How should Marvel handle the Fantastic Four, and more importantly, Doom?

How should Marvel handle the Fantastic Four, and more importantly, Doom?

Ask Sup Forums, faggot.

By giving up and accepting they were made in and for the 60s and aren't the timeless characters like other marvel heroes and villains.

He quips

Neither was Captain America but they made him work.

Doom is so fucking based

Movies literally couldn't deal with his character because he is quite literally a benevolent dictator or at the very least not an ebil literally hitl3r one - which hollywood wouldn't ever show

They did Black Panther but I guess that's different since he's black.


When Julian got cast as Doom I was so fucking happy. I love that guy.

Then I saw what they did to Doom...

isn't it different because aliens gave BP's nogland an infinite amount of gibs effectively removing scarcity?