. Wouldn't wish them on my worse enemy.

reminder we didnt have bedbugs 70 years ago
thank multiculti libshits

Only if you live around spics and niggers. I’ve lived in the same upper middle class white suburb my whole life and have never gotten bed bugs from the same theater I’ve been going to for 31 years