1. The Veils - Axolotl
2. Eddie Vedder - Out of Sand
3. Julee Cruise - The World Spins
4. Chromatics - Shadow
5. Chromatics - Saturday
6. Lissie - Wild West
7. ZZ Top - Sharp Dressed Man
8. Au Revoir Simone - Lark
9. Nine Inch Nails - She's Gone Away
10. Rebekah Del Rio - No Stars
11. Au Revoir Simone - A Violent Yet Flammable World
12. Trouble - Snake Eyes
13. Sharon Van Etten - Tarifa
14. The Cactus Blossoms - Mississippi
9001. James Marshall - Just You and I
chromatic's shadow > Trouble Snake Eyes>and then sharon van etten, the rest are good but nowhere near as good.
They were shit and just encapsuated how Lynch has become a hack. Compare 'In Dreams' to all of these performances. With In Dreams Lynch crafted a scene that pulled away at the viewers emotions, and became the generally agreed upon 'best scene'.
All of these performances are emotionally dull, with no interesting direction, and (certainly) no reason to care.
They did nothing but confirm that Lynch has 'lost his touch', to put it mildly.
>9001. James Marshall - Just You and I
The Veils was one or two of the ones I found cringing listening to the lyrics. The music isn't bad, but that singing and lyrics were fucking dire. I'd say the top ones were The Chromatics, Trouble, Audrey's Song, both Au Revoir tunes, Del Rio, and Julee Cruise. Vedder's performance and song didn't wow me and I'm not a teenager so NIN doesn't do anything for me - it did fit the tone of the episode, though, I gotta say. James Marshall's tune was a neat throwback for nostalgia's sake, but the show has moved on.
Nah, bro. The tunes in TP3 served a different purpose than the In Dreams sequence in BV, that's all. I take it you disliked TP3 since you call Lynch a hack?
I hope seeing this image posted makes you feel "comfy" OP -- because it is the last comfort you will feel for a very long time. Do you feel the fear now? Good. It is exactly as I planned it.
Explain this meme.
Chromatics - Shadow
She's Gone Away - "The" Nine Inch Nails
Snake Eyes - Trouble
Audrey's Dance
Tarifa - Sharon van Etten
Mississippi - The Cactus Blossoms
A Violent Yet Flammable World - Au Revoir Simone
Axolotl - The Veils
The World Spins - Julee Cruise
Lark - Au Revoir Simone
Out of Sand - Eddie Vedder
No Stars - Rebekah del Rio
who gives a shit - Lissie
>I take it you disliked TP3 since you call Lynch a hack?
No - I think it's horrendously overrated, and not the 'masterpiece' people claim.
Lynch is at his best when he is provoking emotions, which he did throughout his film career. Twin Peaks: The Return barely does it. The Dougie plot post-episode 8 (which I really enjoyed) was the best part of the show, as it really nailed the emotion.
There was very little emotion to be found elsewhere. You got plenty of lore, but I never cared about that in Twin Peaks. Sure some of it is interesting, but I don't think there was a good balance.
How Annie was handled is the biggest highlight of Lynch's (or Frost's - and as I'm currently going through Secret Histories, it seems maybe it's his fault) incompetence - Cooper spends 25 years in the black lodge to save Annie, who he loves. Cooper does not mention Annie ONCE throughout season 3. The direction they took Coop with Diane was awful, but it would not have been as terrible if Cooper had actually acknowledged why he was in the lodge. He acts completely out of character, and there is no good reason for it given his final scenes with Janey-E.
It's not Twin Peaks and it's not like Lynch films. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I would have preferred something with more emotion and reason to care. I'd have been happy enough if it was drastically different to Twin Peaks S1&2 - as long as it actually felt like Lynch made it.
What makes it even worse is that retards on here (and everywhere) act like it's what 'all of lynch's work has been building up to'. Blatantly false - it's not like Lynch's other work. Am I the only one that actually watched his movies?
Lissie's song is catchy as fuck tbqh.
LISSIIEEEEEE is best because the finale has Cooper actually going rogue in the wild wild west.
>1. The Veils - Axolotl
All I need to see. That performance was KINO
Come on dude... it's generic as fuck, and the lead singer's "performance" is so obnoxious. It's the only one that doesn't complement its episode, let alone elevate it
You forgot Death Grips, bud.
i hear you. however, what people rate films/series/media in general is neither here nor there, so let that shit go.
I think TP3 was a splendid series in that it encapsulated all of Lynch's tropes, quirks, humor, interests, obsessions, and, also, his faults. The lore stuff was overplayed, I'd say. That's the stuff that when sprinkled throughout the series elevates it. When it's the focus of the series, it kinda drowns it. I dug Dougie and his scenes and agree the departure sequence at the casino was the emotional climax of the series.
I'm actually not that big a fan of the first two seasons of TP. I much prefer his films.
Anyways, sorry for the truncated response. Gotta get back to work. It's actually refreshing to read someone's thought out opinions on the matter.
>They were shit and just encapsuated how Lynch has become a hack. Compare 'In Dreams' to all of these performances.
The purpose and the reason of being are totally different, pretty much every roadhouse scene was shot the same day, lynch said that those scenes were not in the script and that he wanted to shot those performances to use them as punctuation marks between the episodes or between "moods".
Frost is doing an AMA on r*dd*t
Proof that Frost is a hack, and is likely to blame for The Return.
I think Lynch's movies are (generally) much better than Twin Peaks as well, it's just that The Return is drastically different to both.
>muh annie
you faggots need to give it up. there are multiple explanations as to why coop doesn't give a shit about her and they're all unnecessary because he never should have given a shit about her in the first place.
When will Sheryl do an AMA on Sup Forums?
>you faggots need to give it up
Why? It's shit writing.
>there are multiple explanations as to why coop doesn't give a shit about her
Such as?
>'re all unnecessary because he never should have given a shit about her in the first place.
The writing claims he fell in love with her. Just because plans with Addrey didn't work out doesn't make it any less relevant - especially given that Annie still appeared in FWWM.
I left /tpg/ after the finale aired. Came back two weeks later and people were posting Ernie Niles in dead threads. I assume its a meme desperately trying to latch onto the big boys like Vedder
i don't blame anyone for anything. I thoroughly enjoyed most of TP3 and am grateful for Lynch's return to serial storytelling. It wasn't perfect, by far, but neither was the original series. If they collaborate on another series, I'll definitely watch it, warts and all.
>the world spins rehash above shadow
>just you that low
>lissie that high
wrong wrong wrong
the real ranking is something like this
Chromatics - Shadow
Nine Inch Nails - She's Gone Away
James Marshall - Just You
Sharon Van Etten - Tarifa
Chromatics - Saturday
Julee Cruise - The World Spins
The Veils - Axolotl
Au Revoir Simone - A Violent Yet Flammable World
Au Revoir Simone - Lark
Trouble - Snake Eyes
Eddie Vedder - Out of Sand
ZZ Top - Sharp Dressed Man
Rebekah Del Rio - No Stars
Lissie - Wild West
The Cactus Blossoms - Mississippi (completely forgettable and dull, the only part of season 3 I literally hadn't thought about at all since seeing it)
Mark Frost is being a total faggot on the AMA. Answering questions by creating lore on the spot. "Oh yeahm Bobby and Mike are on a bowling team" WHAT A FUCKING NIGGER!
Just you is a meme song. You would never listen to it alone. My ranking was meme free.
we're ranking the roadhouse performances, not just the songs in isolation. just you's inclusion in the show and in my ranking was sincere.
Why do an AMA and not answer/give sarcastic "i think im witty" answers?
Sheryl Lee is true number one always
>who gives a shit - Lissie
Fuck off
Fucking hell, he's not even trying is he.
Fucking this. The band musically was fine but the lyrics and vocal delivery were absolute cringe inducing dogshit. I honestly enjoyed some of the more stereotypical sounding dreampop chick bands than I did Veils. I'd honestly have to put NIN and Vedder at the top of my list and I'm not really a fan in any capacity of Pearl Jam or NIN.
>tfw Frost ignored your Sheryl question
What was your question?
>tfw /ourgal/ is alive and well living a happy life in Missoula
That answer to question 1 is really fucking shit
WOW BOB WOW Mark Frost is a total retard
Sorry user, he was too busy BTFOing Blormpf
asked if there was any significance to Laura having short hair like Carrie Page did in the Black Lodge or if that was just a production error
0. Julee Cruise - The World Spins
1. The Cactus Blossoms - Mississippi
2. Au Revoir Simone - Lark
3. Chromatics - Shadow
4. Au Revoir Simone - A Violent Yet Flammable World
5. Lissie - Wild West
6. Rebekah Del Rio - No Stars
7. Chromatics - Saturday
8. ZZ Top - Sharp Dressed Man
9. Eddie Vedder - Out of Sand
10. Sharon Van Etten - Tarifa
11. Trouble - Snake Eyes
12. Nine Inch Nails - She's Gone Away
13. The Veils - Axolotl
just yOUUUUUU and iiIIIIII.
Want to hug and never let go!
Wow after reading that AMA I actually kind of dislike Frost. It does me nothing to think that Maddie is still alive, or to know that Bobby and Mike go bowling, or that his writing is so spotty that he made Annie a teenager and called it his other character's inconsistency and not his. I even enjoyed reading Final Dossier but goddamn why even bother indulging fans and answering some questions if all you can do is be a smarmy cunt and barely shit out a response. Also I'm a bleeding heart libfag by 4chans standards but his Melania joke was fucking stupid.
Absolutely dog shit taste desu
>mark frost killed /tpg/
If they wanted the audience to forget about annie she shouldnt have shown up in FWWM
As it stands that appaearance cemented her as an element of the mythos
>Twin Peaks: Limited Event Series Soundtrack is still ranked nr 1
Me too user, me too.
She looks like an old hag now.
Does not!
Mark Frost named my synth today. I'm happy.
delet this
can you give me a quick rundown? I just came to Sup Forums after a while and expected to find autosaged generals with lots of crazy shit, but I only find a thread about the music memes and the sherlyposting (that I'm kind of glad is still there, I guess).
What happened?
Nothing, just joking about his shitty book and ama
For me, Twin Peaks lives in three seasons of television and a film. While I like the idea of the creators writing novels or dossiers based on the series, it would take far better writers for me to follow the narrative onto literature. From what I'm seeing here, it seems they're not really worth reading. As Lynch has mentioned, I'd rather have room to dream than have everything spelled out for me.
I used to be a big NIN and Pearl Jam fan, but then I got older and they just aren't my thing anymore. They still do what they do well, though. Interests and tastes change. The Veils, however, are simply shit.
>Wild West even on the fucking list
>"How's Annie?"
>Every year, on the anniversary of her kidnapping, at exactly 8:38 in the morning, she would only say "I'm fine."
>Lynch hires fellow rapists for his cast
What a surprise
All lorefags should be shot for enabling this kind of spooky campfire story tier garbage.
What was the instrumental song that was playing when /ourguy/ Richard Horne was introduced?
The one where the drummer lost a stick at the crescendo.
Shit was p boppin'.
That was Trouble IIRC
another one triggered, never change /tpg/
i dont know why people liked no stars
sounds like a mexican adele, way to dreary and slow to be played at a bar
Reminder that Frost's lorefaggotry gave us part 8.
8 is a mediocre episode.
Mainly because it's a callback to Mulholland Drive's song.
I just started watching the Return, and man, it's so fucking good, and I'm only on episode 4
what is it about this series where scenes of the most mundane shit like Dr. Jacoby spray-painting shovels for 5 minutes can just be so fucking enthralling?
>retcon away the most memorable and harrowing scene in television history
I don't think I'm okay with this.I really hate that Frost has put it so bluntly out there that it was time travel and that it changed the world. I liked it way more as an abstract thing, where we didn't know what it accomplished, if anything at all.
Stay away or you will be spoiled.
Well, it didn't work anyways so she's still dead, we still don't even know if her or any of the other characters exist anymore.
/tpg/ continues to be btfo
daily reminder that Frost is a hack
I miss coming to /tpg/ and opening up my Twin Peaks folder to post memes and my eternal waifu Audrey
>what is it about this series where scenes of the most mundane shit like Dr. Jacoby spray-painting shovels for 5 minutes can just be so fucking enthralling?
Your autism apparently.
James Marshall - Just You
I won't bother ranking the rest, they don't even come close to the majesty of Just You.
Got a light?
It’s alternate timeline shit so even then Maddy is still dead in the main timeline
Hello is this /tpg/?
/tpg/ is dead, wrapped in archives
Nah Tammy notices changes going on around her, then it starts happening to her. Only one timeline
He was a cunt for sure. He answered my questions so I can't complain about being ignored but I might as well have been for all the effort he put into answering them.
I get that he can't answer anything really groundbreaking or throw massive spoilers all over the place, but damn, it's like he didn't even want to talk at all.
He was literally there to have his book promoted, that's it. I don't know why anyone expected him (or that executive producer lady, her AMA was the same) to give any meaningful lore dumps or insights into his creative process, considering the style and nature of Twin Peaks.
I want her to stomp on my balls with those boots and whisper in my ear that I’ve been a bad boy
What rubs me the wrong way with him is that he won't admit mixing up his own lore or retconning anything. Everything has to be on purpose even when it's glaringly obvious that it wasn't meant to be.
This, at least just don’t answer those questions if it’s meaningless anyway. Frost just wanted to make half of the ama quippy responses, fucking hack
More 100% CANON answers from Frost:
>Bobby and Shelly raised Rebecca together but slowly grew apart, as young couples often do. Amicable divorce, shared custody. Shelly's weakness for "bad boys" never went away, but infidelity was not the root cause for their breakup. Warrants have been issued, but Red, as of this writing, is still on the loose.
>Dick Tremayne is selling real estate in Bellingham. He once tried to get in touch with Wally Brando. Wally ignored him.
>Cyril's thriving career as a local reporter in the Spokane media market let to a brief stint as anchorman, tragically derailed when he used the F word during an on-air earthquake and dove under his desk. Downhill from there, as if he riding a luge, all the way to the Fat Trout Trailer Park.
>Bobby and Mike are in a bowling league together.
>Candie is certainly still in Las Vegas. Maddy is almost certainly still alive. "Jade" - not her real name - was absolutely a big fan of Invitation to Love, which is still on the air.
days without sneaky tricks
They were all shit. Completely crap hipster bands. James was number one of course.
>Invitation to Love, which is still on the air
>In a recent Entertainment Weekly interview, David said that he came up with the character of Freddie — and his magical green gardening glove — "a long time ago" and just decided it worked in this story. A lot of people have criticized that storyline and character — it's definitely bizarre to have BOB defeated by this random guy who drops by at the last minute. In "The Final Dossier," Agent Preston writes, "Don't even get me going right now on that oddball Cockney kid with the green glove" — almost as if she too is criticizing that plot element.
>I haven't seen any of the feedback, but I'll just give you a three-word answer: "deus ex machina."