Was it really that bad?
Was it really that bad?
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it's only bad if you don't like anime
it was worse
Not as bad as Dark Knight Rises
That's the kind of you can't re-watch, so yeah, that's pretty bad. Especially the last 15 minutes, they're just very embarrassing.
i rated it
It is really that bad.
I really liked it. FUck the haters, stop jumping on that Sup Forums hatetrain.
Although some minor flaws, the score was amazing. The story captivating, the characters interesting and a good performance from Matthew
It's idea is kinda good but there are about half a dozen "jumped the shark" moments, each dumber then the last.
Woah lemme try
and the Harry Potter Magical Library ending is cringe-tier
It was actually pretty good. It made me cry three times
The soundtrack was god tier if that
murphkino desu
It was honestly great. Antilovefags get fucked
>mfw I catch a glimpse of my little girl now in college getting spit roasted in her bedroom
fuckin tesseracts man
>those aren't mountains
cool robut
Personally I loved it and it's one of my favorite movies of all time, especially after going through all the science of it w physics prof
it was always good
just turn off your brain when you get to the ending
Neat idea with good music choices but filled with bullshit that made no sense.
this is kinoposting
Look at the pretty stars!
Yes, it was quite bad.
H⭐ck yeah
Do a Mcdonalds sign.
But your not gonna love it
>"hey TARS any mathematical input on our upcoming mission?"
>"nah, see you in 27 years"
guys, my feet smell
what do you guys do to stop smelly feet?
my gosh, murph...its full of stars
>dude love lmao
You should do the think face, all done in st⭐rs
it's a good movie but a bad film
It has way too much exposition and not just for the science bits. Why is an astronaut explaining to another astronaut what a wormhole is only just as they are about to go into one?
Characters constantly tell you how they feel. Why even have actors?
The movie is also as subtle as train crash, with them mentioning "Lazarus" twice, Matt Daemon literally telling you why he did what he did etc.
Why even consider Millers planet? Why couldn't they figure out that only an hour passed on Millers since the scientist visited it before actually going to the surface?
That stupid quote that Michael Cane repeated like 5 times.
What happened to the plague at the end? In the beginning of the movie they said that they couldn't grow plants even in isolation because the plague still destroyed them. So how could they grow them in space? Why didn't they just do that in the first place?
The movie attempts to be really emotional but it fell completely flat for me. Nolan doesn't seem to be a good director when it comes to emotion.
Why did the wristwatch keep moving after it was removed from the room?
The sense of scale was fucked. Everything felt like it was incredibly close. They make a big deal of how huge the black hole is, but they go around it in what seemed like half an hour. The planets felt as if they were right next to each other.
Then that docking scene. One minute you are in the orbit of the planet, next you are falling into the black hole as if you were right next to it. Imagine the ISS falling into the sun.
It seems like Nolan created the individual set pieces first and then kept finding excuses to tie them together without any consideration if it made any sense or not.
It's pretty great.
Replace "Love" with Spirituality and you have a logical conclusion and Nolan's magnum opus
Good for one reason
>Was it really that bad?
Thats a loaded question.
It was literally the best sci-fi since Space Odyssey.
Just because autists here are incapable of understand the concept of being loved, doesnt mean its not a valid theme.
how old was she during filming? this movie made me feel like a complete peedo
Typical Nolan shit. Felt sterile, wooden characters, corny dialogue that doesn't realize it's corny, etc.
>Everything felt like it was incredibly close
Because fourth dimensional love beings made them a wormhole to help them.
14 I think? Its not your fault dude
I had three people irl act like Nolan was awful and Interstellar and Inception were bad movies near me and I didn't know what to do with myself.
That was before the black hole though, the planets around the black hole seemed like an hour drive from each other.
No, it was great. Do you actually take the opinion of this board seriously? They hate everything except the Sopranos.
Either stand your ground and debate them, or do what actual adults do and enjoy things because you personally enjoy them.
Inception revolutionized sound mixing and editing. Interstellar showed us a part of space exploration that has never been shown before on screen.
She'll be 18 in two years, and she's legal in the UK and some US states already. You know when a girl is going to be a hot woman from around 15 years old, this is nothing new and it's silly to pretend otherwise, even if we do have to keep the facade up for appearances sake.
I argued strongly for Inception, but they resorted to just calling the whole bookcase thing shit in Interstellar and laughing at it. You can't debate that.
> just calling the whole bookcase thing shit in Interstellar and laughing at it. You can't debate that.
They didnt understand it. A nobel prize was just awarded for the discovery and proof of gravitational waves. Their loss.
Also, why are you arguing with retards?
>Also, why are you arguing with retards?
They're what pass for friends in my pathetic excuse for a life.
this movie was so bad it made me angry
it's really bad
>Just because autists here are incapable of understand the concept of being loved, doesnt mean its not a valid theme.
You don't need bloated movie done in space to talk about it.
If you want to make a movie about being loved you can do it on a shoe-string budget and do it without fucking nolanese dialogue.
This movie made me realize why baneposting became such a meme. Nolan can't write dialogue.
>It was literally the best sci-fi since Space Odyssey.
>there are people who unironically believe this
It was OK. Had too much idiocy to be great. Any scifi film that addresses "the power of love" is shit though.